alr la w V ULai -llltu Assisting with the party were Miss Jean Smiith of Winnetka, Mrs. Nuel A. Belnap, Mrs. 1Edward Woolf, and Miss Margaret Huhbell, of Evanston, *Mrs. C. A. Parliament and Miss Emily Norcross of Ilighland' Park, and Mrs. Robert B. Adams and Miss Gene-vieve. Blessing of Chicago., The Alùniinae, associations f roi ail oVer the country, California,ý New York, Milwaukee, and Kenosha have arranged similar parties to contribute thieir share to this, fund. For it, i-0i for an unusual, cause that-this emerg- encv f und came into existence. In the winter of 1928, when- stortrs on L.ake Michigan hroke -up Chicago's sea- walls as 'if they were match-sticksý Kemper Hall, its stately old buildings; its beautiful, trees, its .playgàroundi(s and its traditions, were iii danger of sliding into the lake. Obviously, au adequate breakwater wvas inmeèdiatclyinecessary,1 and one wvas buiît. The. school took care of this necessity, but at, a cost that! eventually, (in fact in May of year), required hielp from its loyal alumnae. r They have corne forward wondiérfully, and this last serles of parties wvill com- plete the $1O,000 they needed to raise:> .-:.Briergate GolfOCub, Ready for B.usy Seasoin The Briergate Golf, club, betwveen Highland. Park and. Deérfleld, with . entrance on the, main hig.hway, is- in good financial condi- tion, the treasurer's report of the club~ shows. The follo'Wing report of John A. Clark, temporary chairman of the menibership committeé, brings out several other "assets" of the club, .11, addition to ils financial standing: "Briergate has corne through the last few years with ýa tried and trué mern- I*ership s econd to cne in the C'hicago "Youl cannot have a real golf icourse ihotthe proper ground acreage .tob play on. Briergate comprises. 160 acres, which is exceptional along thýý north !-hore. 'Most clubs have: less than 100ýj acres of golf course. 'Briergate js generally recognýized as the best 'test of- golf, in the Chicago, district. At the Sectional Pro tourna- muent about toyas ago, only one pro equalled par in 36 holes of PlIY. 1t-, large greens are unexcelled anywvhere and meet .with praise froin every visitor. 'Briergate's total indebtedntss, in- eluding bonds, 'Is less than $60,OOO.ý "The new Skokle. Highway, L.S. 41 wlvi flot onlv oreatlv. reduce driving Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Tay- lor have rented their home at 835 Central avenue, for a year to the H-.. M. Rose family, who have been re- siding at 602 Washington avenue. The Taylors are occupying the H. . Willis ho me at 215 Fifth street., 13, at the home of Mary Jane Do hue, 9W7 Elmwood avenue, This be a hobby meeting.. ini New eN Little Mary is quite right. Talking or listening to someone by telephone is realistic. and his glad chuckie over the answer are carried. -miles by telephone a.nd No visit, of~ course, can bc I LLIN NsLD L T E I E PE@ N E c*.