CHAND.LERPS The Ne w WHITE OAK LI BRARY Att ractiv.Iy pricod ...ti ne rirry contains a sel.c- tion of n.w end inter.sting tities in beautifully bound vol- urnes. More new fittes wilI b. aàdd.d from fim. to time. STICKS and STONES and Lewis Pnford. ART IN .AMERICA Suzanne La follette THE MEANING 0F notable collection and Mr. 'Simonsotn Islto be compiimented, for tht general airof istnction whicb it bears. mA"l of the designers' drawings, and. mdels areindexed in h. ctale and some seventy-five draw'ings a re well reproducedand give an1 excellent. indication of tht visual tendencies of the. theatre of today, in America and abroad. This inaterial is supplemente .d by a stries of essays. Lee Simonson writes trencbantly -on theories in the development of scenic. background; Allardyce Nicolwrites of the masque, designs of Inigo Jones; John Ander- son- descibes ail the charm of. tht eighteenth century Swedish ,,theatér at Dro)ttningholm; Paul Alfred' Mer- bach describes tht conditions of tht modern German scene, Oliver M. Savler ind~icates the Place of the de- signer in the Russian theatre today; and John Mason Brown gives rnuch vitality to bis piece on tht American designers. SOCIAL TRENDS At tht present time extensive inter- est is being displayed in regard to thej literature on the subjects of labor movements and social tren~ds. Among Moi'encnt in the? United States : 1860- 189.5 (with its remarkable présentation Iof tht fortunes of tht Knights of Labor) ; Robert F. Hoxie's Trade Unionism i int/he United -St ates, and Jeronme Davis', Copitemporarvi Social. Mo0vennts. Tht satnie publishers re- port that there is an .ever-widening circle of readers for Edward Bellamy's famous prophecy of., social change, Equa1ityý-a book which is a veritable, Htale in bis article, "The Granideur Sinclair- Lewis, author of Main y That*is Washington," in the April Street, Babbitt, etc., andi winner of r uber 'of Harper's magazine. lIt was the Nobel Prize; Dorothy' Canfield, the World's Fair of '93 that gave author of Tit Ben#t Tzcig, The ?rim- d AnIrca ber delusions of architec- »zing Cup, etc., and Louis Bromfield, s tural grandeur, according to Mr. Hale, author. of IEarly Autumn, Pulitzer a and an impossible junible of styles is Prize winner in 1926, Thte Green Bay' the resuit. Tree, The,,Far,., etc., will serve as J "Let us set down," says the, auth or, judges.. Tht« judges cast their votes' "ga littie list of the leading semi- without, knowing.who the authors are, public'or priva tely'endowed buildings and they reachtheir decision without completed in Washington after 1893, consultation among tbeznselvés or with when 'the. great new architectural the, publishers. dawn burst upon tbis country and The Harper. Prize Novel is chosen * bnished thteborrors of the night of for. conspicuous menit and the under- Victoùianism. So, in tht order of Iying purpose of the award is to give their dates: prominence and success to a writer who Library of Conre»* (1897): huge block bas not hitherto found a, wide audi- In the style of t4ie later* Italian Re- ec.Anyat.rwoi iie.o naissance; design chlefly infiuenceden. nyatowhisaciznf by Sansovino ad otrher Venetian ar- tht United States and 'who bas flot chitects.; published a novel iii book form prior Corcoran Gallery of Art (1897):* stated. to january 1, 1921,'is eligible. to be In "neo-Greéek" style, but stud- ded, with Renaissance windows and Tht competition bas been held every tending,, with Its round end or apse, two. years since 1922-23, wiien The very niuch to the older opera-Iiouse Able MLau.qhlins by Marga ret XiI- style; FracieanJloaetri (199) sric so, hich afterwards became tht- Bzantine cehurch itIn the form of a Pulitzer. Prize winnter for 1923, was W fioldcss; (eun197 i-awarded the first> Harper prize. 'Tht cornplete): pure English Gothie styleobrHrerPîeNvl aebei of the iniddle or geometric period; T'he Perenniiol Bachelor by Anne Par-, Union station (1908): vast Imperial rish, 1924-25; The Granditers hy Roman structure: central pavillon oï Glenway Wescott. 1926-27;,Tige- Dark facade copled after a Roman tnium- y ulanG.reen,, 1928-29; Phal arch, the wings a deep Roman > ori >>by u> colonade. Built with assistance of Brothers in the West by Robent Ray-ý the federal government, and designed nolds, 1930-31 ; Tite..ailtof Aitgels bY Daniel H. Burnham; central stat- b alHra, 92,3 ues above the entrance depict Free- b alHra,13-3 domi and Imagination; This competition is.based on literaryv Pan-America,î union (1913): combina- menit only and motion picture. dramatiÈ tion of Spanish and French Renais- adsra ihspa opr nti sance details with classic treatmellt; adsra ihspa opr nii Scottish Rite T'emple (19.18): erected by, a.ward as thty do in varions other the Masonic Order n a n nd,g ,.lnf Freer Gallery (1929): Pure Florentine .Renaissance facade, by Charles A. Piatt; , ational .Shrine of the Immaculate Con- ception (begun 1920; inconplete):, Byzantine tradition, with dome andý campanile; miodern mosaies suppiied by the Ravenna Mosait Co. [ÀAfflied with Catholie University: other build- ings of that institution Inctude Cald- well ]Uall (Romanesque) ; 4cMahon.,. Hall (Renaissance) ; Maloney Chem- Ical Laboratory (Tudor Gothie) ; and the J. K. MullAn T - h. - Among tht distinguished judges ini tht Harper Prize Novel contests have been John Erskine, Professor of Eng- Iish Literature,ý Columbia university'; Henry Seidl Canby, editor- of The Satuirdai! Rev4iu' of Literatuire, Ellen Glasgoý,> author of Barrep; Gronzdd, They Stoopèd hi Folly, etc.; Carl Van Doren, editor ofý tht Literary uid former. Literary Editor of Tre: Nation and T'he Cei turj, and lecturer on 'Amferican Literature at Colunmbia. un[- versity; Bliss Perry. former editor of The Alla» tic Monthl1', and Professor of Englisb Literature, Harvard uni- versity, and I{arry Hansen, literary editor of tht Neu, York World- Tele- flràM bcFlvlISDeig one nY rFlorence Ryer- GUGGEHEIM WARD son and Edgar Allan Woolf. Dr. Grace Lee Nute, curator of NEXT NOVEL manuscripts for the Minnesota His- Just before. departing on a West torical Society, bas been awa rded one Indies cruise Arthur Stringer delivered of tht forty new fellowship awards cf tht manuscript of his next novel to tht annual Guggenheim Memorial bis publishers, Tht Bobbs-Merrill coin- Foundation. Dr. Nutt is tht author pany.. Tht titie of bis new story is of Tht Voyageurs. Ma» Lot. It will1 be outiW October.