Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Apr 1934, p. 40

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Landscape Crounds .cf LaureI School At. its mneeting Friday: after- noon, April 6, at ,the bornie ol Mrm Dan Greene, the Wilmettc Garden club, planned to make the' Jandscaping of the Laurel 8ch001. its néxt clvic project. The hast,*school grounds which ilandscaped were the grounds of the Highcrest school., Pre" moaus to that, the club, with .the Prent -Teachers' associatio worked on the, grounds of the Central« school and of the Laurel, school, and also of the Iibrary. The bird bath in 'front of ýthe Village hall was a gifi, frorn the club. An interestinag, informai talk on window boxes was given by Victor Hiavacek. He told how to prepare the soil-garden loam with a mixture of fertihizers, and coarse sand for drainage. He told which plants to put in a sunny window and wbich to put in a shady window, how to keep them wet enough and not too wet, how often to "feed" them. Mr. Hia- vacek . remained during the part of the program wlhich foliowed-a dis- cussion led by Mrs. C. N. Huribut, on1 gardening in April - and answered the many questionsof the members. Mrs. Davi Cooke told the. manner in which she plants her seeds in flats, about the middle of April each year and how she cares for them. When the second leaf appears she trans- plants the seedling from the box to its place ini the. garden. The Wiimette Garden, club won, a ribbonon each of its three exhibits at theGarden and Flower Show at the Navy pier which closes April 15. The vegetable, still ife by Mrs. 'Charles Van Deursen won a blue for Park Ridge School 1 The Iw for thiss philaiithrô ans Club wornen ô: April 20. Sewing. e, for Girls 1 Mrs. Ernc thée work. a school1 Slinquentà Swhich fe< -active inte< e support., -Sewing 3:30. Ltu speaker re which -isi work. Maric In hei dress of d'esprit fa ines witl ber veil o small crc gar.denias, of the val McDonak Miles MC) ton., formi Have Bfrthday Dinner ast philantliropy sewing day. Wiimette chapter, Order of the season under auspices of the Eastern Star, .wil celebrate the opy department of the Womn- twentieth anniversary of the chapter of Wilmnette and open to ail on Monday evning,- April 16,. as f Wiimette, occurs. Friday, Past Officer' night' with Mrs. Caro-, in'e I., Converse, junior past matronf fo r the ParkRdeSho and Joseph 0. Converse, junior past, is to be donc that da with patron, serving as matron and patron, lest Hl. 1reeman chairman of other stations tob0 ihe ythe -past matrons and past patrons' of. the *The, Park Ridge school, chapter. A dinner' wili be served a home for. dependent, flot de-- 6 o'çiock in the Wiimette Masonic girls,~~ isapiatrPy in temple. Reservations are to be made, iertadt wnslbstk with Mrs. Irene Dahncke, Wiimette ~ret ndtowbch theyr give 3765ý,nfot later than Friciay, April' 13. At the close of the chipter meeting. stars at 1W and ends-.about there wili be an entertainmfentý, ncheon is at noon, with a generouslY sponsored, by August J -epresenting the organization Kuelzow, patron. the beneficiary of the day's April. 18, a progressive 1ucer and bridge - party will be given under the .auspices of the chapter, with the cocktail course at:12:30 at the home of Mrs. Caroline 1. Converse, 161(l McDonald ighland avenue; the main course, )n cDo ald atthehome o Miss Dorothy L. Kuelzow, 611 Greeneaf avenue, and Dars MotIier's the dessert course at the borne of Mrs. Lois B. Dick, 1322 Greenwood aeue-Reservations are to be made W eddig Dfxsý wit Mrs. Gertrude Ackermann of 811 Park avenue. mr mother's wedding Wilmette chapter cordially extends white satin and point an invitation to members of the ashioned along princess Order of the Eastern Star, to at- :h its court train, withi tend its meetings., also the social wihaactivities on the chapter caiendar. . cf Brussels lace wt The stated meetings coiivene on the5 >wn cap, and carrying irst and third Mondays of each , sweet peas, and liles month at 7:30 o'clock at the Wii- Iley Mis Maion anemette Masouic-temple, 1010 Central1 IIey Mis Maron Jne venue, Miss Dorothy L. Kuelzow .d, daugliter of the C. is the matron of the, chapter, August, Donald now of Evans- J. Kuelzow, patron, ;Mrs. Grace M. env cfWilnittp ~ Skelton, secretary. . mna rr .ie d to Richard Dimies ýBuckley. of Chicago Tu.esday. evening. The Rev. John G. }Iindley omcii- ated at the ceremony in the First Congregational church of Wilmette which was graced with Easter liies, fp...,,..A nàm I nernafionael Day 1I.s Service Club Program The Protestant Wonp's R Juniors Announce Springtime Frolic W ith the return of the birds and theý glorious sunshine 'and balmy air, the. Ju niors :of the. Womnan's 'Club of Wilmette are finding a happy, party on their, calenldar to give. vent to that joyous spirit found in youth at springtime,", t h e yaninounce. Plans are well in order for the, Spring Frolic that the Jüniors are sponsoring at the Vista- del Lago on Wednesday evening, April 18.. 'You may _be sure that dancing to 'th.e music of Dick W.irth's orchestra will prove a delight," they declare. Refreshments. will e.srdabu midnight.besrdaou The officiai hostesses for the eve- ning will -be -the foilowing officers and directors: The Misse Dorothy Pettinger, Jane Newton, Dôrothy Marshall, Patricia' McCarthy, Cecilia Benz, Marion Ortseifen, Margaret Benz, and Harriet McDermott., At the Juniors April meeting Tues- day, the third awards were given for their splendid work in; Red Cross sewing to. the foliowing members: First-Miss Amy Crumlish; second -Miss Dorothv Bichl; third, Miss [,illian 1Blaumeuser. The club's - drama reading circle met. last' Tuesday evening' at- the home of Miss Lorraine Moore. 'Pri-, vate .. Lives" by NocI. Coward *wa s read by Miss Amy Crum.inlis'h. Aftér the readin tea was served while he members. discusse.d the. play. t Alpha GamM*a club Suburban Club Dance lTeé Suburban Club of, Wilmette is reopening its series of dances on April 14. It is to be "April Shivers," and thie F.vatston Community Golf club is. its, After the marriage service, a large reception was held at the Orrington .Mr. Dimes and bis bride have lçft for Bermuda on their wedding trip and.after their return New York wil be their hoâme. Ward-PBélmont Luncheon A luncheon for ail former students of Ward-Belmont wiil be given Sat- urday, Apnil 14, ,at 1 o'clôck, at the * Georgian hôtel in Evanston." The Zeta Phi Eta sorority is having its luncheon and annual meeting Sat- urday, April 14, with Carolyn Barr and Hope Summers the hostesses at, 128 Dupee place, Wilmette.. Mrs. Carey Culbertson will reàd, "ýMen.in' White." Mrs. C ulbertson is presi- dent of the Women' s University club of Chicago. j I *

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