Porkc Loin Roaist avrge14c "er spen ber par, iman'studies at Prin( of Iast week aft«r e e e24111 BONELESS SMoked 1BUTS..2I FANCY SPRING LEC.OFLAMB .2.3c swM~s COUNTRY ROLLED AUTHORIZED DEALERI V8S V4VSr ROLLS: - ROYCE builders knowpm for qulit'y .... select the Ford Chassis end Ford Spring . Suspension. for théir $3,500 car! Accordiîng ýto J. S. inukip, president of Rolis- Royce, the new car ... the Brewster, with. Ford> chiassie, *Springs, motor,.clutch,--wheels, axies, etc., and a Rolls-Royce custom body on a 127-inch wheelhase > b as: been developed for the "fine car field" at a considerably lower price. it is on dispain, aNew York ACE MOTOR SALES, mc.> A. C LYNCII, President SALES - SERVICE - PARTS 435 Main Street, Wlmett. we need those things, but 1 don't know how you're going to go to several stores and get back before the girls, of the, bridge club arrive.'. Phone Wilmette 535 tory in our home paper and! read the ada 1 wanted. It's easy to find them and save time with theý help. of the weekly direc- tory. It's la big help to shoppers ia hurry. .and here aire. ans, D ".iel ... .. .. . .. . . " RrOs . . . . . . . . . .47 THRIF'IY1 SHOPPERS SAVE3 MONEY, WEEKLY -1 -quw ..... g y %inserg'u »rug Store ..........Il 0. FI' 15............18 lVInnetka Oongregational Churel "N................ .......8s Ruuusm a e .............. 21 Clennueri. ............. il WoIff-Gris ......... ......... 47 Servie Garage ..... il Wortben's .......... .7 JGH THEI1R ADVERTISING OFFERINGS FANCY, ROASTING ............ ........... illin 1 a