(L ft .. toI,) Thr suit in a rich brown tw. s.y blouse is a dark bro hem an -unusually wid. bel. Coat is swagger S HAD OW PAN EL The four best-selIing types of slips, each with wide SHAD- 0W 'PANEL. :Mode of hoeavy silk crepe that launders beutfully. Lacy or tailored. lias cut in sres 32 to 40. Straight eut to size 44. Ad1 atable -atraps; te. rose end white. Values to $2.95. ASIC ANY EMPLOYEE Sale $22.50 a' 5~p $1.70O -'I', (Luit ... conter) Twopiec. mannish suit. Rftw- lengjth coaf is proctical for siammer trevel wear. Smart shede of fan. And look of ibis low prie. 7.50, "h $9 50, ~BRAND, NEW- SPRING. SUITS, SPECIAL AT $15.00 --- I ~7 'y< 'I lis huApporel Src Iso-LORD.-secLsnd Flou,. prov.es your FCOLOR 'CUNTýRAST fashionh.,s* : Vivid Scarfs TaiIord PuIl-QOns Add Verve to Tweed Out its 0f Soft, Supple Ca>eskins $115$19 Choose from Ascot SevereIy t a il1 o rad typas; plaid taffeta yet giving tlet note fsquares to fie in Of elegance t. *ny cowl style. or cV*pa costume. BlIa ck. squares in dainty brown, blue end pastels. gray. 6-butten. LORD'S-First FIoürr LORD'S-Pirlst Floor BrÏmmed Straws. A n A ccepted Hot Fashion $395 New rough straws. i navy, black Pr brown. Trimmed with narrow grosgrain band and a tiny cluster of buight DosiIUL Costu m To0 Complement, Your Ensemble $2.25 e'Bag Cay Plaid- Rai ncoat's $4.95 Çpats in or navy rose. L<0RD'S-Second Floor LORDS- $29.50 -FOUNTMIN SQUARE Preé Parking Rear of Store . Direct Firat fi. or Entransci. Sport *s iii.linen handlkerchiefs in bright floral o r c 1 e v e r geomnetric designs. An unlim- ited variety. LORD'$S-Firs.t Flooir soima coiers. Fri gin.- Up. prystal braceles in c olo re d dots and checkis. LORD'S-Pirsi Ploor- 1<0KV S-Fir rstFoor LOR DS Phone Wilmette 3700 WILMETTE, LIPE APRIL l 1934- ,Aftnuctl .,Storei-Wide SîI:k SLIP.S $1.89 i T5- a SENSATION in the newlydeveloped'Supplesu "mix",