school, a suburbati scilool that corý' responds to New Trier. Each year y Maplewood extends invitations to. high séhools in Missouri and neigb- boring states to participate. Boys from New Trier who will go. and the events, in which they will take part are: $111 Faymonviile, shot put and discus; Capt. James Kingsleyi- pole vault ; George Maxwell, high, hurdies; Louis Boliensen,' high jump; AI Struebing, broad jump; Martin Bridges, quarter mile, and DeWitt Jones'and Laury I3otthoff, dashes. This wili be, the third year that New Trier has, entered the relays. Paul Delaporte' of the' New Trier faculty, -who assists John May in' -c-oaching the New Trier track team, wilI acompany, the boys to St. LOUIS. ,Monday of this week an. attractive silver loving cup, given to the. school winning second placed in the annual * Oak Park relays, was received ,by NJew Trier.. A track figure mounted t n a round base comprises the trophy. ACCEPTED AT U. OF C. Elisabeth Barden, daughter Of Mr.ý adMrs. J. P. Barden of 270 Fair- view avenue, Winnetka, is among the first students to be accepted for ad-, mission in the freshman class at the University of Chic ago next autumn. Miss Barden wiil soon graduate f rom New Trier High school where she * has»been a leader in extra-curricular activities, heading the Girls' club in the capacity of president, and win- ing the girls' singles chanipionship * in tennis. Miss Barden is the sister of John P. Barden, present editor of the Daiiy Maroon of the University,. of Chicago, the campus, newspaper., Mis., John H., Lawson, ýJr., Jack, and' Dicky, 330 Sterling road, Kenil- Worth, will return Sunday from a five weeks' visit to Miami Beach. Mr. Lawson's mother kept bouse for him. -during. their absence, sults oft *ter owrn -contacts and growth. Particuiariy the show presentà a splendid, quality of design work. And Carl Scheffler, director of- the. academny, feels''is. this qualit y which ,has. prover so ,practical for his youn g artîsts going out fir om the schooi 'into'the commercial art world. North shore students. of the academny, .whose Works *are. shown: Vinnie Grondai, Margaret McCali, Jean McConneli, Marjorie .McNie of Winnetka; -Anita Johnson, Grenfel Older, Peggy Loui Doering, Etheibel Harian, Marion Rockafeliow of Wil-* mnet4e-Ada- Jane Reasner of Hub- bard Woods'-; David Nutt,,.Emüelyn. .Waltz of Giencoe; Georgian Don- nersb erger,. Ruth. Robbins, Willie Donnersberger of Highland, Park; Marjorie Debrs, Betty Morese, Jane Waggoner, Winifred Thacher, Elean- or Currey, jane De Boit, Gordon Grant, John Howard, Betty McClear, Estelle Press of Evanston. PRESENT IRISH PLAY On Tuesday night, April 17, the Erin Players wiil present for the second timne the Irish play, "Peg 0' , my Heart," at Paul Revere chu house, 2525 Irving Park boulevard, Chicago. It was presented originally ini St. Aiphonsus Athenaeum, South- port avenue and Wellington street,' on March 16, and- was laciaimied by an audience of 1,200 people. Mrs. Louis Bouchard, 222 Oxford road, Keniiworth, was luncheon hostess to ber bridge club Friday. Mrs. S. A. Williams,, 515 Abbotsford road, Keniiworth, is entertaining her bridge club at luncbe on today. RIDE fo ecreation and health GIoENLAP3700 WINNHTKA 418 NORTE SH-ORE SOHOOL of Physical Development 1700 Centrai Street Evanston. Baise Shop-Street Floot 1100 OuDevis Street Get out.of-doors. t'sthiat timne of year. Enioy these early spring days.,. Our rding statbles are ready. There'. a horse there to suit your perionality. Expert'horsemen are- there:eager to instruêt you in horsemanmhip. Fées for this enjoyable. recre ation were, nover. lower for either individueal or class instruction. For 'pleasure and health, plan to ride, horséback this year. For f ull detauls cal! Mr. Szymmanski. Phos..: