(J o ffe ra a new service Papoers Rentai ýLibrary 924 Spmamh Court Wilàett 5421, A BEAU Fincj ' Pôwder %anqernBlendinj Beaufy Cultuei ilis Branches MRS CIAO SAUfl 1<37 CEN«RALAv¶i4 chairman of the sale. Mrs. Robert Osgood and son, Bobby, and- daughter," Alison, 647 Brier street, Kenilworth, and Mrs. Osgood's sister, Mrs. A. T. Downie of Glenview, returned Sundayof last week from a two month's visit. to Pass CrstaMISS. Joe Hayes, who i a freshman at the Unive rity of Wisconsin. spernt the, spring holidays last, week with bis family, the Clarke1 L. Hayes of, 911 Lake avenue.- Miss Jeane 'Fisher, 926 Greenwood aVenue, returned, last- Monday from a week's visit in Atlanta, Ga., as. the guest of the Paul M. Potter f amily. Namiz Ren Ili, If you can't buy a1 »U rsg rationei new oe SIJINE UP the OId One Maybe the oli car looks irather shabby these days, after winter snow and mud. Traffic,' too, duiIIs the finish. Our washý job wilI fix it up for sunny days and our careful Si mon- izingý wiff make it new and bright again. N Mrs. Berniëe T.. Van der V1ries of W'innetka and Hàrrv C. Kinue of Wihnettè were successful candidate" of, the Republican part y' i the Pinr election T-iesday of thistweek. Mrs. Van der Vries wiIl be a candidate for t/se state legisature, fromh the: Seven.th. district in Nove mber, w/sule ,Mr. Killle wilI carry t/se banner of theRepublican party, i t/he contcstfo judgqe -Qf the Probate court. Roth received. overwhei.ntietg ,najorities int/se primzares. St. Francis P. T. AV'__ Wednesday afternoon, April 4, saw the return of spring social activities, with a record attendance at the St. Francis P. T. A. card party held in the St. Francis sctsool hall. Iwomen and their friends attended this siince.ssary to Ilace 1the party -a financial success. Our esteemed pastor, Father Brady, seeing so many cars around the school came over to find out what the great attraction was that could bring out so many people. After arriving in the school hall and checking up, he discovered everything was on the "up and up" and that the hiazr 1,nout nqdm f North Shore Badminton Finals Slated Sunday The finals of the north shore bad- minton ' tournament will be played Sunday at Winnetka Community House, The preliminary games were held at the joseph Sears school gym- nasium, Kenilworth, Saturday and Sunday, and the semifinals were -played, Wednesdav, eveninoe. Ag~ate: ta*v i.ay snoi.A>J, me r L.eniiworLil LCeUI will oppose a group that regularly plays at the Country Day school. Among the Kenilworth players are Mr. and Mrs.. Frank Ketchaftn, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Starrett, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Clovis, *Mrs. Wendell Clark. Leon Ellis, Mrs. Gardner Hen-ý derson-, Miss Jean Marx and Miss Doris Fraser. T Ihe' Wnnetka play- ers include Mr. and Mrs. Boyd An- derson, Mr. and Mrs. John Coolidge, Dr. and Mrs. Paul Starr and Mr. THE ?UDLU1C OflDIALLY INPVniT O ATJEJ4D HS CIIUECHSERVICS AND VMST THE READING RODU