*wheeling,~ knee action and scores çof other radical iniprovemients ini nie- chanlical design and construction of 1934. cars, at an automobile salon April 16 and 17, sponsored by Win- nietka deal ers aud to be held at Win- nleika Commuuity House. >The oie industry, perhaps, leading Iii: othlers in'business recovery, is that of the automobile, In no single season, it is stated, have designers, rnanufac- turers and dealers in combin.ed effort been able to offer to the public great- er. value than is -the case ini the. pres- eut showiug of 1934 automobiles. Revolutioniary changes in mechan- ism affof.diug performance hceretoforé only visionary, ar 1e now realities. while new streamlining and désigti- .ing are highly pleasing f rou au, ar- tistic point of view.- Further,, price range and sales ternis have been inaintaiued at levelsl ini keeping with, the tinies, tlhereby resulin i one of the niost activ(e early spring nmarkets xeine i thte atoîtiv\e trades ini several sea-t Ili order te ftrtlier acquaint the pulic %with tlie,,,e mau otStand(liugi features and advantage>, rep)re.senta-1 tl\e> oi tie various automobe1ile soc in W Minctkà a,.Iave atrraniged te as-- selle for insl)ect.iou, at 'Matz hall. ConîlmuulitN House, Mý\ondav and Tuesday, April 16 and, 17, N1ario1S ilodels ofthe cars. ersta * tives vll b uhand. te e dieth cars in detail, ani(l.thevre %\ill aise he autom0blesý avaîlable for tis vi lerea practîcai l eninstratioii of "peati<n, his annotnced. Nlatz hall is a colorful p)lace for ;m exhiibition of thlis nature. Conîmuniii- itvý luse is thie very cenitcr of 'al \Vlinetka cotnuuunitv acti vitv, aiid.i aftcr al, what is more cssenti al Mu thti fainîlv possession* toda. t1luanam automobile.? 1-ere, ini sp.uciois <quarters, sp)lendid-, lv ventîilated anld,iltiuiiinated,,.ole inay, iiia snge i ilcsturely ii-. spect thet manv features (ifailths cars. Admtlission te the salon is fre. ON CONFERENCE PROGRAM Margaret Boyle, caughiter oftbti Farl F: Boyles, 1239* Cherrv street, \ý'innetka; Marline -Straticli, (ig-'Il ter of thie Fredcýric P. Stratucls, 1,519 Cenitral avenue; andiOlive Dlancke. latiiiclter of Nir. and Mirs. ('harlc, P. MlatIîeuz, F r. a n c is. Arîtchez,'er, ii studeni cil -Nw rier Higitq .cIwoI. w/i ap/'ear in re,-ital at Rush(on.crva orv(f 3luJsic Siln- dA. Ipril 15. mi whîch day he Z,il! celebrit' bis 16t1, birthdayý. 1!athe' , i Pupil afIfJishà Liv- Mrs. Louisa Gerbetger, 78, Is Claimed by Death N 1rs. Iouwýa (,erberger, a re$ideiit etf WiTlmette tor tyt -i ears,ý died alt ber homle,71 Ridge road, last Sundav. NMrs. Gerberger wvag bonri iii G'erinaNv. Shie vas 78 vears (,)d. A niece, Mrs. Nichiolas P. 'Miller, wife of the Village clerk of Wilniette. and a ph , Franmk Felke of Plv- niouthi, Id., surviv.e lier. The funerai services were lhehi Xednsda rmc- ing at St., Josephi's , churchi iii XViI- mette. Burial was at St. 'Boniface cemietery, Chicago. TA-KE AIR TOUR Mr. and M%,rs. Norman Collins and son, Buddy, 630 ElmwNoodl avenuÈ ei.e turnmîd Saturdlay froin a ten dIays'-air tour sothl. They flew clown in, eleven otr.w'it.h a party of sevcn, in la B3ellanica planie pîloted by Joe Bailey of the Bluebird Air Iiies, stayed over- iiighit.iiiAtlauita, Ga.. and St. Augus- tint, Fia.,1 did somne deep sea fishiug at DaNtona Beach, and Miami, and returneci home ini eleven hours. Mr. and _Mrs. Clarke L. Hayes of The spring eleanmng flors with Johuson's piced low andl our st heisvy and cismiersoni ton ia ClIO. at i Coat. AU othe I. icomple te..à Our low prile. w u up the. sssitbes a"e mtjcles are fo.udms Macaroni Rum and Butter or Spaghietti...Toto.. Umported Fpine to have. o. hand 'at' ail Adhlu ad.DIgtul times for macaroni and' cheeso and ail maruer of good dishes. tasty and frieulianada 3f rl Cbuttery. iloz. cello. JOHNSON'S i iimeto start ,siwng clefting R GOLO COAT lookirg like newa ail times, Qt. Extra. Large QUEEN OLIVES STUFT, I6.oz.-39c 3 for $ Pillsbury's lest Flour pkg.23e Sno-Sheen Cake Flour 23e Pillsbury's Pauncake Flour 2 fori17e Calves' Sweetbreads Good broiled, breadedan ad Iried, or creamed lb. J7c New Pototoes The new potatoes really have fi&vor, .6 bs.25e Fresh Deets Cook quicly and retainfj' their araby ralaiems bei. Lake Trout So good wIken ,baked aud served with new, baked or A fine luncheon entree.-Delici- ou* for luaicheon - especially when fried t. a' golden brown in fresb *i bu tterlb- Boneless Veal Roast Veal roast provides such rieh, browm gravy--tlue potatoes eau be roasted with the met l0.3, Round Steck Our round steak is always tern- der-Have it eut thin if it is t.o b. frisai in butter-thiok if is t. b. useai for Swiss steak or goulash lb. 2l Pot Roast Deliclous whem roasted ai i Dutch Oven-new potatoes. eau be cooked 'right with it lb. 402 Lincin Avenue 718 Elmn' %Vllette0à.1àl ,Wlnnetà No Carrying go De IV. Delh or eoYom ton1 59 Broèdway' 1508 Jarvis kinghaua IN Rogfers.Park $1141 Orders ftrought go Y.r.r De.. Ail A long lie North Saw. 1106 Wlmette Ave., I m ý