RFRGEATOR" mg dent of the board by the KenilwOrth Citizens' Advisor.y committee, which also noniinated candidates for the other positions on the board becom- ing vacant this sprîng. Present, members Whose terms ex- pire are Julius A. Petersen, presi- dent. Miss Barbara'Erwin and Hlarry. E. Weese. John Nuveen, Jr., 5»0 War- wick road,' and Mrs. Clatie H. Vaught, 511 Brier street, have been nominated to succeed Mr. Weese anid Miss Er- win. HarryJ., Williams, Walter. H.. An- derson,.Mrs. Leon T. Ellisand De-, Witt Stidlmau are the board members who-stili havre.one or more years to serve. Tom Seng of 1216 Chestnut avenue, Who attends St. Thomas Miitary acad-. emny at St.- Paul, spent bis spring vaca- tion visiting- his sister and brother-m- law, the Wesley, Allens in Evanston while his parents are at their winter home in Florida. t it would perrnanently destroy thé iný- dependence not only of industry>but of labor as well, was read at the reg- ular montbly luncheon of the Cham- ber Monday at Weeks' dining roomt. The Iaw, if enacted,' would be- against the ideals of -the American, people and w*ould deprive one class of all weapons of defense and give ultimate absolutecontrol to the other, the Chamber &f.Commerce letter to Mr. Simpson stated. The,,letter, signed by B. -L. Keeler, president, and C. L. Clifton,* Jr., "secretary of the Cham- ber, stated further that "under this act the Arnerican- Federation of La- bor will be able to build itself into an organization absolutely controlling industry.". .The Chamber of Commerce. de- clared its, unalterable opposition to placing such power in the hands of any one group of men, contending that the small industrialist and m erm- chant could easily le forced out of business. SpeialPHJLCO1 ARE COMPANIY Wilm.tt. $0M 0<1ler. Philco AIl-Wave 'Radio 2 fica Admirai 3 hlc Short Wave Aerial 4 HARDWARE CC 1219 Wilnutto Avenue int.30 Awmeu q.- il' * SE1E TUEH W'dmette 3m