*and returned them to the conty col- lector. Those who have flot paid may do so from now on by making their checks payable to County Collecter Joseph .B. McDonough and making payment, at his office in. the. Countyý building, Chicago., The penalty date this year -will be April 15, on and after whicb a pen- alty of one per cent per mônth will be added to. the bill, it- is announiced. .Collector Hale reported Wednesday miorning that he had collected a total of $1,007,U224, of which $790,712.03 was on rmal estate and $217J170.21 on, personal property.tax. This, it is feit, is a very creditable showing as 'compared -with other years, especially >wben. taking into consideration% the fact that.the col- lector bad -the bô)-oks a -per i od shorter bv a month than be did. a year ago, and also that the t otal, tax extended was, about Il -per cent less than the total last year. The total extended meal estaite taxes for 1932 were $2 -( 798,946.50 and personal was $737,- 206.86. Urge. Taxp.yerst.Fe Last spring when he was collecting the 1931 taxes, 'with tbe amount of total extended taxes about Il per Cent more tlian for the 1932 taxes, and when he was permitted to keep the books a month longer, Mr. Hale's total collections were slightly over $1 ,400,000. yvoinas Cl ub of Wilunette. the North Ridge Woman's cluùb and the Wilmette Chamber of- Commerce. Since the filing deadfine for- candi- dates is, past and since no opposition ticket has'been filed, it is- anticipated that. Mr. Cutler,. Mr. Lind and Mr. Ianson will continue on the school board. The,.president is elected for one year and, the. members for, three years. Mrs. Eunice 'Henderson, George Leal, Mrs. Lois Finney and C. M. Buarmgameý are the memibers, of the bad wbo still bave one or more years to serve. GIVEN POLICE POWERS At-the request of the, Wilnette Chamber of Commjerce tbe Village board at its m eeting Tuesday* night conferred speial policee jwers up C. E. Clifton, secretary of the Chamber, wbo is to.provide a suitable bond. Miss Selma Wax, who 5 a student at the University of Michigan, is returning tomorrow to spend her spring vacation with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Simon B. Wax, 511 Green- leaf avenue. l -I- - in-one, or gel a ban-' deau an d girdie. Have. il, with elastic, oôr with firm ' bon Mng. There s enough va- riety in fab.ric a .nd, Style to. suit e very-l one. Corne in, we'l find the right foun- dation to banish yu bulges, $250to $7.50. Redingotes. .'Sheers and Prints e * belief, 'he said, that everyone ette to the reduct ion, whether he bas or bas not paid his second instailment, should file the proper objection ask- ing for, the 15 per .cent reduction. NEW C. 0F C. M4EMBERS Tbe McCartbv Storaie and Ware- house company, Inc., 403V2, Linden ave- nu e, Howard"J. Meaney, manager, and Arnold and Yost, arcbitects, Iocated in the First National, hbank builinoe.r You th fcd s, the . 924 Spari hCourt * Ne-Ma.', Land Wilmett. 5423 26 Central Av*. AIX LovelintoaMade Loye 1161 Wim.t. Avenue Phione Wikrnft. 4406 h - j' ~oe