In Our modem Meat, Departmnentw YES, EVERY DAY -ON EVERY ITEM Thot's whot you do when yoiu buy ail your food needs ot your neurest NationaL W. offer @nly lb. finest quality foods-ev"r on. prlcd for tho greatest.econom. Thinkhow tbrllllng i'tisto plan ev.ry moui -every day wb.n you know that National's foods givo you the fulbonfit of, a .Money-uavinig price. Why not enljoy tbis modem way to tbrifli w IPork. Loin*l Mier ROAST nd Serve with a brown grvy ... baked potatoos, green peas und appt. sauce-ail on sale Ibis week end. iIb* Pork Chos ca..rc HcainPats * 197db. 13CIb. J;z~qSPRING VEGETABLES AMD FRUIS AT NATIONAL'S MONEMSVIG PRCES Peas GCýREEN 2 bs. ~9 Tender, plump in the pod -from Caldifori Garrots bcs13c FnyCaomia-RIchln in vitins Fauicy stalk c Celery Florida New Oabbagersh frme. el b.30, Orlb Sweet, Iulcy O angesC1fi ,. Potatoes Gs"n l.dohe etle.33c ful 33 154h. "*33 PUAS Fult Standard Grade... 3 CORN. Fuil Stanidardý Grade .... PINEAPPLE American Home Sliced or Cru shed.- APPLE SAUCE V. B. Branid.4 1 Serve with pork BEANS N.vy-Fancy Hand Picked Michigan .. PRUNES California Santa Clara-5O0's CATSUP: American Home Pure Tornato No.2 25 cani 5 2Noà. 2ý 37c v %ac Cent No 2 25c cans (bl ÏIk> 2botties 23é, PEANUT BUTTER Hezei, 2-lb. jar.. . . . . CRISCO FREE-While fhey lait. 'l pie pan and 24 pie recipes wifth eacýh pqiirckas. The per- fect shrtening-lîb 37 Cre.miy fresh . cans 7i III HOUSEHC Yr5 ba25C No.,2ý cans 29c Il3c, 19c 25c NEEDS