RE PTBLICAN 1John V. Clinnin, 259 Maple Hil road, Glencoe. 2- J. Clark Munn, 874 Grove stre Glencoe; C. P. kneebone, 385 ParK ave ~nue, Glencoè. 3. Leonard Schimltz, 50 Greenleal avenue, ()lencôe; Auguste C. Babizé 484 Sheridan road, Glencoe; Gordon A Ramsay. ,-100. Beach road, Glencoe. 4John, A. Scribhins, 600 Vernon aive nue, Glencoe;- Edward MAr.hall, 62ý Greenwnod avenue, Glencoe; Oerald G, Grant, 375 Hawthorne avenue, lencoé. 5. Louis Waefelaer, 263 Green eav road, Glencoe; George. T. .Mullén,',401 Wflodlawn avenue, Glencoe., 6. 'Harold W. Snell, 1205 Scott ave- nue, MWinnetka. 7. Leo R. Camnpbell, 839 'Locust street WVinnetkat: Charles B. Watsýlon., 919 But- avenue, Winnetka, 8. Anna Wilirnarth lekes,900 Prvat<- rond, Winnetka. P. George B. M4assey, ;J5 Sheridan road, Winnetka. 10. *1)vid R. Kennicott,. 1111 . SprUCe -treet, Winnetka ; - Sanborn .Halle, 610 Rose"w>Oodavenue, ,Winnetka. 11. Willian J.. Carey, 883 Oak street. 12. C harles J. Enustni.-n, .98ý4 Chierry str'eet, Winnetkn ; John M. Iverson, 1015 Willow mail, Winnletk-a. 13. AliI.rt - M. Se-harýf, 5û~9 Cherry trtWinie tka. 14budIley K. French, 503 J1-Jawthorine là. nulW M(ale,844 Sunset. roa(1, Winnetkça: Johhi J. S par, 31' Fre'fst a venue, neta IGW. T(èliiiBaInies, Ilapp rond, Vil- 17. AfimEglsWilmette. IN. 1'aul Nmnzig, 3:15 R!Igte avenume, JCvPlwoîlîwendaillH. Clark, 711 Kent rond, Kelilworth. 20. Chm-les Gldb1ransén, .550 IEalston roaid, Kenji,,orth Ala T. Gilbert, 24f) Leiesir rndKeilworthi. ?i (Iharles C. Hlenderson, 1405 Forest avenue,. Wi]nette I-Henry Fowler, 14Q4f 22il. .avnue, Wilniette. .2JaniesSliedden, 1215 Ch)estiunt ave- p 4ue,. Wilmiette; Harry, I. Kinnle, 1324 EIWdavenue, ~imte n. ,. ea J. Orr, 1 002 Gren leaf avenue. wilmnet tf. 24. Nikk Wagner, 1609 Tenth Street. Wiltnette, n.5-.Jamies C. CrosslIey. 407 Washing-ý ton avenue, WiIniette Miflton 'Reid, 601 Lake avenue, . Wjlniette. 26. Paul A. Hoffnin, 1638 Wa.shington avenue, Wilniette. 27. Rlussell Johnson, (deceased) 231 Carlos Photo Russell C. JýOhilSOI, senior vice- coiti.;naiider of Wilmnette, post NO. 46, American Legiont, ,was given a ilita ry, brrial lasi Sattrdav wtcith s'cervices at the' Wilinettc Baptist chiurch a)id iintcrenitt a iieorialý yPark. .1r. Johinsoni died at the Edward I-ines Jr., lios pitliThmrs- daY, March 29. Reports',Great Strides in HomeRefrigeration, The- greatest stridès ever made )3' refrigerationi engin eers, wvho have l)eeln \vorùing for vears to completely nias- fer cold for .the- benefit of the modern hiousewife, were made during the last year, according f o jack Huihes of the M'\illeni Hardware cQnipany, local repre- senitative of Leoniard Refrigerator coni- pany. Seiisationial advances .ini the auto- inatic control of cold are heing revealed nm the new electric refrig-erators, Mr., Hugyhes says. These advancements, he cOnitends, siinllifv thie art of "cold cookery-" ~h lias. become more popular with American,ý women each- year. "Near-zero temperatures, essential for best results in f rozen dessert and salad making, now can be obtained as readily as the honieniaker obtains highi temperatuires by turning up the gas -Thne outstanding developnieât to me is the Steady-KoId defroster, a fea- ture of the new Léonard electrics. This is. an innovation whicb assures adequate refrigeration and keeps ice cubes f rozen While the f rost is being dissipated f rom the cooling coil. Heretôfore the de- frosting process f requently, permittéd' tenîperatures.'in the food, storage CO'm- 'partment 4o rise to dang.erous heights, and food spoiled and ice cubes melted. The 'lever with .%vhich this newv de- froster is cperated automatically snaps hack to normal operation as *so 1on as the 'cooling u nit has. been defrosted. Endeavor Cagers Lose, to Marshall Field Five Trhe Wilmeétte Christian Endeavor society basketball team lost to the boys' team from Marshall. Field's Evanston store, 28 to 19, last Satur-, day nigli at the Stolp school gym- nasium- . Those who, saw the gamfe j report tha-t the Field boys showed. I remar-kable team worýk i>nview of the fact that they had neyer befr ly ed- as a teaff. efr ly Bob Doyle, forward, who made eleven field goals for a total of twen- ty-t wo points for Field's was chief- ly respônsible for the defeat of, the- Wilmette five. For the Christian Endeavor team Dickc Hall, center, and John Bartholornew, Jr., guard, each scored niine points. The girls' teamn from FieId's also wvas victorious. The Christian En- deavor girls lost, 23 to Il. Last Saturday's game miarked the close of the basketball season for the Christia n Endeavor boys, who are nôw turning their attention to base-' bail. A new athletic board headed by Hugh Boyd will be in charge of- this sport. John Bartholomew, Jr., is vice chairman of the board, Wvhose meni- bership also includes, the, four other members of the basketball teani, Dick Hall, Paul Emrich, Dick Torirey and i Chambers.ý Jack Durham, son of- the Ralph Dur- hains, former residents of Wilmette, left Sunday for Purdue after visiting f riends in Wilmette while his, parents are in Florida. aims of the Religious school.* -- The program for the evening wÏ11l sfart at 8 o'clock with a general assern- bly in the auditorium at which Rabbi' Charles E. Shulman will explain the aims andi purposes, of the meeting.. After the. assenibly the parents will attend the class of any; grade in which thev are interested; the teachers wilI coniduct regular. classes demonstratinig the ffiethods of instruction byz which.. the children are now taught-., There W'ill also be an, exhibition 'of the, handwork created by the children this .year. Mr. and Mrs. George Stewart ;of 2403 Iroquois road left 1 Saturday for St. Louis to visit their respective par, ents. Mr' Stewart returned Monday, but Mrs. Stewart. is remaining 'for another week. Public Notiee . hereby given that the capital stock of The Wllmette State Bank,* an Illinois banking corporation, has been* decrea4ed from $200,000.00 to $100,0000, and thathe ~êpar vale o its capital stock has been changed from $100.00 per share to $50.00 per shar'e, pursuant to resolutions duly adopted by its stockholders, at a regular meeting heid on the 4th day ofJanuary, A. D. 1934, under the statùte ln sucih cases made and provided, a1st forth in the Certiticate of Procýeedingae had at such meeting, which has been duly fiied in the office of'thc Auditor of Publie Ac- counts of, the. State of Illinois; a. like Certificate of! Which,, together with the writ ten approval' of thie Auditor of Public Accounts, has been filed ln the office of the Recorder of Deeds of Cook County, Illinois, which le the County in which the office of said bankin& corporation is located. Datéd .March .29,, 1934. The Wilmette. State Bank, IBy F. D. Anderson, Presedent. Attese W. D. Leary, Cashier. L47-3tc Wilmette's OnIy. Fireproof Storage Warehoùse Offers Seçurity Eficieney Responsibility With Its Moving, Packing 9. W. A. Barr, 765 Foxdiale avenu~e, 26. Michael Mueller, 1602 Spencer ave- Wlnnetka. nue, Wilirette. 10. Morris K. Levinson, 1064 Spruce 27. William M. O'Connell, 305 Six- street, Winnctka. teenth street, Wllmette. Il. J. ri. RePlogle, 910 Oak street, 28. William B. Berger, 343 Oak circle, Wlnnetlca. Wllmette. 12. Clarence 19. Sehafehen, 844 Cherry 29. Herbert O'Connell, 933 Lintien street, Wlnnetka. avenue, Wilmette. 13. Peter J. Reluert, 655 Cherry street, 30. A. D. Gash, Jr.,.527 ýCentral ave- flânetka. nue, Wilmette. 1 14. 'A.. E. Bechtelhelimer, 5$5 Orchard 31.' 'Mrs. Maude E. Kehl, 415 Maple lane, Wlnnetka. , avenue, Wilmette. 10130-33 D"vi Street Jsa>l id 10.FrtStet Evauston if*Highla". Park