(whilte). rip. Agency Opp. "L" -Ter. tion N. S. Lino . 1LTN48-Ite WANTED' AT. ONCE 50 ý GIRLS FOR - GENERAL- $8, $10, 25 COUPLES-$75, $85, $100 and $125. ~R~'~EMP., AGENCY Over Waigreeni's Highland Pic. 2520 _______________________714TN48-ltp WANTED ATONCE GIRL1S FOR GZNERAL, HOUSEWORKZ Johnson's Empi. Agency 1444 Wilmetto Ave. Wlmnetto 4144 71LrN4-ltc NEAT, CAPABLEý WH ITE GIRL. FOR; general housework. Sniali arnount of laundry. Pleasant room and bath. Good. wages. Muet give references. Tolephone Winnietka 3394.. 71148-ltp C.ÇOMPETENT WHITE HELP WANTED with good referencos. ApIYin person. 1I.ALL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE 663 Vernon Ave. Glencoe, 251 71LTN13-tfe WE -CAN USE .ALL THE DOMESTIC help we can get. Good salaries. S-H-A-Y AG'CY 14 W. WASHINGTO11 CHICAGO CENTRAL 9800 71LTN48-ltc WHITE MAID FÉOR GEN. HOUSE- work. No wasqhing or. ironing. $5 woek. Phone Winnetka 3826. 71L48-tp WHI'vfTE GIRL Ti ASSIT "WITP general bousework. Must be neat and have Wilmtýtte 1128. WHITE MAI) FOR '32 H!udson sedan.................. 525 '3 1 Studebaker brougham......... 497, '31 LaSaflo sedan ...... .......... 745 '30 Rser coaeh ..................19.5 '30 Studebaker convertible coupe.. . 295r ANI MANT OTTIERS TERRA PLANE ITIUDSON> DISTRIBU'rORS. 3 stores -in Evanston 11125 & 1200 Chicago Ave., 19 01 Ridge Ave. Winnotka 3010 Uni. -7400 WANTEtD TO *UY-AUTos Ford. Convertible Co upe or roadster. Winnetka S767. 79L4-tp AUTO SERVICIE LOOK AT YOUR CAR A real Ë coat Simoniz at lowcst prices. Don Minor. Wii. 2449. 81LTN4-lte FOR RENTr-ROOMU 1 OR 2 LARGE FPRONT ROOMS, ALSO .S-rd floor rOom Iwith bath. East Bide. near transp. Bcard Optionai. Garage space. Phone Wiimette 1253. 82LT.N4-1tr LARGE, PLEASANT FRONT RCOOM. nicely furnished. with twin bedg, suit- able for two adults. Near transporta- tiofl-.flReasonable rent. Winnetka 3135. 82LTN48-ltn L A iR G E. PLEASANT FURNTS1rE1 room suitable for two. Private-sa..- trance. Garage available. Phono Wln-ý netka87 2L¶v1 Ti48.îtc LARGE ROOM IN PRIVATE BAT aimde, home. Near ail transportation. flro-nkfnqt vrivilege. 731 Tenth St.. WiI- mette, 111. . 2LTN4O-tfp Available May 1atq onp asmer. 1-4-5 BOOM AT'ARTMRrR" 44KROLL & SMITHAw,r~1q4 44Linden Avenue Wflm.-ttA 500 92LTN40-tfr D)UPLEX, XST APTr.-.&5LGE.. SUN". rmph., Sun h. yard and garage. Mr W. ht., G. . refrié., linoleum. Nea.r "ehonls and transp. $65. 1505 Cr-ain St., Evanstérn. Phone Davis 1551. 9i!TN49-ltp bath «wlth shower, breàkfast nook, e1àc.. refrig. Reasonitble rent .Wolf- Griffla Bldg. Phone Wilimettp 1724. ATTRACTI7m APTS.-.EEC.REFRIO 3 bedroomq. lIvln# rooém. kitchenette. AYRBB BOAL, .JR. 72È Elm nStreet WInietka,2500 92LTU40-1te '~ AD 3 RHEATED APTS. AT 137 Wilmiette Ave. Also 6 rm. mod. bouse qt . Nothbrook on %, acre gr«ound. neniqonablê rent. Call at 19.q7 Wilmiette Avenue. Wlmêtte. 92LTN48-îtp> 6 ROOM Hh-AT»DF'LAT. GfARAGEÊ. hot water, near transp. and Wiliard school. $35. Phone 'Univertv 9545. 92LtN48-ltlý PpiteLPN-.PuI*NsIBHgD APTE. MODERN 4 ROOM FURNIMTIrD On unfurn. aonartment. newly Abenrnated. r~entrai location. Reasonia he. 'Phne Wilmetté 2399 or 2427. 93LTN45-4t» 4 BM. APARTMENT, PARTY R. o11 heat. 1 hlk. to C.N. W. and S. Uine. $50. Ph. Wflmette 39q5 93LT48-1tr WANTED TO RENT-FURIlgtggAPTEs. WANTED TO RENT - FURNISTIT> apartment with 2 bedrms. or share. brime. fleasonable. Write A-21. Box 40.l KENILWORTE -- -»1at Delightful home of 4 bedrooms -2 bath.Hot water--oil hoat. Two glazed porches, 2-car gar- age. Close to New Trier and al transportation. WINNETKA - -West Ideal' 1place for Amall family de- string cozy home ln famed Indian Hill Section. 3boA- rooms-hbath. Hot water heat and garage. At unusually at-. tractive rentai. R., 13. WH-ITAKER CO0. 841 Elmn Street Winnetka 3260. .WINNETICA . -Open wek days from 9 to 9. 97LTN48-1tc BARRINGTON 20 ACRE'S FICTURErSQUE HILLS.ý Modern and very, charming White framne bungalow. 3 master bedroom#, 2 bathse. maid's roomi anA bath, large living roomi, dining :room, sun porcl4. torrace, kitchen. lectric range and tee box. 011- heat. '2-car mnotor roomn. $125 per month. JL. FLOYD CO. 384 Center St. Winneta 3603 BRK. TILE ROOF. RAVINE LOT' ON private 9treet, near tram.p. Studio Ilv. rm., tile kit. 4 bodrms.. 2 baths, 2-car attached garage. $115. THE BILLS REALTY, Inc. 930 Spanish Ct. Wilmette 3740 718 Vernon Avenue Glencoe 777 97LTN48-Itc MODI GLENCOE BRICK-IVING I WHITE GIRL FOR houisewojrk, good cook. Kenliworth 4982. I~.T4 WANTE» YOUNC. MAN FOR DE- livery.servIce anA soliçitation on dry cleaning route. Must be ambitions worket. Experienced-preferred hbut not. essential. Write fully statinig last three plaeso employment to 'A-23, Box 40.. MEN DESIRINC GOVERNMENT Civil Service Positions. For partic- ulars * on qualifications and coaching for comimit examinatiofl9, write, A-22, Box FOR UALE-AliT FOR SALE PACKARDf 8 cyl. New. Gen. tirei inotor ln excellenit shape. Apply 763 Michigan Ave afttr 3:30 P. M. dally. 1928 PACKARD PHRM 1tires, good condition. Prii Price $200. Phone Glencoe or, unfurn. 'Very roasona-ble, to Mrs. Claüson, 1733 Lake Wilmette 1733.. 841,' SuoARfD ANo SOON THÉ, KENILWORTH INN OFFERS, you a real home, fine large roorm, suites, private bath, good foo6d. Moderato prices. Keniiworth 5491.: S6LTN48-1te CARIE 00,CONVALESCENTS aTN4-ltc ally Aesirable, onlY. 1008 Oakw N, GOOD _________ y owned. 5RO LT 77L4-1 te furnibhed. Heate O74-tc t ,Wilmette. catonnvrlokngrain ad usicUINUSUALLY ATTRACTIVE ]BRIMK bridge. Juat 350 yds. frnm the bench 7 rmns., 3 batha, and recretion ru., a rd lake. 3 master bedrmns., 2 colored att. gar. $12à. 'fie bRths, 2 servants' rmaR. and bath.-6 Lavatory on Tt floor. Recroation r-m. Mrs. Fuller & WTn. Pickard 2 fIreplaÀcee. Rot water, 011 heat. Ail Winnetka 898 746 Elm St. this for $125 NOW. ý97LTN48-ltc THE IBILLS REALTY. mc.. 7 1 R . MODE.N 1HOUSIE, GAR$55. 7118 Vernon Ave., Glencoe' Glen. 717 10 rm. houso, heatod sleeping porch, 91'SpAnnsh Ct.. Wilmette Wil. 31740 il newly, decorated, 2- bath., 011 heat. 2,703 Ashland Ave., Wilmette W-11. 2792 Choi e'corper. 1135. 97LTN48-lte C. H. Brethold Wil. 65 AT-'RACTIVE RENTALS - 97LTN48-ltp renfeanced yard.- $7. Cl R. m.' Jolinston & ýCo. > FOR RENT-6 ROOM B 340. Linden Ave. Wilmette 4441 069 spruco Street, Win] 97LTN48-ltc month. . $45 per Fourth and LindE 1 bik. Linden