Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Apr 1934, p. 3

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Tuesday of next week, April 10, occurs the general primary election for the nomination of candidates for various offices,. and, the election of precinct committeemen. While this is an "ýoff" year primary, the voters .of New Trier township ýshould -realize its imporatnce, it is'explained, and the necessity for choosing from ainionig the. many aspirants'those best quali- fied -for Public office. While several' èontegts that. migbt be termed close have developed, that between James Simpson, rand Ralph E. Church for the Republican nomination for, congress from the Itb congressional district, wbich in- cludes New. Trier township, is creat- ing the keenest inteest. This is the. renewal, of a battie that is two years old, in which Mr. Church contested Mr. Simpson's nomination, but lost. PoN aOpen 0,A. M. th 5p The polis will be openx from 6. a. m. to 5 p-. ni.,and- voters who commute to'the city are urged to vote. before going to business. Followinig is a list of the offices for wbîch votersof New Trier townshiip Will vote. In. addition, residents of areas lying outside, the limits of a ny incorporated village.- will vote upon the question of Prohibiting the sale of alcoholic liquor in those sections.j Offices on Badllets State treasurer; superintendent of public instruction; representative ini coîîgress, state at large;. represent- atîve in congress,, i0th district.; state central committeeman, lOth district; state senator; representatives in gen- eral asseinbly, 7tlh district; miembers senatorial committee, 7th district; trustees for the san itary district of .Chicago; treasurer of Cook county; cou ety clerk of Cook county; county judge 'of Cook cotînty;,'sheriff -.f Cook: county; judge of the probate court of Cook counity; clerk.of the probate court of Cook county; clerk of. the criminial court.-of Cook county; "County, superintendent of schools; c ounty assessor; members 'of the board cf appeals ; president of the. -board of county conmissioners; court- q-aAvb,-la ut 'Auce'.vrI . aIEcon- fiscatorv -figure to one that the taxpayers can pay. While not alof the candidates for' wbom the voter will vote on Tuesclay will have Power to directly influence taxation, the attitude of all on that subject is important. 'It requires 'no great ingenuity to ju st. spend monev. To. handle it uiosl witbout ast e requires sound jdmn For tbi5 reason the voter should approach.bis duty fully informed and witl a determination to do something to help himself. 0f the candidates for represenitative in tbe general assembly, three oi whom are to 'be nominated, Mrs., John N..Vani der Vries of Winnetkâ admittedlv has the strongest, support. in this Part- of the district. She carnies the enidorse ment. of several îwomen's% groups as well as individual voters, and has made a splendid canvass. She bas long been active in the Xinnetka League of Womien. Voters. is deeply interested. in tbé afl'airs ci the state.. and Wou-Id bring to the.office a grasp, of p ublic problems securec t.brough intimate contact with legi slative procedure and, measures. William M. James. of,. Vilmette, also1 a candidate for representa 'ive. is a practicing attorney. and a member of the facultv of Chicago-Kent College of. Law., where* he teaches probate and criminal 7law., He is an author of note. contributing to varionis lawperiodicals, and bas. recent1y publishied anc important volume on Illinois. prohate procedure and Practire that is attracta- i w'ide attention in the -légal pirofes'sion. H!e is welIl qualified to represent the district. in Voting for candidates for representative in 'the general' semlthé law- provides that earh vote cotnts t'hrèe. Thus. if the voter places an"X orposite t he name of but one candidate hie actually casts tbree votes for that 'candidate, and it ivili b.e so counted. Harrt .' ine o Wilmette is a candidate for the office of judge of the probate court, for wbhicb be is eminentlv fitted. His endorsçment by tbe ChIlcaù,o Bar association was extremely flatteriniz. and be i, receivinqg the united support of' the regular republican orizanization. M r., Kinne bas for ttwenit-N-five vears been on the facultv of De Paul universitv.* teaching prohate nractice. wills arnd otber important suhjects. He is esperially well cualified for the probate iudgeship, possessing the essential knoirledge, training, ex- pencence and .Nell poised judicial temperament. For a seat ini the Illinois senate the north sbore offers an unusually cap)able rand >idate in the person of Fred . Clarke of Wilmette. wbo entered the prinmary at 'the urgent request of the real estate profession wih hihhe i, id'entified. He is also an. attornev. baVinw 'been' admitted ,otebar i 1911. Mr. Clarke is a newcorner to the political arena, this being bis first candidacv' for an elective office. He is of th-it bighi type 'of citi7enishiio that should he more frequeîîtlv drafted into public.'service. Theý regular repiiblican organization is' supporting him. Intense nterest is beirig.displaved iiithe contest hbetween jamnes..Simpson: Jr., incumfbent. and Ralpb E. ýChurrh, aspirant.' for the office of congiiress- mian, frowi the lOtb congressional' district.. A bitt.ern"ess engendered, in the cimtoaigi of two years azo. couoled 'with the ensuing contest to détermine, whichbhad won,' is injected into the> present: campaign. ýBotb are well k nown throughout the. district. C. Wayland Brooks, strong support because of- ididate for congres sxan -t4arge. is ai sknown abilit.y and integritv. He is a Lcting! tg' at 7 o'clock, tii and reserva- at the churcli Those who -cannot attend the dinner Recreti are invited to hear the talk which will Scit begin at about 8 o'clock, 'it is annowiced. Siet ............. 36 ceeclmgs tor Permission to disconnect -é Pr»naitie 23 from WMinette. The Village board hae ............S4 i structed Village Attorney Nance t 38p 1-a esist the secession with ail possible vgor. The f act tbh.t y<u have beem able to make so many people more coni- fortable, happy, and iridependent, should be a satisfaction to you. -Mrs. A. L. Grinnell,. Chairman Note: Economy Shop là conduoted bY the WOman's.Club of Wlinftta. The Wilmette Chamber o f Coin- merce, through its civic and fire pe ci vention committee, is malcing plans, 11 for a village-wide spring lire preven- ci tion cleanup campaign. Although . these plans are stillinii the formative h stage,- they have progressed to the point where the Chamber basasked the Village. board to cooperate in asuch a movement. ' Villagers*,Ill..be urged, fltot oLy tg cVeaàn o-ut the accumulated wzst and. potential causes of ires iii:their base ments and attics, but also tgr ex- StendIthis cleanup worktotheir front 'and back yards* and to alleys and va- cant lots. John Hoffman, .Jr., and Walter Zibble,, heads of the civic and ire fprevention committees re.spectively of the Chamber of Commerce, are co- chairman of that organization's tgroup which iîs making plans for the spring cleanup.- They will' be as- sisted by the members of their coi- On the civic committee, besides Mr. Hoff man, are C. M. Osborn, joseph E. Shantz and Henry Kraft. G. W. Swiney and C. E. 'Renneckar are the other members of tbe lire' prevention committee. AnnouncPostmaster Exam in Kenilworth FThe United States Civil Service commission has announced an open competitive examination to test the fitness of applicants for the position of postmlaster of Kenilworth. Ap- plications must be filed flot later than April 17 with Relda Wiley, secretary' of the Civil Service commission in Kenilworth. Leslie. H. Ullrich, 626 Wayland avenue, is the present act- ing postmaster- of, Kenilworth. He recently succeeded Do uglas S. Crooks, who had served in the sane capacity. Rev. H. A. Steffens to B3e Ordained Saturday The Rev. Harold Antbnv Ste*ffenq-

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