congressn James. ýSimson, Jr. Farmer and, Stodibreeder AtWadsworth, Lake County Congressman Simpson bas consistently supported and voted for ail measures for 'relief recommendied by President Roosevelt. H. has voted for ail measures to decrease the tair burdens where relief was flot involved. He lias fought ail legisiation that had for its purPose the encroachment upon the rights and liberties of the people. He stands for representative and constitutionai gov. ernment and against the encroachment of bureaucracy. He i. conducting his çanipaign for renomination by disçussing the. jpoliicai issues involved without abuse or malicious attacks, upon bis opponent's cliarticter, He had the courage to vote against currency inflation and the issuance of printing press money as contempiated, ini the bonus bill which ultimately wouid have been detrimentai to the interests of those it proposed to .help. He bas consistently voted for ail measures to benefit the disabled and Spanish-American War Veterans, as spon- sored by their various organizations. Since:bis election bas maintained and will continue to maintain a permanent office in the district at 1791 Howard Avenue in Chicago and bas aiso had a represen- tative in Lake County a!t a centrai meeting point, one day a week, ail for the. convenience of his constituents. Conresuan James Jr . Ralph L. Oiurcli1 Who laOpposn Congre ssman Simson Mr. Church -appeils for support,,flot on his. own merits, but, first, because the business of. the present. Congressman's father ha.i to do with pu blic utilities; second, on -the fraudulent statement that the nomination was taken froni hîm two years ugo i upitof the fact that hi. supporters were the ones who violated the. dcc-, tion laws of the. state and the Supreme Court of the Stat. of Illinois properiy rejected hi. dlaims and refused hum permission to file a petition for mandamus against th. State Canvassing BoardL which had officialiy declared Congressman Simpson the nominee. He bas betrayed the people by voting against the re- peal of the search and seizure law af ter the. voters of the. state by referendum had instructed their representatives. "dry." No one can tell whiich ones h. will betray. He tells working people that be will befriend the. Laboring man but when he ha. a vote on labor legisiation lie consistentiy votes against them, as attested to by the Illinois Sta te Federation of Labor and the Joint Labor Legislative Board Which bas -offioialiy, repeatedhr cou- demned Mr. Ghurch's.. record as foiiows: "Raiph E.' Church, Attorney, bas consistentiy opposed all labor measures." MUR APRIL 5. -93434 47