Melodrama Fruday An "all star cast," in a "real mielodraii-a,"> is the Kenilworth club's promise for, Friday eve- niing of this week when it> pre- sents "Hazel Kirke, or An liron Will," that play, by Steele Mack- aye. tagged'with an 180Copy- right. Each member,!of the "play-acting company," of voung, men, and young wýomen of the club. is a star in bis o r ber own right. iot on Broadway, the producers admit, but in the best -of noreth, shore theatricals. Tbey al bave appeared 'in. most. of, tbe successful drama productions :given along the shore, and are truly tale nted, wè a re emphatically assured. A. star to interpret each role, and lireathialing moments leading to a finale 'wber virtue is triurnphant,*sig- gest tbe elemnents for' an evening of joyous diversion. The gymnasiumn of the Joseph Sears school is the place where the exciting tale will unfold. Tbe hour when the. heroine, vil lain, and other characters will start to weave the plot, is 8. - The fun of giving a coninunit 'v per- formance is tbe purpose. Admission is minimum only. to defray expenses for this annual production. With ail tbose characters s0 nopular and necessary in those days when drama was melodramna, an inn ocent maiden, ber Ioôver, a stern and '.ruel parent, a lord. and lady, a squire, and witb its double titie, "Hazel Kirke" is absolutely true to type. The cast, repeated this week, is: Hazel Krke- Mrs. L.. E.' Mittenl of Winnetka Si Dunstan Kre- E. 1. Nygaard of Wilniette Mercy- Mrs. . N. SlapPey of Kenilworth. Dolly ... . Mrà. Paul Clovis of Xenilworth Lord Travrerse- Alfred S. Wlltberger of Evanston Herbent B. Taylor of Kenilworth -Mr. alid M'rs. Poster Bratîson of 817 Central avenue, Wilnmette, an- tîounce the engagement of their daughter, Florenice, to Williami Jarvi' Worcester of Moir-cla jr. N. J. T/he 7eddiitg zwii take place in lune. Missç Branson is a7 grad- uatle 1Ai t iccllt .seminary. A1 tea Tuersday ajternoonuwas the' occasion. of the "ans ounceikent of the engagement of Miss Martha Adelaide Tencher of Wilmnetle and Heiiry lZarick Pelton of New, Brit- ajîti, Conn. Miss Tes cher is the daughter of Vr. and Mrs. RIidolph Tencher, and . ler be!rothal woas mnade kptozeii at their residence, -8~28 A.vhlaind avenuée. Announce Engagement Club lnviles Public to af Afternoon Tea Local Artists' Exhibil' At a tea Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Tencher, 828 Ashland avenue, WiI- mette, the engagement was announc- ed of tbeir daughter, Martba Ade- laide, to Henry Varick Pelton, son of.Mr. and Mrs. Ernest W. Pelton of New Britaini, Conn. *Miss Tenchçr attended Dana hall and will graduate this June from Smith college. Mr. Pelton prepared at Deerfield The Womain's Club of Wilmiette is holding open bouse Sunday afternoon of tbis week fromn 3 until 6, in honor of the nine Wilmette artists wbose pictures 'comprise tbe April exhibit în- the sinail auditorium of the club. The public is cordially invited., Mrs.ý Gordon Hannab, chairman of thé art department, and the members of the committee, will be bostesses tbrough- out the afternoon. The artists whose canvases are to bang at the club throughout the to Be Ouests at Dix Teas Series In order that aluinnae of Wel- lesley college residing in the en- tire Chicago a rea r nay corne to-; gether ini a manner entirelY so- cial to reuîew. old, friendships, and to mnake ýnew« on es. while they nmeet. together a series of fourteen. Dix teas ' *ill be given> duringApril 'in Chicago aiîd'its 0outlying subur bs and-villages.. These 'alumnae, numhbering about 450 in ail, will be invited in classes grouped according to the Dix, sys- tem uinder which class reunions. at cleeoperate. The hrst of these events takes place Friday afternoon of this %veek, from 4 until 6, at the home of Mrs. Howard :Goodman, 5533 Universitv avenue, Chicago. Assisting -wiIllNe Mrs. Alfred Newberv and Mrs. 'Mark~ M. Van Tassel of Chicago,. Mrs. James H. 'Reith of Evanston. an( Mrs. Bruce Corzinýe.of Evanston. The second tea is on Saturrla%. 'April 7, from 2 until 6, with M,ýrs. Henrv Hoyt Hilton the hostess at lier home. 56.4,0 Woiodlawn avenue,, ,Chiica-Qro. Miss Adahi Woolifolk, of Atlanta, Ga.. a classinate of the host- eCSs, will tçli old-fashionefd stnries. Mrs. Harry L. Clapp and Miss. Grace E. Jackson are to 'pour. On April 10. Mrs. Thornpson NI. Wakelev of 730 Elmwood avenue, Wilmette. and Mrs. Harri, J. XViI- lia1ins of 205 Oxford road, l(eiilwtorth; will be co-hostesses at tea at MNrs. XVakeley's home. Mrs.. Leç Keane of, Evanston and Mrs. Stewart Purdv ofGlencne will pour. Later in the mont h Mrs. Williamý Sherman Hay.and Miss Louise Con- wav. both of Winnetka, Mrs. Alfred Taylor'and Mrs. Charles Brandriff, of Glen coe, and M rs. George EF. Bliss Of H-ighland Park wiIll e hostesses at teas for Welleslev alumnnae. M rs. Drennan Slater of Evanston will also . ntertain as iviIllMiss Emilv' Goehst, M,ýrs. Lnouis, FaulIkner. and Mrs. Ed- «"'ir Brvant. ail of Chicago. 1 I Ju-,. building- Hostess lfo Circle chestra pý mien and Mrs. Horace Grignon of 854 Sher- cbarged. idan rQad gave a luncbeon.Tuesday of those bril this week for the circle of St. Paul's tee annc Uouse. . .Horsting Yirs. %V an fort F'. for the e. Chininevs Reading Cirdle Hostess The Reading circle will meet with Mrs. B. F. Blymnyer, 626 Lake avenue, Mondav of this coming weekc at 1:15. .vern.