SuMMcuurrON $2 PER YEAR SINGLE COPIES 5 CENTS AU commuunications and contributions intended for publi- cation muet bear the name and address of the author, flot ecesaruly for publication, but for aur files. Such miateriàl moust reach the editor by Tuesday noon to be in time for the current issue. IS HONESTY -A CRIME? The unfairness and disc-rimniatorv% character of. the decision awarding.a 15 per1 cent reduction on the .1931 tax assessmenit on.,homnes and small apartments is apparent on the face of it. hi1 plain, cold words it, means that those. taxpayers who paLid their taxes were flot only overcharged. to carry. on the funictions of governiment and pay. interest and other carrying charges but are to be further penalized by withholding fromn them the benefits of this reduction. This is nlot to protest against the reduction, which is 'a matter for gratification.. But if the assessment was too high b>y 15 per cent on, the properties of the protesters, it was also too high on those of their neigh.bors who, rather than de- prive taxirig bodies of necessary funds and thus precipitate a complete breakdown of public serv- ices, "took it on the chin," paid up, bought tax anticipation warrants and maintained govern- ment for nonpayers. Is hçonesty a crime, to be punished in this mnan- ner? If the reduction was just and equitable, it. should apply to al properties in the classes affected. Every,îaxing body in New Trier-village, park,' school and others-is faced with the duty of throwing its power and influence back of the proposition to make the reduction uniform and applicable te ail owners of homes and smail apartments., That duty is plain. It, is definite. At is squarely up to them teo see that the qualities <f honesty.and good citizenship are not penialized. THE WAGNER BILL The charge coercion on the part of the unions. Union labor bas been actively trying to' put through congress the~ Wagner bill, wbich, as stated above, would outlaw shop unions naw en- tirely lawful under the NRA. It is looked upon witn his employée, preventing Iiun eveni rom discussing with the employée the type of labor organization that .might be m.utually satisfactory and *advantageous to both. It 'would entireiy prohibit employer contributions to employee or- ganizations, except for payment of litnited bene-. lits. It would. legalize the closed, shop and do away with.the openshop.. *"The freedomn of emplovers,' as w'ell as em- ployees, to enter into a:nd determine th on- ditions of empfloymeént -relat ions with each other. which the Chamber has contended is an essential part of the individual right of contract, woudbe virtually destroved by *the bill. "The bill would: grant to any mfeml)er of a newly created, national, labor board, and to any person the board chooses to:make ,its representa- tire,. extr.aordinarV- powers toô caîll to accounit employers engaging -in activities, hitherto cons id.- ered both innocent and désirable, but 'which now %vould cônstitute 'unfair labor practices.' "I union laboriîs to be gi-ven the unprecedented powers souglit in this législation, is it too MUcli to' evpect that at soin e. later date, if the bill is de- clared constitutional, the public* will insist on, counter-legisiation to, put labor undèr strict gov- ernment regulation and to curb or even prohibit its activities? "The threat of strikes and the menace of in-.' creased industrial disputes, if the Wagner bill is enacted, are causing appréhensions which tan have *no other effect than to slow down the re- covery program. What the country needs today is industrial peace, not war. Such legislation as this would retard the .continued progress which in the interest of everyone is so greatlv to be desired today. What the country neec1s is more men 'at work, flot fewer." A WORTHY CANDIDATE In the candidacy of Harry C. Kinne, 1324 Elme wood avenue, Wilmette, the north shore. presents an outstanding aspirant for the probate judge- ship whom it can unreservedlyrecommnend'to the voters of the county. His name will appear on the republican ballot at the April 10 primary., A distinguished member of the legai profession, his qualifications are attested by the fact that for twenty-five years he has been on the faculty of What effect this would have on bandits of the Dillinger type is a matter for speculat ion. But it would be an ekperiment, and experiments are caten raw in. Washington, are n( tor .w bank1 ýr a I1t rnyi vanted to tak he. fQund -he vran t I. LJike ke his nloney could have it. * Uit UVepU]- out of the, Someone who was -probahly spoollng, said that the lonesornest place *in the world is amid the crowds of a large cityv. But we.would take: a chance oèn that any. time in preference W ýRear Admirai Byrd's self-imposed isolation for seven months at the bot- tom of the earth.. ,Just vhy iis necessarv for, him to be alone down there is more than we can figure. Can't records and observations ble. inade ,vith someone else with- in speaking distance, if he keeps still? Lonesome? t miust be almost, as lonesom'e ,as republic.ans find conigress., Bandits are getting meanef and meanier every day. Sundav they robbed a parader of his entire outfit of Easter clothes. Ex-President Hoover slipped quietly into WVin- ,netka hast week-end and enjoyed a visit -with bis friends, the Arcli W. Shaws. -Mr. Hoover denied that his journey had any political 'significancc and granted no intervýiews. However. lie looked. muhlike a man who i's storing up ,plent.v oi. useful material for future use. Mr. H{itler, the gentleman in the brown shirt, with the dinky moustache, s'ays that hie will not let the world dictate to him. A dictator is afunny animal. He believes in dictation for others bùt not for himsel1f. Queer, logic, that. Ridicule is 'a powerful weapon"in the hands oc those Who know howto umse it. Just now the "bai usters" are giving a graphic exhibition of its impotency in 'the hands of those who do not know use it. Pit.iful attempts to dis- credit Pro fessor Wirt of Gary had scarceItý begun when "WiId Man" Brookhart up and ipakes a speech in Washington in which he advocated comlnunism for America, sayingthat aIl land and inclustry here should be sovietized. That takes a lot of the humor out of the "brain buster's" jibes; Recently enacted laws deprive them of what vvas left. And now the World"s Fair management,,.says that the concessions during the .1934 sessions.are to be perfectly decent, no scrawny ladies without clothes, or anytbing. But wait and see. Yes, wait and sire. TEE PHATO RPOTER. 4 "2