pecteci io nave several ramous col- lections on exhibit, sucb as, the NVoldenberg collection of Zeppelin covers. A supply of the new 3c red Maryland stamps will be on hand for sale to the public. The coniittee for, the exýhibition is as follows. >president, JohnLH.. -Bull;- publicItyý director, Robert, W. Brown: exhibits and. aiards, Robert Camrpbell. Appoint. Tauber Auburn Dealer, on: North. Shore The Tauber Auburn and Cord c ompany, Auburn dealers iocated. at 5718 Broadwvay, Chicago, bas, opened a branch in Evanstoni and will repre- sent Auburn cars in the north shore district., The Evanston location is at 1909 Ridge avenue. The Evanston, comipany occupies: onie of the Most modern automobile. sales. an d service homes in the City. More than 2.500 square' feet-of show room space is available, with an eciually -large amount for service. The Tauber comipaiiv bas repre'- seünted Auburn cars for the 'Iast seven vears at the Broadway location and <uring that time bas built up a large clientele, both insales and. service . '['he Evanston branch will open i n order to better meet the needs of the large nuruber of Auburn o wners ini the north shore district. A fulllline of Auburn six cylinder, straigbt eight and twelve cylinder raodels wiIl be carried at the Evans-' ton location, according to Roy S. Tan- ber, manager of the' brancb. ,tA4imong Me citations wnicn coni- prised the lesson-Lsermon was the following from the Bible: "The Lord hath brought forth ouir righte ous- ness: cQme, and let us declare in Zion the work of the Lord our God. He, bath made the earth :by bis, power, he bath established the-world by his wisdom and, bath stretched. out the heaveh by bis understandinig" (Jeremiah 51: 10, 15). Thé lesson-sermnon also included the following passages :f rom the Christian Science. textbook, 'Science and Health with Key to the. Scrip- tureii," by Mar-, Baker Eddy: "'.Let uslearii of the real and eternal,' and prepare for the. reign of Spirit, the kingdom of heaven,-the reign and rule of universal harmony, whicb cani- not be, lost nor remain forever un-, seen"' (page 208). Evanston'Drama' Group .Hoids Annual Meeting A luncheon and annual meeting of the Draina club of Evatiston %vll be held in the Woman's club at Evans - ton Tbursday, April 12, at 12:30 o'clock. Mrs. John W. Meaker and several former presidents of the club will be guests of bonor. Mrs. H. D. Lininger. 2327 Park place. Evanston,. is takinig reservatiis. At 2:30 o'clock an operatiç cycle 'entitled 'WNhite En- chantmienit," will be given. The text for this presentation is by Nelle Rich- mond Eberbart, and music by Charles thon other types of aelid fuel Screened, aized and perfectlyproceaaed Quicker Kindlikg 4 Longer Laating More Controllability. NOA'SH AT,.EEL' "USE< NILLES COMPLETE FUEL SERVICE" 9b If your furince'borna oid fuel a«nd, your. winter's supoply is ehausied, the cold, dadap weather of Aptil will prove a fine time for testing out Garbo-Coke. Phone for a trial load now. Just a test and the çhances are you'll hurn it next w inter.- We are almo in a position to rlen sh your supply of fuel-wlý and Cooal Central Coal &Material Coe. "Exclusive Dialtributora for the North Shore" Evanston Translate 1400 1711 Churdi Street, Evanston University 5200 f-or individw a national swimming contest held mre- cently3 in Washington DJ. C. iwon the -Women's national indoor junior div- ing cbampionsbip. The meet. wbich was held at the Sboreland hotel in Washington, wvas sponsored 4v the Central1 American Athletic, Union. Miss. Eckert is the> daughter of George Eckert, swimming inistrnc- tor at Shawnee Countrv club. A.Rooney IN N EW North Shore are urcluded li Our new Iow priced course:. 0 SWIM ... wl- a pool purer than the water you drinl *EXERCISE . ini well ventilatéd, uanitary monts und<r. colupetent supervision! 18PMAY.* baduminton, squash,, handball on: thse meit courtsnthecountryl1 *BOX, WRESTLE, FENCE if you ike! 0 TOP IT ALL OFF witls au exhilarating showrl A FREE M P 1i - FIFTY-FII'TH*AND FIFTH AVENUE 3rder *1yUI- AFFILIATED WITH THE DRAKE tiftb AND BLACKSTONE H OTELS--CHICAGO My Name 19.... ~Address.... ........................ City . m.. . m...... ...........................