Miss Bertling and Mr. Jackson arc giving the third recital of the sea- son-wvhich ends on May 7 when Har- niet Mason. of Winnetka, pianist, and- Donald Frazier of Chicago, baritone. w~iII close urith a joint recital. Coin- munity ' House f eels -that Matz bal is an ideal place for these yoing artists who prefer an intimate audi- toriuiniperfeet1-%' equipped. where thev niiay. give the best of their art to an enthusiastic. discrimi nating. audi- 'rhe-other artists present.ed this seasop * were the young' Germanl dancers, Grace Corneil and Kurt Graif, and George Seaberg, Chicago p!anist. %vho gave, a recital in Noveni- ber.; Helen Hedges of Glencoe, 1yni and, coloratura soprano, and, the Swigart trio, ivhich is -composed oî George> and Estelle SNigart Of XiI- mette (violinist and 'cellist, respec- tivevi. and Miss Pauline Manc hester p* of inetka-all of -whom wr heard in recital ini January. The Ger- mani dancers can 4b considered as r longing to this vicinity, since Miss Cornell's home is in Chicago and most .of their work centered bere last year. AUl of the. concerts. in the series bave been under -the direction of Rutheda .L. Pretzel, who lives in Cie ncoe. "the* fact that a young artist lives gt our very doorsteps neyer means that he or she is flot first-rank ma- terial. The artists heard so far have alread'v received nationand 2h11 - igu.ia, 1.CPIU lsUS, the uraVo Medical association, the Better Gov'- emfment association, Board of Trade, Illinois Manufacturers association, justices of the Peace.and State Coil- stabulary association. Mrt Bidwill, w~ho is a candidate for the first time, resides. in River Forest. l-alleft. Thorne, 93 Indian Hill road, is leaving next: veek for aý month's visit in California. li- e vill be three weeks on business. and a week visit- ;:ig bis family, the Charles Thornes in Pasadena. Ail OUR SLOGAN 1$ "Ask thje Guest Wko Lives Here"pe On Lake Michigan $300 Block-Shoridan Ro.di Chicago, Silk Prints, i'ivy have the tire of .youth, a joyous- ness in their art, that sometimes be- comes lost or dulled after many years of coùceriing. Comimunity House is already look- Jug forward to another season nexi Year of acquainting its many patrons ~vth young ýtalent. that is outstand- Reserved seat tickets for next Monday night's concert are now on saeat Conî.înniv NHouse.' *Printed Fiat Crepe 0, Light and Dark Backgrounds *Plaids and Stripes Tio3 Prudence Wolf, 104 Woodbine av'e- nlue, Wihnette, has been initiated into the Alpha Zeta chapter of Pi Lambda Theta, women's national educational soronity, at Northwestern'university. Miss Wolf is a senior in the school of education. ÈVANSTON Anaother Triumph for Stevens! 25300 Ya rd'- .Jst Unpock.d- Bright. Fresh, New Spring Col@ri.gs c