t'o. the VOTERS Of t he Seventh Senatorial Distric Fromn W-gfarnMcGee Candidate for Re rsntative in thW General A sge'm bi In announcing my candidacy for the Gencral Assemibly, 1 amn f uIly appreciative of the duties and responsibilities which de- volve upon. a member of that body; also 1 arnni indful of the honor which is bestowed upon one who is permitted to serve ni this position of trust and confidence and as sncb 1 shail regard it, if elected. In this communication to you 1 desire to submit certain salient facts, about myseif and my platform. 1 was born ini Stor9ý City, Iowa, and attended the public. schools and high school atý that place. During the war 1 vohnteered niy services and was permitted to serve you- for fourteen months, ten months of which On Monday, April 16, Mrs. George C. Schmitz, 531 Lauirel avenue, will be bostess at a tea for the mothers of the pupils in tef ourth grade. Mrs., Chester E. -Greene, state motion pic- turc chairman of'the Parent-Teacher association, will be the speaker. As-. sisting hostesses are to be Mrsý..Albert Salvi, Mrs.' P. L., Hein,- Mrs.' C. J. Murphy, Mrs. George Wells, Mrs. ».. Pagliarulo, and ýMrs. Robert Little. Mrs. Helen Schmitz Baurnann will give several dramatic, readings. Fathers' night will be held at 8 o'clock on Friday, April 20, in the school auditorium. There will be twoý short plays, one by the, Boy Scouts. and the. other by the Girl Scouts. The speaker for the - evening will be the Rev.; Edwin D. Hoovrer,, S.T.D., who is directorof the Cardinal Cathedral choir and- in charge of mnusic for the Arch dioce se. Rev. Hoover. studied in Rome for about six years with famous choir directèrs including Pc- rosi, director of the Sistine choir. He also studicd at Solemes, France in the Benedictine School of Gregorian Chant. Rev. Hoover rccently re- celved an honorary degree fromn De- Paul university in recognition for his INeukranz; .Dety niesemeter, violin- ist; Frances Evans, and Brenda Holter. Accompahists were Ernau Akely and Electa Austin Gamron, The prograni in detail is as ,follows:. Concerto.......................Bc Andante Andante and Variations .... Schumann Poem..............C utsanr Boatman's Song ............... Clu tsan Fay Palmer -Kreer. Berceuse.............. Margaret Tufttc- Episode ...........Margaret '1'ufts. Andante and Scherzo ... Margaret Tufts Betty Beisemeler IV I Light the Blessed Candies 1' Proctor Tears. and Smiles.. '.......Protheroe Baloons In the Show ..Jeanne'Boyd Moon Bridge ..............Price Frances Evans Second Suite.......... ...-Arthur Foote Allegro Appossionate Romanza Toccato Brenda Holter. VI .ir r . . . . > . . . . . .Ferrari Jardin d'Armour..........Keel Crucifixion...........Curran Fay Palnmer Kreer Vii. Suite...............Aubert, Élue Danube Waltz........... Strauss Gevilla Neukranz. and Marie ýMoli> Pettibone. remarkable achievements. in the field ofmusic.- In 1925 1 was admitted to the Bar i Illinîois. In. 1926 .1 was appointcd to the faculty of the Chicago-Kent College of Law, ,where 1 have taughit six different courses, ini addition to pra 1 -. ~ilig law. In eight years 1 have built up a high class, successful ~w practice, have found time, as a- teacher, to help educate a. large nuniber of individuals who now arc or shortly will be prac- ticing lawycrs, and.have1 written, and published articles on, taxa-. tion and a five. hundred and fifty page, law book 'on probate practice. My law practice has been of a nature that has kept nme in- constant touch with the practical operation of personal prop- erty, real prqperty, inheritance, federal estate, federal income, stocli transfer. capital stock and franchise taxsand Itfromran It's a Danger Signal! If your child wears out his shoos on the, inside of the heel .s, and soles. COMFOPEDIC SHOES Are Insurance Against Unhealthy Feet IcGEE JAMES, ýteenti, St, Wilmette, itI. ICAN BALLOT ýRSHALL FIEILD & COMPANY ON THE