What dlean, automatie gas heat has done for. Mrs. J, M. West, 213 W. blSth Place, Chicago Heights. L 00K in to the basement of a typical gas- hL eated home-seec what happens when, séoot dirt, and furnace mess have been elim- inated! Like Mrs. WesC's,,thousands of home owner&snaw have. dean, basement playrooms, workroèEms, game rooms-due to gas heat. Imagine your -own basement rid of the coal bin-rid' of dirty. ash buckets and fur- nace muss. Perhaps a: game, roomn, where the, children are out of the way. Now that gas- heatng ~rates are so, Iow, jr is pure folly to ,delay any longer. Think of it - gaz £eating rates art no ly h u, alf of wkat :1vwere dur- ing Me1930-31 beating season. You invest nothing ta try And you can try gas heat without investing one cent! We will instali a burner in your present furnace or bolier at out own expense. You pay onily the rentai on1 the equipment, which amounts to $3 a month' in. the average home. The charge is included with the bill for the gas you1 use. You try >h fo r a 'month, two mondis, a year.,And if within the year youg finid that you -are not c.pmpletely satisfied with gas, we will take it out at our exrpense and replace your former heating equipmcnt in, good workmanli-ke order. But if you decide to keep gis heat-I as we think you will-the r.aial you have paid applies on the purchase price of the equipment. Act nowl Don' t delay! You neyer will regret accept- ing this liberal offer on gis heat. Ca»l your nearest Public Service office for full infor- mnation. 08'i iwqiae what Y'UMCD il MaAUS," tan You uiever have to order gu -- it is always under orders to serve 5OU. Morning, non n ight i sa or commiand. Should you fai to stock your larder for the week-end, or should extra Company visit You, unexpectedly, you might have to scurty around to meet unforeseen demands. Not so with RIs. g PUBLIC OF APRIJ.. 5, 1934 APRIL