SPECIALS fo r Thursday, Frida ad Saturdy FLORIDA Or SUNKIST 1 CALIFORNIA ORANG ES... GREEN PEAS-Fuil pods, tender andiweet.......... FANCY WINESAP APPLESo .......... Premier Bran d Pure CREAMERY BUTTER * l ý',ý: l '4 *:tà.*. 4- doz.. 55c 3 l25,éc 4 Lse 25c' 2 .49c - MONARCB-PEA VINES Yeliow CfIng, 21/m2 ae caa CUR, Sliced or Halves cca, FRESH BRO AD LEAF SPINACH, ieck .............................. 19C GINGER 'ALE, LIME RICKCEY or ROOT BEER, dog........ 3 FOR: 25C Strictly Freih EGGS......... 89c 2 d... 37c *The dental clinic of the Wilmette Health center meets every Tuesday, morning from 9 o'clock to 12. The Howard school dental clinic meets every Tbursday morning f roni 9 to 12. The Healtb Center is open daily ex- cept Saturday and Sunday from 9 to 4. Th e telephone number is Wilmette 2402. Sportsman Club Invites to Spring,,Dance.April 1il The' Sportsman, Club Bowling league is expecting-a'large attend- ince at its first annual dance on Wed- nesday ýnigbt, April 1l,ý at* the Air- port intn on Lake avenue just east of Curtiss airport. The dance is open to the public, and the bowlers- have ani- nounced that "everyone is welcome." The leaâgue is composed. of eight teamns tbatf . bowl every Friday nighi at eleser's Bowling acadeniy.- 1901 Scbiller avenue. FIREMAN DISMISSED George Malefeld of theý Wilmiette ire department failed to report for dutY on March 25, and bhas since been absent without leave. Oficialaction by the Village board Tuesday night re- lieved him of connection witb the de- partment. Albert Zibble was appuinted teniporarily, pending the holding of i~n examination to fill the vacancy, which will be beld by Village Manager C. M. Osborn at the Village hall on Monday evening, April 16, at 7:30 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cherry, 517 Sheridan road, Kenilworth, enter- tained at a famnily Easter. dinner, including several friends amiong ber guests. Isabelle Cherry, ýwho attends Wells collcge, returned:Monday af- ter ber spring vacation.' Imm Surviving are the widow, Gertrude,, one son, Ralph, 10, and a daughter, jean, 6; the mother, Mrs. Emma Johnson and one brother, Paul John- son, 419 Gregory avenue; three sis- ters, Mrs. George Larson, 301, Six- teénth street, Mrs. A.ý Heerens, 135 Sxteenth street, and Mrs. J. A. Lind- gren of Sycainore. Full MilitàwyRites Funeral services were conducted by Wilmett'e - Post No. 46, American Legioný, assistedby Rev., George D. Allisoh, bis pastor at the Wilmette Baptist churcb, Saturday, Marcb 31,. at 2:30. During the service the flag-. draped casket was under guard of .a detail fromi Fort Sheridan. At. the close of the service the're- mains, were escorted to Memorial Park cemetery,, wbere interment was witb fuli military bonors. Salutes were fired: by a firing squad froin Fort Sheridan, and taps were sounded by Stanley Peterson of Wilmette post. The services were attended by Wil- mette Post No. 46, American Legion in a body, and by many comrades froin neighboring posts. En Service 26 Mouithe Russell C. Johnson en listtd in the United States army May 19, 1917, atý Jefferson* Barracks, Mo., and %vas as- signed to Battery F of the S th Field arilry of the lst Division, and sajled for France on june,14, 1917, less than one month after his enlistrent. After training for battie be served ini tbe following offensives: Sommervillers, OctQber 21 to November 20, 1917; Ansauville, January 19 to April 6, 1918; Montidier-Noyon,, April 23 to July 7; Soissons, July 18 to 22; Sai-, gerais, August 5 to 26;: St. -Mihiel, Sept. 12 and 14; Meuse-Argonne, Oc- tober 1 to 11,; Mouzon, .November'-6;, M arch-On- Sedan, November 7 to Il? and served in ýth.e Army of Occupation from.November 11, 1918 to August 9., 1919., ,He returned to the United States on September 6, 19 19, and. was honorably discharged on September 26 of that year at Camp Grant, Ill., Mr. Johnson joined \Vilmette Postý No. 46 onf the Amerircan LeL-in ini 1924. d1 in1 and the >)pp. I I oe I W:L~.u.. Au......eu. ,à e4a vvUia Ie8t3W JVCEU V -FR-EE DELIVERY L~WLI~O £VIU 17cirPt. 33c