LINDEN MARKET RIB ROAST of BEEF Best Cuts 409 Linden Avenue b24C Wilmette 947-948 Calling Ail CarsI Time te change to. Summer Mobiloil. and Gear Lubricant the L Terminal ARE YOU MOVING THISSPRING?ý, ifso;i. rea WILMYrrE 4234 GLENCOE 40o.4 GRENLAF3230 HOLLYCOURT 38<o McCARTy SRAGE WAREHOUSEl. 403Y2~ Linden Ave,Wilmette, 71 z Glencoe Rd., Glencoe FOURTH -STREET' AUTO .SERVICE, INC 56 Four&h Street :Phone wilmette 5440 DO IT NOW.. . It costs 80 littie. to rep air orý remodél thiS spring - it wil be a good investment and Save you money. No job too big or too sniall- phone us today!1 G.L. HODGSON Carponter-Contractor 411 Linden Avenue Wilmëttc 2843 "Lears maniy things but know one thing welI» Motto of Gênerai Uphoistery Our workers are skilled in thçir trac, and thir knowledge. of r e- building and repairing furniture is at your, dsposa!. Art Furniture Co, 47 YEARS' EXPERIENCE (Jpkolstering -S pecial Furnitur;. Madie Io Order CHAIR RECANING FraDezery 4053/2 Linden Ave. Wilniette 986 TheL Termia F REE PARKING SPACE Will be open for the use and convenience of the residents of Wilmette and the North Shore some- time NEXT WEEK. The'L Terminal Busi- ness Men's Association is pleased to have this opportunity to again aflord convenient Free Parking privileges, ut the L Terminal. TERMINAL HARDWARE Phico Radios, Service for Ali Make, 411 Linden Avenue Wilmette 2841 I Si5FourthStreet Wilnae«e 6~6 APRII. 5. '934 INVESTIGýATE-Thi8SvW.k An oul Croquinolc. Permanent in- cluding hair cnt and en. er Wave. Ail work absolutel:C guarufiteed. AU for $ Shanipoo - Lose - Trim - Mani- cure - Fingcr.Wav Eyebrow Arri av 3 for tA Linden Cresit Beauty Shop 4z6 Linden Avenue Minette 4454 Siidof Qgalïiy Store SOAP, American Family, per bar5 SOAP FLAKES,- American Fam- uly, imedîum16 size package 6 THIINSIES, Educator, Hanimered Wheat; 8-0z. package .3e PEP BIRAN FLAKES, K(ellogg's, z packages i7e The Only Garage in Wilmette Wjth 24-HOUR SERVICE Y-_ 1 ý -2 1- Wilmeue636 sis Fourth Street Wilmettc 2843