Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Mar 1934, p. 6

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il A choice selection of Flowers end Plants awaits. you liete. in the full bloonm of beauty end fragrance. Prices are low. WE DELIVER Pbone Wilmette 1943 West End.,,loôi sts. 2303Glenview !Road Near lVestmorelqa4. Golf Club mnarket, he bas decided to offer hiý patrons this extra service. GOI».Do flot sell your Old Gold to straiig. ers. IVe bave a goveranment Il. ýCPnqP to buy 'old gold, platinumi anld silver. 'No need to go ese- wilre-wivi-li pay 'ouln cash1 or trade. for new Jeuwelry. 1). PA&GLIARULo 1166 Wimette Ave. Wifi. 1061 Exclusive Erster'NOVIty Somnething really different! Spun Candy Easter SPANISH, KANDY KUPBOAROD 924 Spaniih Court In No-Man's Land Wilmetté 5423 DRESS Up FOR' *Hart, Schaffner & Marx NEW SPRING SUITS an~d TOPCOATS -i.,eflb.o.. *uiJb.**O wy b, 1111L 111.Gwyn had served as an EipiscoPal teriorg and doorways. Her personal clryaInCiag n t uub experiences as she tells them give the i clergyan in Chicsago, n its uburb colored pictures a fascination and real- ea f ew years ao owhen be weft ity that delights ber audience, declare easci t to b ee ,Hwa rectorofHyTint those who have beard ber lecture. of the Church of.the Holy Comforter During'the past seasoni she lias ap- during the period of the war, andl left jeared before.numnerous women's clubs, Keniiworth about fifteen years ago. gardeji clubs, and civic groups ilI sev- Other parishes wvhicli lie bad, served eral Midwestern cities. ý.in the Chicago area included. St. Queen, Mary--of,1Enàlanid, ini a per- Sirnon's, ýSt. Peter's and St. Edmunid'a sonal letter.to Mi ss Milis, liighlv coin-* in, Chicago, St. Johîn's' at Naperville miendedlier: for 'the .beautiful pictures 'anîd St. Lawvrence's at Libertyville.. For and expressed ber appreciation for tliis a tiie the Rev. Mr. Gwyn ivas editor metlîod of promoting a better under- of tlîe New Yotk'Churchmani and editor standing between the twvo great Eng-, in chiié of the Diocese of Chicago. lish-speaking counitries. lie beld. the office of secretary of the Chicago 'Lami and Order"league and was active in social service work. Eas-, Willim T.Jones' Jrterri papers, following . lus, death, com- 13, Es Taken by Death mented on bis leaderslîip in civic af- fairs as vvell as his, ability as a clergy- William T. Jones,, Jr., better knowil mail. as "Billy,". 13 yearg old, died at the TeRv.M.Gyîcm ofads home -of bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. tinguished famnily. He as a nephew William. T. Joncs,' Sr., 1232 Elmwood I of Sir William OsIer and 'a first cousin avenIue, Thursday, Marcb 22. He hiad 'of John McCrae, author of tbe poe*n. been ili of beart affection for the past i "In Flanders Fields." His widow, Mrs. six montbs. The funeral wvas held at1 Virginia Gwyn, is bis only surviv'or.. tbe bomne Saturday afternoon at 2:30 :Their only son, Campbell, died in 1927. o'clock, conducted by the Rêv.. John Funeral 'Services were bield at Tiver,- G. Hindley of the First Conigregational ton Monday morning, withb ishop churcb. Internient was in Meémorial -Perry of Rhode Island officiating. The Park cemetery. remains*were taken to Winchîester, Va., Surviving him, besides the parents, for burial. are a brother, Artbur W., and a sister, Bisy *a amei r f heCo-AUTO HITS TRAIN gregational Sunday scbool, and had Tuesday moriiing as Herbert Hend- been active ini Boy Scout affairs He erson was driving a taxicab west on - mh-r .. Trnn hiv o, Central avenue the car skidded into a school, wliere lie as w ieit h grade. 24 Years of, Exclusive> Rug Cleaning AUl the. lateat Patterns and fahrics in the newest spring styles. $ 3500 taxîcab was ciamaged, one wneeiUeinîg' -broken off, but no one was injured. Hlenderson. claimed he was trying to, make a.,quick stop because of-.the tardy lowering of tbe gaes. The pavement was ,eXtremely, slippery at the time. Miss Betty Turck, daugbter of the. joseph A. V. Turcks, 522 Linden ave- nue, Will be borne today frorn the University of Illinois for ber spring vacation. She is 'a freshrnan at the university and was recently îunitated into Gamma Pbi Beta. sorority. -o- -Mr. -and Mrs. B. F. Lewis, -Jr.. of The 171 114Wilmette Avenue Store for Moun Phone Wilmette 2435 Caro4y, S/eaut~y Salon Carolyot Milikepu 1202 Central Avenue Phone Wilmet, 4050 F 4"

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