Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Mar 1934, p. 55

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Thursday, March 22, Troop 2 per- formed its "daily good turn" bv help- ing address letters in the church of- fice. Following that, the real meeting was opened by dividing intô four patrol groups. Here attendance was checked and dues collected.. Each. patrol decîded on its gamne for the general meeting. Because of lack of time, only one garne was pflayed. This wvas a band- age relay which al the girls enjoyed. Miss Jones, troop leader in the ab- sence o f Mrs. Denoyer, muade a numn- ber caf announcements: onre from the Girl Scouts Own service,; aniother concerning times for certain awards, and.one giving the change of place of.-the hoerbnrursing class. The meeting was closed with "Gol- den Slumber" and "Taps." Fourteen niembers were present.-Jean Fre- mont, scribe. Sixteen Girls:Attend Meeting o! Troot, 8 Troop 8 had one of its Iargest meetings Wednesday, March .21, There were sixteen girls. We hope to -have a larger meeting each time we meet. Miss Taylor, our teacher, had usý sec how many birds we knew by their names and pictures. While having our patrol corners we talked of. having a hike very soon, which we. are looking forward to., We play- ed games, had songs and closed the meeting by singing "Taps."-Stella Koller, scribe. FIELD INSTITUTE The Girl. Scout council of Oak Park lias invited the north shore scout councils to ,attend a field insti- tute to be held.at the -Oak Park Arins hotel,, April 12-13., Miss Margaret Murray,; from, national Girl Sýofr headqutarter's, will conduct the i nsti - tute. -The sessions are from 10 to 12 o'clockl.ini the morning and 1 to 3 in the afternoon. Luncheon will be Troop 6 held: its weekly meeting Thursday, March 22. Mrs. Ormsbee, our leader, was unable to attend, so Miss Dorothy Taylor, captain of Troop 8, cc.nducted. the meeting. Af- ter the formai opening we went to patrol corners. We then divided into three teams for à knot relay. After this we had another relay.' This was about, birds. Miss Taylor showed tbe first person in -each team' a picture of a *bird. They came back and de- scribed. it. Then, another person would, go up and tel the name. The Lemons won this game, as the teams were called' Prunes, Lemons,-and Squashes. We played a signaling, game after which we had the closingcircle and went home at 5, o'clock-Lojs, White- head, scribe. These. Letters Cause Plenty Of Merriment Troop 1 worked out a hostess badge. The girls separated into two gro ups and each group was given a ilist of things to do. Each one ini the one group was told to write an in- vitation to someone in, the other group. The other group, wrote ac- ceptances, not knowing that'the first group was writing invitations. They tore out their own envelopes from, paper, and one was appointed post- man to deliver thern. Later in the. circle the reading of the invitation ani its acceptance causedi much mer- riment. Another stunt was the plan- ing of a 1uncbeon menu by one group and 'a picnic lunch by the other. GIRtLS STUDY BANDAGING Troop 4 studieci first aid last Tues- day. We learned how to take care of a sprai.ned ankie or a broken arm. in case of emergency. One person would be the patient and another the nurse. In that way we learned quite easily and Il am. sure we -aIl know. more about bandàging than before. -Janet Bichl, scribe., PRACTICE FIRST AID The second class girls of Troop Il practiced first aid, andi sorne made Easter flowers. We played seve ral -4r..c nn- ~t ~--A 3, the Wil- ýr team will --tu itiune ýmop 5LUUI. ,Wilîmette and Deerfleld are now tied for second lace in the north shore Christian Endeavor league standings, and the game- next Tuesday will decide which team is to occupy the runner-up p o- sition.. Highland' Park has clinched first, place. Commenting on Wilmette's chances of winninig next Tuesday, Hugli Boyd; manager of the local team, says heý expects the Wilmette boys to turn in avictory. inasmuch as they have al- ready. whipped Deerfleld one timne thsseason. Last Saturday night Wilmette lost to the Si. Francis C. Y. O. quintet, 40 to 36, The Christ ian- Endeavor teamu, led in scoring by Dick Torrey, forward, p layed well defensively,. but was weak-on.the offense., Jini Cham- bers and Paul, Emrich did some stel-, lar passing- work. Phil Hoelz, guard, whose right wrist was injured re- cently. was back in the game last Saturd.a. (Publisçhed for The Mallipickrodt Caf holic high. school for girls in ,Wilrnette) To stimulate interest in dramatics, a speech contest was held on Friday, March 23, in the school auditorium, under the direction of Mrs. Charles Broad, teacher of' dramatics at The Mallinckrodt. The contestants were càlled .upon to give readings in the presence of three able judges: Mrs. Frank Thale, chairman 'of the Fine Arts committee ofthe Catholic Womn- en's Club of'.Wilmette, and two teach- ers of Mallinickrodt college. The final scores showed ihat Miss Eulalia Bark- er of Wilmette won the highest rating ini the senior group, and ber sister, Phyllis Barker, the high est in, the style show wifl be -in charge -of Mrs. F. G. Tuttie, of Oak Park. It prom- ises to be a dazzling affair, featurlng. everything from hats to shoes, and from evening gowns to bathing suits, f urnished through the courtesy of the newly opened sPortswear departmient of the -Hub Women' and Misses'. Shop of Evanston.. Reservations of tables and the sales, of tickets have been placed î harge of 'Esther Springer MvEwen, 1210 Central:,street, Evanston. The table arrangements and appointments wil be cared for by Mrs. C. Lyman Has,ý well of Eva nston. Table priies wjll' be selcted by Mrs. Hjarold J. Schick of Chicago. The Bake s'ale Will be directed by Mrs. Lowell J. Ruprecht of Chicago, and the refreshments will be provide4d under the direction of Mrs. Theodore Rehn, of Winnetka. Mrs.- James 'Packard Rein .hold .of Wilmette. is general chairman of the rvent. *Last year the style show receipts were distributed to Berea college of Kentucky, the Chi Omega Student Joan Fund, the Evanston Community Chest, and the Northwestern Uni- Versity Settlement. The Chi Omega is the only sorority at Northwestern that supports a scholarship. The .committee will select the beneficiaries of this y@ar's part%, at the conclusion of the event. IS YOUR COMPLEXION SLOTVIIY AuD PIMPLY? if yotur complexion la dull, muddY, sallow due to cIogged bowels take Ad- 1prlka. Just one dose rida your system #)f poisonous wastes. Adierika la qulck acting. gentle. safe. At Leadlng Drug- glats -Adv. RADIO SOLOIST Florence Grayling (Mrs. iCharles B. Grayling) 167 Abingdon avenue, Ken- ilworth, was the, soloist with Ha! Kemp's orchestra over WGN Iast Monday at the Blackhawk. Mr. and Mrs. Theron Chaprnan of Chicago are the parents of a son born on Monday, March 26, at St. Luke's hospitai. Mrs. Chapman, the former Patty Foresman, is the daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Foresman, .515 Essex road, Kenilwoýrth. Cail Our SEL WU.MHnE 32 ri~ 7317 «,,*i à à 4,vel AUTO REPAIR T 0 vv 1 N CI lý 1 T ýý N * BAT Ti R j AV£. Wa-marm 32. à

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