Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Mar 1934, p. 52

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Deadlne fr IlSOIlOM Claaalied advertlaements vii be e- eepted Up taý Tuesday 9 P. M. for WILM»TTE IFUI or ail1 three Paperu; WedneMday 9 P. M. for WINNIETKA TALK and Tburaday à5 P. IL. for GLENCOR NlcWo* Telephones: WlImette 4300, Winnetkm. 2000 (Winnetka 500 after .6 P. M.). Greemleaf 4300 or Sheidrake 5887. Loft ^ND FOUND LOST SMALL TAN AND WHITE puppy. part cole, wlth datk spot over rlght oye, and curly. tall. Red collai'. Call Winnetka 622 ' or leave message at police station. ' 8L7-ltp LOST. - SATURDAY AFTPERNOON, Irish Setter. .Red. Maie.î Reward. Ph. Wilmette 1291. 3LTN47-ltp LOST-CHiLD)S PET RACCOON. RE- ward. Phone Glencoe 1336. 3LT47-ltp GLAN-YR-AFON. PARM HOUSE AN- tique shop has re-opened at Gien Ellyn ' 1.1. Eleanore Phelpe 1Pratt. Ph. Gien Eifyn 856. 411X'N4-3tp BUILDING AND COOtETACTINQ MODERNIZE YOUR HOME LET US MODERNIZE YOUR HOME! Basement recreation roome, additions, attic 'modernization, home repairiug in ail branches. No job too amail. Season- able. low prices. We have built more than 100 homes on the north shore and know our business! 1F. H. GATHERCOAL 151 lHghland Ave. 'Willintte, 111. Phone Wilmette 225 15LTN21-tfp BUSINE"SERVICE ELECTRIC WELDING. 'BOIER weldlng, automotive machine »hop and parts jobbers. PAVLIK BROS.» PHONE KENIIJWORTH :280-820 lîLTN25-26tp ELITE WINDOW CLEANERS QIKSERVICE. 7c a window outside. 14c in and.out. INTERIOR CLEANING. . CLOCK REPAIRINO jSPECIALISTS - REPAIRING CHIMe, grandfather, .electrie, antique cdocks. Vall and deliver. Watches, Jewelry, 811- verw are, repaird, refinished. North Ev- q nston Jewelry Shop, 1915 Central, St.. University 4272.' ' -- 20LTN47-4tp CLOCI< EXPERT, CHIME. HALL.AN- tique: dock repairing. Learned trade in Europe. (Forfferly with Tiffany and Field's.) Will eall. Free estimat.e. Ds.vjd, Johansson. Phone, Diverscy 2041. 20LTN44-Stp COLLETTE SOEURS- 1DESIGNERS & MAKERS Gowns - Wraps - Suits - Coats ÛrlgtntI - VOVieI - RétYIU "a-'Altered 833 EUm St. Winne.tka 1011 22LTN46-4tp WILL MAKE ANT SPRING FROCK. W. also do talloring and rcmodeling of ail descriptions. Phone Winnetka 147., 22LTS46-2tp COATS ANDSUITS REMODELF1D Latest style relining, $8. Selection of fur trimmings. Monarch Furriers, 1043 Tower Rd. Winnetka 288. 22LTN47-ltp SARDENINQ HARDWOOD 'FOR FIREPI4ACES- split and eut ln 24-inéh lengths. Oth- er leflgtis' by order. $7 per ton, $14 per cord, delivered. BLACK BOIL No lumpsg or Sko>kle dirt. '$5 thi'ee-yard lo'ad. Sod 4 cents sq. ft. Rotten oow manure. $2.50 yard. Movlng. Rubbish' removal. Phone Winnetka 2108. 27LTN47-ltp) SITUATION WANTBD-GARDEiNERc white, exp. 'ln ALL branches, wilI work by day or contract but prefer stcady position. Reference to character anidability. Ifghland Park*1091. 27LTN47-ltp BLACK DIRT ÀAND MANU1RE U.RBIN LEVERNIER. Phone GIenview 21 or Glenicoe 926. painted. $6 up. Ant!Ique walls waahed and starchèd, $2.50 up.- Bathrmn. enâm- eled. $5 up., Paper cleaned, 76C. Well recomemended. LEWIS, WIL., 5034-WINN. 2511 421.47-ltp PATINTTN-PAPERHANGING - CA- Vltlg Irut clama woràk.guftranted.* Véry. rsn>aleplcsMdeiUnnlBroa. Phone Wilmette 4621. 42LTN44.-4tp FOR SALE- PEDIGREED CHOW puppy. maie 4 months. old. biouse broken. Very reas"onable. Ph. Wil. 1548. FINE LITTER 0F ENGLISH BULL terriers. eligibie for rçggstration. Very rea.qnnable. GeorgeAustin, 437 Chestnut St. Winnetka 18ý32.. 44LtN47-ltp FOR SALE-ýPEDIGREED SPRINGER Spaniel'puppy. Veryr reasonable. Ph. Highland Park 2105. 44LTN47-ltp PIANO TUNINQ PIANO TJNING ALL M A KES TUNED, RECONDI- tioned and repalred. Ph. Wilmette 2744. 45LTN31-tfp EXPERT PIANO TUNING $3. RÉPA IR work guaranteed. 22 years Cblckerlng, Boston. H. C. Thomas, 517 ]PaIrvitew Park Ridge 699.R. 45LTN45-4tp POSTAGE STAMPS POSTAGE STAMPS WILL BUY COLLE.CTIONS, OLD LET- ters, etc., for cash. Campbell. 839 Locust Street, Winnetka. 46L'1N46-4tp RADIO FOR~ SAIiE-$15 Radiola superheterodyne 7-tube 'console, perfect condition. Original oost $225. Tel. Wlnnetka. 1080. 49LTN47-ltc RtADIO SERVICE BASEBALL WILL BE HE-RE SOON IS YOUR RADIO IN GOOD> CONDITION? SUBURBAN RADIO SERVICE. WINNETKA 1100, 50LTN47-ltp SMEWING MACHINE lrEPAlIINS ~ ?AfYY *SWING MACHINESý EXPERIEXCED COOL. MAID WISHES 1 Position, general housework. Can help wlth children. Good ref. Phone: Win- netkaý 3448, ask for Hortense. G6SLTN47-ltp YOUNGe GIRL WISHES POSITION msnothersheliier. Go homn ishts. Phone Winnetka. 2762. 68L41-ltT> COMPETENT HELP NO CHARGE TO EMPLOYER Efficient Service for North Shore Homes WB INV»S'IIGATF4 REFERENCES WE ARE THE ORIGINAL Pauline's Emp., Azency' WILMeTTE, 2171 Fourth and Linden Opposite I'L" Ter. 68LTN47-tfc rcXpERtIENCED HELP GUARANTEED NO CHARGE TO EMPLOYER Johison's Empi. Agency 1414 Wilmette Avenue Wllmette 4144 68LTN47-lte POSITION AS STENOGRAPHER AND) general office clerk. Quallfied from long experlence and. ability to mnanage office. Write A-13, Box 40, Wllmette, 111. 68LTN47-Itp' REFINED LADY, 37, WOULD LIICE position as companion. Has been eom- paniori to professional lady 3 years. Telephone Harrison 4429. 68L1.N47-tp) SITUATION WANTED-ý-MALE EXPERIENCED GARDENER, LOOK- ing for steady place or day work. Good n. s, references. Winnetka 3019. E 69LTN47-2tp CFI A UF F EU 11, }OUSKMAN AND~ gardener. 15 yrs4. experience. Ref- erences. Good mechanic. Phon~e Wil- mette 4797,.1 69LTN47-ltp CHAUFFEUR AND (GARDENER, 10 years exper. Free to travel. Good n. s. ref. Phone Davis 1898, 69LTN47-1 tp GARDENER, FRENCH, 30 YRS. OLD.. Refer *ences. Drives. Laurent. 141' CiydC% Avenue., Evanston. Phone -Davis 2798. agir. WTDP.-MFAL.E ANio FEgtALEg cablIICt work, j FOR SAI 2824 Igood ec !§LTNp4s4tp 1I Ave. Pli --- I 1-ut ,-rivate rooim I int GIRL, GE 'od cook. B ferenees ri

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