WiIi Rogers and Florence D esmond Star in "Mr. Skitch"; New Thrils in "Flying Down to Rio,, Will Rogers, excellent> as* he is, lbas a rival for tlie aIpplause of. the audi- ences Who e.joy the filmr, "Mr. Skitch," àf the Wimette theater th-s Friday and Saturday. Ves, thé patrons will be- stow a good share of tlîeir prais e upon Florence I)esmolid whose impersoia- lions of well1-kniowti mo-vie stars are nigli perfect, *'.F U > A A tgu "OL Lionel Barrymore achieves another of bis great characterizat ions in the film depicting the experiences of a, family during one bectic, day-"ýThis Side of Heaven," an unforgettable drama showing at the 'Varsity thcater Friday and Satur- day, March,30 and 31. With Barry- mor-e in: the role of a father cbarg-j Ad with embezzle- ment. "This SideJ of IHeaven" wil Thzat Goesn t mean Mliss Desmo,îd strike a regponsive outsbines XVil l Rogers. Hfis tirneîy ~.... .chord in every quips are a tasty, sala( f or anlyone's... heart. Vay Bainter, amuseent -far o 1 evcning. Vill the wife, and Toin is wsecracking and resourceful despite r o -v nM 'a e the:,fact that the Skitch family (XViII Lionel 'Barm e Clarke ýand Mary Rogrs ZSu Pits and daugliter Carlisle, -tbe chil- Rochelle Hudson) are dsosse dren, do a noble job of intrresg b Thy ust start for airija in tbe reactionîs of a family ini a trying situa- old, family rattler-atd then the fun tion. Offers NeiSnatnnTe currefit eek at the Varsity' also ffle ý Nw Seatio . gains tiflsual appeal hbecause of a mai Persons who live to the f ull i tuis1 namned Walt Disney wbo's presenting miodern world of thrills and new events, bislatest iIly yrnptleB.n cart orn can't afford to miss the musical e-clr Fny.Lti une, o travaganiza,* "Flying Down to Rio,"sY ndy trigti rdy pregented -at the -Wilmétte thieaterSuni- The Saturday matinee, too, comes in day to Tbursday, April 1 to 5. for bonorable mention witb its presen- This film is beralded as a new style tation of a new chapter in the serial, Pf spectacular motion pictures launched "Pirate Treasure," starring Lucille ini Hollywood. Bristling with novelties, Lund, former Nortbiwestern university glamor, and lavisbness, studded with, coed. brilliant ail-star performners, and en- Anna Sten, excotic Russian beauty, livened by 200 dancing girls, "*FIying mnakes an impressive1 debut on the Down to Rio" bits a new higb peak Americani screeti in "Nana," film ver- in entertainment with a basic innova- sion of Zola's classic, sbowing at the tion of an extravaganza enacted ini mid- Varsity on Sunday, Monday and Tues- air on high powered biplanes. day, April 1, 2 and 3. Richard Ben- Said tobe -the first aeriaî musical nett, Mae Clarke. Phillips Holmes and show eyer staged, 'Flyiîig Dowii to Lionel AtwilI1 offer capal uprt. Rio" was conceived and produced by A b)reatlî-takinýg battle on a speedin9 Lou Brock. Tbe idea, for the film roller coaster, is but one1 of tbe many came to Brock in 1914 'wben be was hrll in the ftinfest, "NôoMore Wom- in Rio de Janeiro supervising te ini- eni," teaming again -tbe, two quarrel- troduction of motion pictures. It wasn't some pals, Edmund Lowe and Victorq * until early. in 1933 that, production was Mct.agleaî, Wednesday and Tbursdayj, begun on an elaborate scale,. witb. pre- April 4 and 5. liminary scenes taken at Rio de Janeiro itself. BoThe Disthaguished Cast Cornmunity Theater The istinzished ra .çt irllldý .s I less," FIRST FRIED EG Baby, LeRoy, the infant star who RALPH BELLAMY PRAISED plays in Paramount's "Miss Fane's Ralph Bellamy of Wilmette is re- Baby Is Stolen," changed his diet dur- iceiving enthusiastic praise from critics ing the filmning of that picture, with- for his work in the drama, "Spitfire," out consulting either his nurse or doc- Kathairine 'Hepburn's new- starring tor. He ate his first fried egg. vehicle. juvenile role oppoite Rochelle Hudson il, "Mr.fSkitcb," Will Rogers' starring 1itrefrFox. "JIMMY THE GENT" The> Iatest starring picture for Bette Davis is "Jimmy vtbe Gent.". Mr.. Cag- ney is the. gent. 1560 Shermen Ave. un i. 3444 C N ondayt. $âaturd&y * S . t. 6:30 p. m 1Domrs pen Set. 12:30 p. M. 2cEVENINGSANDAFTE Thur', Fr;., March 21-»O Laurel and Hardy IN ",SONS0F THE DESERTR@ NOTICE DOOrs Open Sèturdey et 12:15 P. M. I Show Starts of Doors 4:48&1.M Lest limes -Today Thurs., March 29 Irene Dunno--Clive Brook ÏR Ais 'Snug i a ýJug." Clark and. MýcCulIougk *Risview -a«d..News Fr1., Set., Match 30-31 WuiLLROE ZASU PITTS in Ais. "PaeCrazy" Comedy - The misisippi Musical Actý- C eto nd News S un. t. Thurs., April i -s The kMpst Stupndous S"Oaut.e Ever Bom to Rhyflmmi Sensuous Melody . . . Seautiful Girls... Thrllling Ste-tsi 4%thsei,.Br.afI,. Tahla1 Climaxt, t ail Music showsI Shuily Grey 8OMDAY MAILt Matin». Ony-tk. new -Seial Siaisi Roi st, "Gallant Lady" -Ana, F "Man.o Two Wotld's F. Ledoer.--lissa Lani "Nana "--AanaSten audio1