Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Mar 1934, p. 46

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Discuss Dress for Graduation There is 1quite a discussion going- on among the eighth grade girls of Howard school as to What kind'of dresses tbey want. for graduation. Members of the board of education think that the. girls would look nice ini white summer sport dresses and are going to have, a style exhibit to show the mothers. wbat kind, of- dress- es they tbink woUld be appropriate. The girls,, however, ant .lighit colored organdy summer frocks ,about ten inches.from the floor. The girls feel tbey should have what they want because they are the ones who wear the dresses. On the other hand. the board.saty> that if the girls have fancy (dresses, now they will have, nothing to looik forward to when they graduate f roin high school,' so there is a good argu- ment on both sides.-NVirgiiai)àal- strom, Howard '8B. Planet Mercury Stirs Imaginations at Stolp The 2B class of Stolp school lias been writing on planets. The fir,i one was Mercury. Some of the chli *dren took an imaginary trip to 'Nier cury. Others went there in a drean: some heard facts about Mercury o)\,(r the radio. 0f course Miss Steven,. gave us sone. of the information and we were to put it irto a story. 'tX did the saine thing. with Venus and Mars. Some of the childreil rcadý theirs aloud, and the\, were al vcrv interesting.-~Patricia Roche. St olp MB Social Science Class Plans Tai1ks on Europe In Mrs. Vernon's social s -icnce class we are going te givetalks Soiulîe are. on Switzerland, Italy, Hungary and other places ini Europe. WVe have been studying Germiany and how slhe buîlt -an empire. The talks are to be about al European countries e\cept France, England and Germany.-Nlar- tha Brown, Stolp,20. In the gymnasiunm work, everyonie nust wear gym bloomiers and gymi shoes. Si nce September there have been a few girls from the sixtli, seventh, and eighth grades who have corne every Monday and Wednesday In their fuîltiuniformns. Fromn the sixth grade there ýare nine: Valerie Adamis, Hienrietta Hay- son,"Mary EllenDaLily, Marion'Ellert, Peggy Pierson, jean Tempte,. Marilyn Torrey, Florence Altman and Dor,- othy Carrington; f rom ýthe seventh grade: Arlene Clark, I)orothy Fa- ville, Edith M Iendurn. Helen Mae MN eves, M.Lary 'Virgiiiia Penick aWhd EIeàiior, Altman. There.are five girls frorn the eightli grade: Mlay Farmer, Doris Fryk- manJoan Rosenberg, Patilinie Shank and ,Virginia .Sommners.Pain Shank. Stolp lM. BilIy Symons Provides, Home for Fine Puppy MIrs. Gib)son %uirl)rised 1ever\toflelast tvcek bIv britiging a heautifuil ptîppy to srhool to find' a good home for it. I lier little.egirl, Peggy 1Denise, got it. for*a. present but coutd flot keep it. Billv Synions tvas the luck-v bov--and therc were lots (Àf boys and girls who wanàtte(l it,. so lie had better take g-ood 1care. of it.-C*trtis Brown, Howvard 5A. Marion Goode Elected President of 8B Cla.ss ,\è'diesday, NMarchi 14, 8P, elected ne%% class officers. l'lie people nwini office are as follows : prcsi(lCIt. Mlarl- on Goode; vice-president.l)de YVeomni; seretarN, fo) ochan treasurer.> Bol) Speiglhiauer:- r, grain chairinan, 1ick Haas; prograrn hetpers. Maryy Crawvford. ani Richard Taytor. 1 arn sure ev r- bôly is pleased with tuis or hier nieW job).- M arv MNay Crawfort. 813. MATH4MTIJDENTS EXCEL practicîig a new jumip called the lUs- borne jump. It was 5rst puit ilitt) use by. a fellow narned Osborne. and was thus named for him, About twenty boys 'are trying to learn how it's' done unider the supervision of Mr. MIackie who is an expert in thatt uine. Some oif the stars are Kiînball Brown, Dudley Yeoman, Eric Sain- uelson and Dick Cochran. The rest of us are still trying toàkeep ini forni when -ive get up to 3.,feet, 9 inches- because that's ýplenty high for a newv jump.-*Bob Lonergan, Howard8. Practi.ce and Pra.ctice for Gym Demonstration Much Carefut preparation has been Mnade for the demrostration. Many sportsand gameswill be represented there. During the past four weeks we have practiced and practice(l. \\edniesday, M,1archi 21. wc lia& a (lress rehearsal. For the sevethf and eighth grades., Tlhursday,. Marchi 29, is the fatal day if ive doni't hiave our dance learned. 1 arn sure aIl tliose, wlio attended last year's dioita tion %vilt be present and 1I hope nutiay rnore.-,M\a.rily-n Stube, Stolp) 2B. Girls at Stoip Learn Art of Making Hems The girls of 2B at Stolp are being tauight. to mlake hlenis. It is not t erN liard and aIl the girl, etijoy leariiung. S-(ooti ve ttill start \wo(rk on our nigit - gowîîs or pajanias as we wshi. As our Nvork 'wi-It bc slioNvinat tie.sprînIg exlîibit, al the. girl,, are trying to niake their~ work p)resenitable.-J.anet 13cil. Stolp 2B- Pupils in Sixth, Grade. Making Thrift Bookiets I Miss Tlîeman' S rooni thle sixth grader s are, making booklets on thirift.1 Miss Thern ami MIrs. Gih- slon are hetping us with thern. First. v bad to write our title page, then the preface. and then the contents and the list of illustrations. Then we Pu4pils Groan On a. recent W\eclnesda-, 'Miss Chase. surprised us with the startling announcemetint that, we were "going to takc an eight-page social1 science test, covering our year's work.ý After a hasty sharpening of> pencils an(l agonized groans fi rm the waiting victirnsý.we started rackinig our brains for the seventy-five answers., Our -papers %vere passed l)ack to us after we had tvaited anxiously for, al- xùrnst a tveek. To our disrnay tve perceived 'e Y ) .the class standard to, be. J onrlv three mistakes. Student One, or îno înistakes. %vas Groaniug counted 1lPlus, and fronu two to ten wtas coiunte<l a;satisfactory mark. Topping the list wvas, Helen Colegrove tith no. mis- takes.. M iss Chase inforrned us that she thought, as a whole, the test: were very good. We ail hope to (h) better W.ork on the next test. but pearly ail of us werel satisfied with the result of this test.--Fred Blird, Stolp 2C. Program of String Trio Pleases Upper Grades Tuesda%, M arc h 20, the Stolp seventh and eighith grades were royally entertaine.d bY a string trio. TFhe musical selections werc excellent and proved to t)e a credit 'to Mrs. Akeîy, the conductor. The last fif- teen minutes of the prograrn, Francis Akely played several solos on the violin. The wvhole entertainrent %vas interesting and enijoyable. Charles (;regory-. Stolp X.1 .Class Perîiods Change,;nd for Howard 6C Pupils. Recently we- changed periods. W'e used to go to Miss Larsoni's roorn during the third period, and now we go there in th.e afternoon. We Went toMiqs Themaxn's room ldniinti the. DOG BATHES CAT I have a cat and a dog. TI name is Sauidy Fanckbonier. ' is the cat's best friend. TI nanie is Tiger. Sandy gives a bath ,every igt.Bil boner, Howard 4th grade.* dog's e dog cat's ie cat nck- Easter co)nçs. on April. Fool'ý day' this year. 1 arn going tO have a lot PUPILS WRITE LETTERS of fun. Iarn going to color sorne In Miss Madsen 's rooni wve have raw eggs and then when the people been writing letters of iiany kinds. crack the eggs the sof t egg will We are going to inake folders to put run out. 1 know that isn't a very lte letters in, but we have not had nice feelinig.-Alice Kresge. Howard time to do it yet.-George Redding, 5A. Howard 7B. GIRLS PRESENT PLAY Gloria Alexander, Caroline Smith, Lorraine Winkle and Shirley Bacciî recentiy gave a play. The narne of the play was "Little Jane Patchwork.". -joyce Triplet t, Howard 4th grade.- 4

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