A Ohio lunit .here wil ister. and to Darki and the ath" liv An Easter Suntise service for the' Young people will be held. at 7 a. m. After a liglit breakfast a service of devotion *111 be, held.in the church audi- toelumi. This las a united service to whlch -members 0f the higli achool departments 0f other churche . have, been lnvlted. At the Easter Festival service :ît 10 :45 a. mi., Mr. Hindleyý wili preacli on the theme. "Hope Springs Eternal." The musical prograni will lie. Prelude: "Christ Trîumphant"- Pietro Yon Anthem;: "Light'$,»lttering Morn Be- decks the Sky............. Parker Offertory -olo 11IKnow That My Re- deemer Liveth" ....... ........ Handel Beulah, CasIer Edwards Antheni: ."Lovely Appear o'er the -Mountains" . ......... ounod Wilth String trio: accompanirnent !Postlude: "Let There 1Be Light" Dubois '1 A Vesper service will lie held at 4 D'eIotic àt which time neiw' rembefrs will be received into the church and the rite of Christian baptiani admlnlstered. The quartette wili asqsiIn this service. The next meeting of the Crexcent clir- cie wlll be held Tuesday,, April, 3, at the home 0f Mrs. C. P. Evans,.'902 Central avenue. Miss SaIiy Vernon, will lie luncheon hostess. An ail-day meeting of the Cozy Cor-, ner. circeewiili eheld .T-hurmday. April Si at the home 0f Mr$. lýionel F.- Bush, 1200 Elrnwood avenue.- Assisting. host- esses wlll lie Mrs. E. G. Goode, Mrs. H. J. Haacic. and Mrs. W. D. Norris. Abracadabra will hold lis pext meet- ing on FridaY. April 6, at 8 P.ini., at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John P. BalliTian, 1524 Elmwood avenue., j The regular week-day, activities .are scheduled as follows: Tuesday-3 :30 p. m.. Oujîlmette CampD Fire Girls; 3:30 p. mi., Brownies; 7 :30g m.n., Troop No., 2, Boy Scouts; 8 p. xi., Aduit choir rehearsal. Wedneday-7 :30 p.i., Tropop N. Boy Scoute. > horreerrl Thursd4ay-3 :30.p. in., Girls' choir re- hearsai; 4 P. m.. Boys' choir, rehearsal; Fire Oirls. p.i., Wekeacaftla Camp F air Grls.y-9 :30 a. mi.. Cub Pack No. 63; 10:30 a. ni., Girls' choir rehearsal; Il a. m.. Boys' choir rehearsal. The La«dies,' Aid Èaster luncheon, with sale of bakery goods and linensq, wil be held. kenilworth. avenue and. Warwick road Dr. Herbert L. Willett, minister' Dr. Wllett's subject for Siinday, April 1, wlil be e'The Riùsen Life." The Women's gulld wlll mneet Mon-. day morning, .Avril 2. 'The hours of meeting 'are from 10 until 4 o'clock. This wiiI be the final meeting *of the gulld for the season. Luncheon will bel servcd. The Sunday school wlll ineet at 9 :45 a. m., ail chlldren lictween the ageS of' thrce -and Uhe highi achool ýare cordlally invlted to visit and to become fiembers Of this orgahilzationé Seventh, street at Greenleaf W limette *'A House, 0f Worshli". The Rev. David R.LiCabele. pastor SUNDAY SERVICES Sunday school................. 9:45 a. ni. Easter service ................ 11 :00 a. m. Communion service......... 12:00 noon Easter. musical.........4 :00p. ni. This evening (Thursday) at 8 o'cloek. there wll be a service of Hoiy Commun. Ion. The Communilty Threé Hour Good Frlday service* Wil liec heid on Friday from 12 to 3 at St. Augusttne'.s Episco- pal churcli. On Fnlday eveniflg at, 8 o'clock we wiII hold the regular Good Friday serv- ice in our churcli. Our Easter service wiilieb heid on Easter Sunday niorning at Il o'clock. We invite ail to worship wlth us New mnembers wililibe received Into the churcli at the services on Thursday evenlng and Easter Sundgy. There willl ie, a baptismal service dur- ing the Easter service on Sunday morn- lng. The choir Wil present Lovelandýs Eas- ter cantata. "Raliboni," on Easter Sun, day afternoÔn at 4 o'clock. Trhe Lutherleaxune iiill have ('Chinese The Forum will meet at 5:30 in Uic cehurch. This la for ail young people of eoilege and post-coilege age. The Session will hold a' brief meeting MNonday evening ýat 8 o'clock in the ichurcli office. Êoy Scout Troop-No. 5 .will i eet Mon- day evening at 7:30 o'clock. The Presbytery 0f Chicago il i meet Tuesday, at 10 o'clock. at the Chicago Heights churcl. This is the annual meeting. The pastor willlattend. Our mIidweek service will lie heid Wedniesday evening' at 8 o'clock Jn the chapel. The choir wili rehearse Friday evte- ning at 7 o'clock. The annuftl meeting of the ichurchi and congregation wil l be held Wedniesýd;y evening, April 11. Dinner willi le served .at 6:30 o'clock. F'oliowing the1 din1er there Wil l e the reporte 0f the offi'cere and boards and organ.Izatlo.n, 0f the church. New oflicers 'will be elected., The program for the. future wililbdiedl- cussed. AUl nembers and friendL, of the ehurch are lnvlted to liewpegent. Rev. Oscar Thos. Oison. D. D., minisitel The sacrament of the Lord's Supper will lie adminlstered at the service, thi evening. (Maundy Thursday), at o)'eiock. Every member of the chiirch should plan to lie at this. conninon. service. The music wil l e as foliows,: Orga n prelude: Chorale--O Worid, Y' E'en Must Leave Thee'... Brahms, Introit: "God Is a Spirit". ,Bennett Antheni: "O Savior of the World" Go-s Organ postlude.: "Meditation"... DulioL- Two services will .je held tomorrow (Good Friday). The three hour service 0f devotion , wllI be .heid from 12 to 3 o'clock. The music for this service' m-91 be as follows: Organ prelude: "Ave Mlaria"- Bgc47-Gouno4l Miss Marie Bniel 'There Is a Green Hil) Far Away"- Gounod Miss, May A. $trong. - 1 HeWas 1.3espised and' Rjetd"- Mr.Goodfellow "Drog-op,,Sacred 'Head".....Maunder "0 Thou Whosc Sweet Compasion"- Ma unde r. On Good PFid. utr own choir asý,t Words," liy ýing at 8 o'elock, ing "The eSeven1 3, havet ch on~ The doors 0f this church wil (Pet' Easter day ta ail tiiose who wlsli tc unite with the fellowship of this churelh. The Woman's Aid Society will n îcet Thursday, 'April 5, at 10:30 o'clock tow sew for Lake. Éluff orphanage'. The" executive commfitteie will also meet at 10:30.- Luncheon will lie served at noon by the Third division. The speaker of the afternoon *111lie William '11 Jame. There wý>Ill be a food sbower for Jei-t nings seminiary. The bus,,inessý meeting and program *Ill take place. at i1:3t> There will. be Red Cross sewinig Tuesday morni*ng, at 9:30. ;Ail women ar e invited to share in this, work. Coféee IÉ served. Please. bring your own, Sand- wiches. The Philathea class will n ot min o the first Tuesday. but will hold the April meeting at the church on Tuesday, April* 10. at 8 o'ciocki, In the Great hall. A rummage sale will be sponsored. by the Womain's Aid Society April 19 an'? 20. Mrs. C. E. Burgess iÉ,. Uic hairman. World's Fair ticket liooks .will bce sol<t by the Womans Aid Society. The Higli Schooi Epworth league wil meet at 5:15 Bunday evening, -with a special Eaeter prograni planned. A. J. "*Dad" Eiliott will lie thec special speaker of the eVenlng. A gro1up of Ieaguers will give special Easter vocal numibers. The -high schôol leaguers wilil oin the Congregational leaguers in an Easter breakfast ont Sunday morningat 7 p. m. Those going are t0 niake reservations with either Lois Wolfe or Jane Horst ing before Saturday noon. fliere will lie no officiai mneeinig of. the Coliege league onl Sunday; but memnberQ arc invlted-to meet with thc hlgh >:chool chapter. EVery miember 0f thle chu rel should give their support ta thé Wesley Piay-, ers, when they présent_ "Sn-liýn Through", at the church on1 Friday and Saturday evenings 0f this Week, at .8 :15, P. ni.. each evening. .An entire new set of sceneky and eléaborate costumes wilI. be used. Spécial musical setting for the play, uslng the sang, "Siling Through.," - Friendly Indians will m-eet on Thurs.-- day at 4 p. mi. A speclal hike is plan- ned. Every memnber should plan, toali present. tSJ weauner wnie V Oras as aa 5* * ter #*n***tC, fl*flJ* res V * W-1 M *555 . ............... A.. ,,5 n a7 a st-£A Unes are wrftten, continues until Easter Rounds is pianlet and director.. Junior choir detail elsewher morn.. For, after ail, FBaster la 110t "The Dove Flics Low on Whitsunday"- joint servicef jinerely the festival of spring or of the, The Sunday school nieets at 9:30 Kopolyoff-Gaul the Baptist, resurrection of nature, but Easter glori- o'ciock. A specal Eastcr prograni will "Allelula-Chiat la Risen"- Lutheran, Pre fes Him wiio was dellvered unto 'death be given, led liy Miss Sarah 'Brownlee. . . Kolopyoff -Gaul churches, and1 for our offenses and who was theli Parents of the scholars and ficnds of' Organ postlude: "Trlumphal March"- en by the mi rlSed aguiJn for our justIication. Corne, the achool are cordlally lnvited. Duboiq The service 'u .ad share this Easter Joy wlth us 1i The Hlgh School Christian Endeavor Thec theme 0f the, minister's address o'clock and wi ý aareseswm uetJg 51 ters of the churches. continue. fromr 12 to 3 be -dlded into seven o