to Play MeIodrama of 1880 Copywri «ht A "heartàrending tale ofi pure giri's, love. and a steri father's -cruelty; of a tràgi, sacrifice, and the ultimate tri umph of virtuel!" Such descrip tion as th,îs conveys afl thé ele. ment.s of a real melodrama o days gone by. Just as dresý which was in vogue generation.1 agù is quaint .or.funny wheu viewed today, so, changing. the- ater styles nmake yesterday's melodrama one. of today's Most entertaining comedies. "For the edification of the public,"! a melodrara- n t ýi t l e d , "Hazel Kirke, or An Ironï Will," by Steele Mackaye, will be pre- sented by a "play-acting com- pany. coniposed of the young ladies and young gentlemen of the Kenilworth club" on April 6, in the gymlnasiu ' of the joseph Sears school in Kenil- wvorth, at 8 o'clock. XVith its copyright 1880, and. its four acts of thrill upon thrill, provid- ing laugh upon laugh, its presenta- tion wdll bethe annual drarna given by the club: as a conmnity venture "just for the fun of doing it." to bring together old and voung alike,- with tickets at a minimum cost. The cast ïs: Hazel Kirke- Mrs. L. E. Mitten of Wlnnetka Dunstan Krke- * ~ery- E. L. NygaardofWilmette Mr.E. N. ape of kenhlworth Dolly . .Mrs Paul'CIovls of Kenllworth Lord Traveree- Alfred S. WiltbergeofEasn Squlrrel Rodney- e fEaso Herbert B. Taylor of Kenilworth Mtr. and Mrs. Edward Geither and Mr. and Mrs. Albert S. Webster, formerly of Kenilworth, gave a cock- tail party prececdzng the dinner dance of the Kenilworth club last Friday evenuing. 'The), ent'rtained at the Giither home at 1601 Tenth street. * A "Gamm's"C/SU' /s pat <d tSe resntPhoto by 2Mathew Franci., Ai "ramas- hai th Pas an thepreentmet, as two brides, one' of dream, the other of fies/z and idood, catue together Saturday evening in the Iast episodé of "A Good Deed in a Naughty World," t/Se draina-style s/Soup w/Sich cIimqared thSe 'Wman's clubiMari, Quaint and chSarring zvas thSe /hantom bride at thlft, Mrs. George Harnm, Jr. Vwvacious, and equally quaiti, tas the '<Grm,.na,", Mr. John D. Kirnear in her grey silk dres; of the' nineteenth century. .41odish was Mi's. Gordon B. Shatttuck (Anpi Boddie) as the bride of today. Invie Wilmeffe Shoppers Garden Club SOI1 Has to Guild's Easler Markef Reduced Tickets for Show WVinette shoppers, and heads. of Thea housch-odsý on 'Easter buying bent, duced-1 are invited by the Associated Gulds Flower! of, St. Augu~stine Episcopal churclh to 7 to 15,1 point their steps to their Easter m-- be secui ktin the Parish house on Wilmette chairmai Mrs. Stanley M. Peterson of 231 Seventeenth street, was hostess to Spoke seven of the Preshyterian church at a dessert luncheon Tues- day. ,dvance sale of tic kets at re- prices for the. Garden and. show at the Navy Pier April will end April 6. Tickets may ared .from, Mrs. E. H. Burge, ani of tickets for the WIiet ïn nonor of Mr. anc Stout of Omnaha, Neb. rs.. Robert Names Attendlants for Aprdl Wedding April is the inarriage nionth of Mari on jane McDonald, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Miles McDonald, now of Ev- anston and formerly of Wil- miet.te.,The day is Apr il:10., The serVice at. which. she will be- corne the 'bride of Richard Dîmnes Buckley. of Chicago, wil take, place, in, the First Congre- gational. church in Wilmette at 8 -in the evening, with the Rev. John'G.. Hinidley officiating. A large .reception will follow at the Orrington hotel. S Members of the wedding par ty are Miss Gertrude Stewart ofRidgewood, N.j. eIse ellege classmate, Who will be maid of honor; Miss Mahel Throckmorton of Wvinnetka, Miss Betty Taylor of Evanston, Miss Elizabeth Patterson of Providence. R. I., sister of the bridegroom, and' Miss Elizabeth Peitzsch of Chicago, another Wellesley classmate, who will be bridesmaids; Robert W. Bùckley of Chicago, serving as best man, and the ushers, C. Miles Mc- Donald, Jr., Frank Eugene Cheese- mani and Charles H. Buresh of Ev- anston, Charles H. Phelps of Buffalo and Howard F. Lewis anid Henry W. Knight of Chicago- Entertainîng in honor of Miss Nlc- Donald includes the lunc-heon and bridge at which Miss Throckmorton %vas hostess last Saturday; and the tea Sunday given by Mrs. Ward Keste rof Oak Park, the bride 's aunt., Miss. Elizabeth Webbier of, Vil-' mette and Miss Ruth Wachs are giv- ing a 'bridge tèa at the Georgian Sat- urday of this week, and on Sunday, another aunt of Miss McDonald, Mrs. *john G. Seyfried of Evanston, is to be hostess at a shower. On Tuesdayv 'lursting i cair- mani for this dance ini the absence of the general danice chairman, Mrs. J. Welton Fisher. Charges for "stags,," wilI be the same. as for a couple, the committe e er- phasizes.