are now on sale at Community House. "Le Vaincu" is exotic, passionate in inood and f ull of that wild sweetness that characterizes Arabian songs. Aubert is a contenliporary French composer classed:,with Debussy and Ravel: His opera, -The Blue Forest," iad its premiere with, the Boston, Opera company. There also wiIl be three songs by Marx on Miss Bert- ling's program, spng in Germai. Nlarx is said 10 be the logical succes- sor to Brahms, Strauss and Wolff, his sonÈs have been popular in European concerts for a number of y ears., It was only a: few. years ago tliat Anierîcan singers began to dis- cover him.- Miss Bertling was 'the first singer to give a ýcomplete pro- grain of Marx songs ini Chicago. Sous by Chicagoan "Spring D)elight," a. lilting- joyous song b)y the Oak Park composer, Alice 'Brown Stout, will have, its preniiere we Miss Bertling sings il on April 9, and as a comnpliment to her the composer will be at the piano. Dr. Frank Laird Waller of Chicago has written songs for Miss Bertling and some of these may be included also.. Another high point on the program wiIl be the last song, 'Lament of Ian the Proud," by the American composer Griffes. It is a Song so poignant and presenting such technical and interpretative difilculties that only an artist of superior gifts like Miss Bertling could sing it. Crit- ics say that in the Griffes she has ful oppcortunity. to display ber glorious voice, and that it is a itting veh icle for an artist like herself. who pos- sesses so much temperament and fervor. Singe Opeatie Aria For those who wish to hear Miss Bertling in an operatic aria theré will be the charming "Gavotte" from Mas- senet's opera, "Manon,"and undoubt- edly somnewhere in the prograrn there will be' a pl ace for her to sIng an aria which has neyer failed to thrill lier 4--udienées, 'the ýfaniouS "Vissi d'arte" from Puccini's "Tosca." Henry Jackson has the double dutv Wmsh day at home ... even with a laun- dress ... means the loss of time which can be devotod to worthwhile things. A laundress may reliove you of some of the. work, but you must be "on the job" continually, directing her. And ther. are always some things you want to wash out dI.I~i~O so neéaiesa 1 The m~odern Iauiidry mi the. North Shore Qualil clothes cleaner and fres bundie next week. 58 JI4p. Mr* and Mrs. Thomas Coyne, 240J Melrose avenue, Kenilworth, recent- iy returned by motor from Ft. Laud- crdale, Fia., where they had spelit a. FÈENCH LAUNDRY 806 Dempter Street, Evmston Phoe. Un. 2776 SQUMLITY LAUNVBY, 170 Darrow Avenue, Evam.t<,n Phone. U. 46M1 NaLsON fios. LAusDijY 1014 Devis Stret, Evaune.. Uni. 0112 A.,, ~ cthods of eacli of y Laundries gets- Îher.~ Send a trial, O1934 ..L