Once again. your home wil be re- spiendent* with the beauty of new rugi and drapes. Our method removes alfthe dirt without harm to the fabic . . and restores- original- lustre and rich- ness to color and, patterns,. Nô, matter how deliéate the f abric of the drapes . no matter how ex.- peniv di rgiMay be ... you can lafeI.y entrust them tous., Reasonable -Rates . e Satisfaction Guaranteed ,Vogue Cleaners, INCORPORATÊD STREET, WINNETKA GLENCOE 1900 The Blridge oJ $teel in COMFOPEDIC is, insurance proviaîlg the prograuI. Warren Treadwell and Charles Bailenger were thé masters of cere- wonies who annouiced the program numbers. On the refreshment coin- mittee were Roger Diebold, Lionel, Toeppen, Lief Mikkelsen,. Ki rk Tay- lor, Ted-Huif, Carter Gîfford, Charles Kerner. and Roy Wagner. SThe reception ,comMlttee included Bill Powers, Peter Rice, Howard Reinwald'and Art Cruttenden, while Burt Smith and Robert Barn ard were ,on the invitation committee.-' eBoys who1 had the job of telephoni- ing the fathers and notifying them personally of the,' event, were Julius CÇahn, Dick Nilles, Walter George, Gordon Harrison, John Fyf e, Donald StiIlman, Alan. Felsenthlal'aind John Frankel. The coat checking was-in charge, of Walter Hoffmeyer, Bill Bonner, Clayton Taylor and, Henry A,ýnderson.- Before the.stunts and refreshments the boys and their, 'dads" played ping pong. Journalism Theme of Mendun Lecture, "Journalism As a Prof ession". was the subject discussed lby Bedloe Men- dun of Wilmette last Friday at the joint dinner meeting of the New Trier chapter of the National For- ensic league and the Gavel club. Mr. Mendun, formerly telegraph editor and later sports editor of a Chicago evening paper, told what he consid- ered sorne of the qtualties that ipake a good newspaper' man. Another feature oif the prograrn at the joint meeting was a debate on the subject, "Has Capitalîim Failed ?". Frank, Harding and Fred Loco up- held the affrmative and Marjorie Taylor and Bob Goodman the neg-ý ative. Arthur KatzeJ, vocalist, entertained during the. dinner, -which was held at the Indian Trail tea room in Winnet- ka. Twenty-eight persons attended the dinner. League of Nations association. The New Trier group, together with 1hun- dreds of other students from eýery section of the country, answeréd questions concerning the organiza- tion, history and work of the League of Nations. Onlytwo papers may be subrnitted from each high school, and this week three members of the social.studies clepartment were busy selecting the best two from the ten written a New Trier. 0f the thirty-five New Trier stu- dents' wbo were originally, entered in the contest the following ten took the examâination last Friday.: Ann. Mosser, Bill Bowen, Ronald -Preston, Ruth Sager, Esther Hearne, Richard McLarien, Idamae Obermeier, James Christensen, G eorge Taylor and Mary Lou Moreau., Betty Shanahan had planned to take, the examination but was unable to do so because of illftess. 1The twao best papers from Newv Trier will be sept to- the headquarters of the League oif Nations association in New York City. This is the eighth year that New Trier has participated, in the coritest, Which is open to any high school' student in the United States. Last.year 1,200 high schools took 'part. The first prize is a trip to Europe next summner.' At New. Trier local prizes also are g iven to the first and second place winners'. These 'prizes am'ount to ten and five dollars re- spectively. Winners of the national contest will not be announced -until near the close of the school year. Next Week Vacation ,Period at New Trier New Trier students will be .on. v-aca- tion aIl of next week, andz thehbigh, scbhool wl',1 be practically deserted except for, the few, faculty members and others who may 'corne to the school on business and the workmen. who will be busy 'rushing the addi- tion to completion. Electrical heating and water connections to the new building are to be made during the vacation, it was announced this week. MARSHALL FIELD & COMPANY Mrs. Waldô Mauritz of Evatiston Mrs. R~obert Olmsted and Mrs. was hostess to ber north shore lunch- C. R. Tyler of Omaha will arrive Sat- eon bridge club *ast Tuesday, Mrs:' urday. Mrs. Olmsted will visit ber Judson Large, Mrs. Edwin Robson, daughter and family, the Bently Mc- and* Mrs. Willis Litteil of Wihnette, Clouds of 338 Kenilworth 'avenue, and Mrs. Donald Elrod and Mrs. Kenilworth, and Mrs.- Tyler will also Herbert McKinney of Winnetka are visit ber daughter, and family, the, a.mong the- members. junior Robert Ol1msteds of Glencoe. çr1 730 ELM WINNETKA 3360,