Mrs. Alfred McDougal of 325 Abbotsford road, Kenil'uuorth, left Wednesday for Peoria, where she wilI visit relatives- The Gopodwin 'Wilsons, formerly of 620 Abbotsford -road, Kenilworth, have moved to 201 Cumberland, ave- nue. muoe Ù4lucnga 'l A circus parade wii ce one of the features. This is to be held in the morning, while the circus itself wiII take place in the evéning. .jack Sinding, 315 Richmond road,' Kenilworth ' accompanied by ShelIdon Fox and Paul Davisof Wilmette, are. leaving Friday to motor east, where they will visit. Amherst and Dart- mouth.- 0?fpecia1 L I I;ng 6 TEAPOONS(heavy) $7.00. 6 DESSERT FORKS 10.50 6 DESS-ERT KNIVES 13.00 6 Coffe. Spoons $ 4.25' 6 Soup Spoons 10.50 6 Bouillon Spoons 7.00 6 Oronge Spoons 8.50 6 k.e Cream Forks 8.50 6, Oyster Forks 5.75 6 Salad Forks e-25 6 Dinner Forks -15.75 6 Dinner Knives 14.25 6 Butter Spreaders 7.00 3 Table Spoons 7.88 1 Carving Set (5 pieces) 31.00 $16013 sary for the show and his môther helped him with the puppets. Hc and the two other boys wîil manipulate the puppets. At the children's story hour last week, kindergarten pupils from the Logan school told> the story of "ýNic- odemus ýand the'Houn' Dog," which they illustratcd with..plictures they had drawn in the school roomn. The pictures wcre unreeled as the, story was .told. AUl Wilmette, children are invted to attend thé, story.hours, Miss Mary Winner Hughes, the children's li- brarian,- states. Mr. and Mrs. Burt J. Deuman and Mrs. Denman's daughter, Miss Dor- othy Dayton, returned Iast Sunday to their home at 21 Linden avenue, from a three wecks' trip to Nassau and Miami. Ncxt' week Mrs. Den- man and her sister, Mrs. U. S. Grant of> Evanston, are motoring to Char- leston, S. C. to see the gardens. __o-- Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Frederick, 250 Sheridan road, Kehilworth, returncd ast Sunday from Arizona. They had been at one of the resorts near Phoe- nix. Mrs. Frederick was away for two months and lier husband for three weeks. Evening prices "aire the price of a movie" the commnittee a2lnounces, "'witb tickets for the children's mati-, net a very much Iess than that." The Orrington school au~ditorium is the, locale for the production. Arthur Wilkinsonl of Glencoe will singenti of the Mikados, in the, double cast, >and Madame Gilderoy Scott, well known along the north shore and director of the Baptist churc.b choir inri Wlmette, wull sing "Katisha." Charles E. Lutton will have. the role, of "Koko." ý Theirs -are thrce oif the most important parts in the'operetta whoDse -producti on company numbers eighty persons. The entire company from the "gstars," te the stage carpenter and scene painters voluniteer,,their serv- ices ini these operetta performances which are given for the sole purpose of affording néighborhood groups op- Portunity to have a good time while t bey 'do someÏhing, worth wPýhile in the artistic field. John Hanny, who is designing the, scener.y, ýis an artist who fer nmany years was associated with the, Civic Opera company and the Ravinia Opera company. as, painter, of scen- ery, having donc some of 'the rnoôst out standing ,scencry for the perform- ances at Ravinia.- h i 8aster Cano!ies. for tIi h de n Delicous ho'M'e made chocolate eggs-candy rabbifs.. chicks and ducks -Il in new shapes.. Easter carts fand spun* nesf s -baskets filled wifh foys and gayly col- THE TABLE EVANSTON .1636 ORRINGTON AVENUE I I - OP EN WINNET1CA 744 Eim $f. EVENINGS Winn. 579 FI% ir 41 AND SUNDAYS EVAt4STON 634 Ckurch St. GO.RIýýH--=A-M ST ER L I NG S.!'LVE R £4 4! Gre. 6868,