DREIS UP Fresit Pvunes in Syrvup and truly deicions. Lilce a' ripened red plum. Unpitted, fiirm rruit. No. 21, tins Con- tainiug 14 ta 16. ..... s 170 Ju:nibo SIlmps O, go good, for cctiswhen. they have been cooked light minutes lu .boiing sait water shÉd . .l.b. 23c Sfrloln Steakt A eimmlimg sirloin steakt-whený it is tender and juicy like our steaks--is always a ZO welcome. treat .... lb.29 There are always new clotjaes for Easter, 50 why not new it-ems on the muenu? Breakfast eau consiat off Orange juice, ffresb eggs, any. style --Colored if. .you will: (we have the dyes here)-and crisp, griled bacon. New !pring vegetables wiII. enhançe the dînner and supper list. There's a wvealth oftheun t.eh oose fromn this week. Ail pric>ed> lo'w,l with delivery. mn- cluded. i SpiIng Lamb Fore-quarter-.This i3 the. ten- der, young lamb that is at its beat for . Easter...... iII Clapp's Baby Soupu A ful variety in the new enamel purïty pack. Ile babe really likes Clapp's. Trhat'a why every bit is always eaten- For a. truly 'delicious and re- freshmng frýesh fruitg Floaida Orauages Mediumi size-deliciously sweet and7 jucy....3d z. 9c 2 fr 25@ boz.-1.45 New, Asparagus Heavy stalks-Ev It's. fine'eîtiier hot fart French dresa agnd- stick cinnamoi Roue Plants ýA hardy bush that is ,eady té jianWt -now. 2 yr. out-door grown - Brighteîn up ýyo gadnwth thes.>0beautifl Ravier"- for $1.W Sere for inner God Frday with fresh peas and baked potatoos . ..b. 27 Fat, t.e&-A I.v.md and prune stuffing misespecially good in roast duck- average 4 to 6 Ib,......l.b. 23 New Potatoet There's real flavor to new pot&- toes, which is retained if they. are boied, baked or fried wîta- out Peeling .......i9C ver serve vinegar asparagus?- ,t or cold andi u reard with a emng to:which cloves, aniseseed n have been aýdded. E No Carrying t. Do Iv. Deliver t. Yeu WILMETTE 402 Linen Avenue Wihaette 180.181 WINNETKA 718 EIm Street Winuetka .il LAKE VIEW 3959 Broadway Buckingham SM# kS PARK SJarvis Park 611 Ordert Srôsaghtteo rrDear Ail Along tk, NoriA Short MARtCH 29,.334