c, rethoid Wil. 65, 97LT'N46-ltp 6 Rm. Brick Bungalow LARGE LIV. ROOM, H. W. HT., 01L hrnier, -$70. Mr. Rlos,. Wilmette 192. 97LTN46-ltp -. RM. BUNGALOW, GLENCOE, 2% bîks. school, 1% bliku. C. & N. W. sta.. Econornical o11 ht. 2 large porches, large yard, gar. $60. Glencoe 216 or un.7618. 97LTN46-ltp SRN. MOD22RN 138M., NORTH4- brooM. W. Rt.. 1 Car gar. ,Rea" Alzo 3 'n. heated a.pt. in, Wlimette. Cali at 1937 Winette 'Avenue. 97LTN46-ltp SROOM MODERN BRICK HOUSE. Tule bath ýand lavatory oh, lot floor. Reduced rentai .312 Central Park Ave., Wilmette, ]IL,. 97LTN46-ltp SJMALL HOUSE IN WILMFÉT'E ON large, lot, with. fruit trees., 2 porches, stove heat. $25 mo. rent. Phone Shel- drake 314&. 97LTN46-tfp WANTED 1O *ENT-NOUs WANT'TO fiENT MODERN 7 ROOM house ln good- neighbrhood, near schools, about $100. Calti mmediately Mr. Burgener, Dfla's1a8056, or Greenllèaf 0471. 99LTN46-lte 5 OR 6 ROOM HOUSE ORÎ APAUTd ment .with garage ln Wllmette, flot ÔVer $35. Write. A-10, Box 40, Wllmettei Ill., glving price and location. 99LTN46-1,tp FURNISHIED OR UNFURNI-SHED, modern bouse on north shore, 4 to 6 bedring. Mlght consider buying. Write A-6, Box 40, Wilmette, Ill. '7U- 99LTN46-ltc 6 ROOM; HOU NOT OVER $60 PER 1nmonth. Glenene or Wlnnetka. Cali Sunday A. M., Glencoe 1737.' 991,46-ltp 5 OR 6 ROOM HOUSE, MUST BE. reasonahle, No brokeru. Phorne Win- netka 2410. 99LTN46-tfp FOR gAI.m-NOUBS BILLS REALTY OFFERS Rted Brick Colonial. Indian Hill Section 3 bedrms. 2 ba. Sewing nm. 2 rms with bath easily fin. on 3rd floor. Lot 8O1160. Clear. $l4,500. By the Lake jn Highland Park.' Stone houFe. >5 bdrms. 3% ba. Sun rm. Rec. Bm. -2-car.,Extremeély 1ow pic$26,500. WiII . rent, $150. East Winnetka. White Clap. Col. pch. Sun parlor. lot. Clear, $26,54 Most, select location. 4 bdrnis.' 2 ba. Slpg. Fine wdd. landucape.! Glencoe 1554 Briargate 1855 1111JFN46-ltc HOME SPECIAL<S 7 rnis., H~. W. ht., 2 bu,, gar..$ 6,000 6 rnis., East, oul, lav, lut floor. .. 10,500 O nsbrick, East, H. W. lit. ... 8,500 'rns.,. 2 bu., ohl, lge. Glencoe. lot. 12,M0 .6 rings., white Col., 2 bs., etc.13,500 6 rnis., East, near cli., 2 bu., oi, 2 c. g. ........ 14»00 6 rni., ng. brick, 2 bu., best 'at 12,000 MlANY OTHERS-ALL SIZES, PRICES HILL &STONE 543 Lincoln Ave., Winnetca. 1644 Four.Blocks from the Lake NEAR HIGH SCHOOL 7. room brick. residence with red tile roof. ][lot water'heat (new planàt>. Garage with side' drive. Flfty-foot, lot.* A. small amounit spent on* remodelinig will make this ainost comfortable. bomne. With $2,000 cash. Priced to Sell $10,750.00 SMITH &WGSS, 725 Elni St. Winnetka 3500 111LýTN46-lto North Shore J3argain IS SETTING IS PER1FECT! IT ovenlooku one of the finest golf course.- lthe world! It has two acres of won- derfully landscaped grounds developed by years-.of Intelligent and loving care. The house of fire-proof construction bas 8 roomns, 3 baths, sun, 'dining and sleep- ing porches. 011 hea.t. Tile bathroornu Entire property can be bought for $32500- mortgage $16,000 -or will seli wlth the Bluff St. frontage for $29.000. erneut M. Kimball, owner, 770 Bluff St. Glencoe 170. 111LTN46-ltp A REAL OPPORTUNITY OW2NER, WILL 'SELL AT A SACRI-1 fice this 10 rootn, 3 bath home; on large ravine lot near lake1 a.nd schools lni hast location. It1 lu well finance.!. Your inspection1 invite.!. Mr. Bullard. BAIRD & WARNER, Inc. * ý 346 Park Avenue, Glencoe Glentoe-1554,. Briargate 185 5 11ILTN46-ltic REAL VALUES REASONABLE TERIS 4 rn. cottage, good location ...$4000 6 rms., H. W. H., o11, 1 c. g., E. Winn., greatly reducedfor imme., sale $8.500 8 rms., brk., H. W. H., 1 c. g., E. $12.60001 9 rms., 4 bathis. Very modern. Large lot near Indian Hill Club . .. 1$35;000t Several other very good values, al. sizes. - B. H.BARNETT 526 Center St. 1Wlnnetira 965 3 bedrrn. home~. oUnand 2-car' gar. Call us for ..TS REALTY CO. e. Winnetka 1800 lIlLTN46-Itc 1460 ý I ATTRACTIVE: WHITE, COLONIAL, 4' bedrms., .3 baths,, heated slp)g..an.! sun porches. H. W. o11. Large lot. In Eaust Glencoe. $28.000. GRACE E., GRANT 376 Park Ave., adJ. Glengables dilen. 844 111LTIN46-ltc Owner Leaving Town..ý FINE WINNETKA LOC. 4 BEDRMS., 1% baths. Make an offer. Mrs.Fuler &Wm.Pickard: Winýnetka 122"3722 74.6 Elm St. 111LTN46ltc OWNIýZPýR MUST SELL AT SACRIFICE or trade before May lst English brick; new. E. Winnetka. 8 rmns., 3% baths, trade for smailer, Wilrnette or N. Evans- ton. Address -A-1, Box 40, Wilmette, 111. l11LTN46-Itp FpOR -SALIE-VACANT YOU'LL LIKE IT. CH O IC E RESTRICTED V.%CANT. Ideal homesite, near schools, and transporta-. tion. Now ofiere.! for quick cash sale. Ask us today for further details -Miss Cronk- BAIRD & WARNER, InC. 523 PARK DRIVE KENILWORTH Kenilworth 4785 Kenilworthý 5566, 114ITN46-ltc Last Bargain Corner Lot INDIAN HILL SECTION, WINNETKA. Cholcest location Southwest corner 'Elder Lane and Myrtie. 82%xi50 ft. 1 blockç froni schools Near tranmp., beach. parks - beautiful - trees. Rea. terms.- Call owner Winnetka 1665 or Dearborn 2263. 1. 114LTN46.ltp B3UILDING IS INCREASING.. W£ , have several. fine .regidence lots In I-enilworth an.! Winnetka atamazlngly low prices. Cali, Mrs. Hecker. QUINLAN & TYSON, mc. 1571 Shernîan Ave. Uni. 260; $3,500 BUJYS WELL LOCATED 10-FT. lot. Or owner will trade, and addi- tional cash for 6 rooni bouse* in paro-1 chiai school district. IREDALE STORAGE 374 Central Ave. Highland Park, 111. 129LTN46-ltc AM MOVING, MUST SELL,-BEDRM.. dining and! sun parior set. Finefurn. ln, good con.!. Also, Frigidaire. an.! Electro-Lux vacuum cleaner,: like new. Stove, Ice box, chairs, etc., 266 Green- wocor. Drexel. Glencoe 560. 129L46ltp FOR SALE, Electric Rjefrigerator $25 Apply. 1099 Twr -d., Winnietka. MUJST DISPOSE 0OF MY HOUSEHOLD gonds immediately. Includes furniture, rugs and miscellaneous household goods. 622, Forest Ave. Phone Wilmette 1575. 129LTN46-ltp SAINITARY FOLDING COUCH, COVER 1an. pillow, $5., Wicker chaise lounge. Child's ýoak, desk, Child's pool table. 222 Leicester Rd.. Kenilworth 2583. 129LTN46-ltc B3EDROOM SET,' TWIN BEDS, CHEST of drawers, dressing table, bench, nlght table. Phone Winneuýý 1035. 129L46-ltp FOR SALE - MAHOGANY UPRIGHT Piano and other househol.! goods, very reasonable. Cal Winnetka 628. 129LT2N4-ltp J UN I OR BEDROOM ,,SET, FULL. .twintyize be.!, new inner-spring-rmat- tress. Odd living roorn chairs. P.hine Wllmette 395, 129LTN46-lte ELSCTRIC REFRIGERATOR 7 CU. ft. Servel.' Good condition. $20 cash. 1519 Central Ave., Wilmette. 129LTN4-ltp BEATIFLLARGE SIZE. GREEN enamel baby crib and! chest of drawers to match. in perfect. condition. Phone Glencoe 220. 129LTN46-ltp VARIOUS PIECES GEINERAL HOUUSE- hiold furnishings. children's drop side beds. Phone Glencoe 102 129L46-ltp GÏENERAL LINE 0F' HOUSEHOLD furniture, ail in gond cond. Reason- able, Phone Glencoe 1790. 129LTN46-Itp WTD.. TO UUY--H8KHOLD. GOODS LET US, SELL YOUR FURNITURE, glass,, rugs. brlc-a-brac - thlngs, you, have n use for. Buckley Re-Sale, Shop. Phone1 Wilmette 1174. 130LTN46-Ite *FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE - GENERAL ELECTRIC Sun Lanip. 'Ivory finish. Gond con- dition. Phone Wilmette 2046. 131LTN46-lte .1: *.ltc 11 "-I;Nî-1 C CLYP sa poengruue.owe, 1629 amaller lot in Wlmette. ,V PakAve. Ph. Wilniette 2345, Box 40, Wlmette, 111. 1281 FI RST TIME OFFERED' '11LTN46-ltp WAN1TED - SMALL HOME NEAR LAKE, 9 RM., 4 BATH BRICK WE HAVE SOME VER-Y ATTRAC- cag o la -cef colonial. several porches, 3-car garage, tive buys in houses-exceptional val- cihage o en8ar over an acre of gi iund, wonderful gar- ues, even in this market. Also a con oo 7ave. Wilmete1Rea dens, trees. Land aione worth price pIète list 0f homes to nent utili aval!- Faurtb St., Wilmette 192. 121 asked. able. Inquire at- McGU RE.&..OR McC IRE& RR S. E. WINN.-ENG. BRICK, rm. home. Want E.* Wil. hp 530 Davis St. Gre. 1080 316 Park Ave. Glencoe 13 change. Write A-7, o.0 111lLTN46-ltc 11ILTN46-ltc -Boxi0 -parents, the Melvin Hawleys c n Warwick. road, Kenilworth. i P Winifred Hoffman of 1638 -ingtgn avenue, ientertained at. a and ýsupper party Saturday in ýéof, her thirteenth birthday. of 515 ,Wash- mnovie hionor.