Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Mar 1934, p. 53

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,asao n t iii ..t.j, wv. a.. "ll'* ca. to Lur to the. Anerican Passion Play az Bïloh.mingtofl, 111. TŽhe trip wiIl be made by Greyhound Blus, leaving Wiu- mette at 7 a. m. and returning around midnlght of the sanie day. Qnlya imited number maYr go, and anyone ln- p'lc n the arelmnes0 h ora ment. The Play *111 therefore comw- pete againet other winners Friday. March 23. the Chicago. Woman"s club. The Young People's choir meets for rehearsal each Saturday mnorning at . 15 under the direction of Miss Marie Briel. The Frienidly.circle invites alVwonien of the church to a special meeting this Sunday niorniing at 9:30, o'clock ln the Woman'a room. Mrs. Chester' W. Col- grove, former associate. teacher of the clasïs, will lead tedsuso.The Circle Trio will render "The King of Love liy Shepherd- Is," and impressions of "! FoIlow the Road,"? will be given The study for the day will be '«Dis- ,cîpleship,» by -Weatherhead. Every member Is making an effort to be pres- ent, and, 011 other women. are tzrged to à ttend. "Smil1n' Through,"ý a three-act ýcomedv irama, will be presented. by o4r Hi gh School 'Players' Frlday and Saturday, April 6 aÈd'7. English Lutheran * SeVenth stréet at (reîa Wilmette * "A House of *Worship" The Rtev. Dai-id R. Kabele, pastor ~SUINDAY îSERVICES Sunday school 9 »:45 a. ni. .Morning worship. 10 .m. Luther. league 5:.30 P. Mi Choir reihearsal Fiiday. eveni'ng at 7 :30 o'clock. Thle tvoiship servfice on Palm Sunday iWill include the confirmation service.]f ~V invite ail tco witness, this beautiful service, The Union Sunday Evening Lenten ;ervice wilI be heid. at the- Congrega. tioalchuchnext Sunday eveig Our ischedule> of Hoiy .week and Ease- ter - services 18 as follows: Thtrsçay-8 p. ni., Holy Commun~ion. annd ýid2v1 nm a _q) - a - m resî avenue. -o- Mr. and Mrs. William J. King, 611 Forest avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. John Cullen of' 1226 Ashland avenue, re- turned Wednesday of Iast week, motor- ing home from Winter Park, fela., where. they spent, five weeks. e niA Dg ng at Iý he jatne and1 iL Money -Eaters One hundred new automobiles! That's what one of Ohicago'. big bu siness houses purchased the other day. The purchasizig agent who placed,,the order, gave this very definite explanation for the purchase: "Teodcrs huhtey had much service left in* them, were costing too much money. Higher gas and oi consumption, more frequent repaira, developed a staggering cost that grew each week. dThe new cars, especially the e conomical 1934 models, will wýipe out that excessive cost. The money saved over a year. in operating costs will make a ve ry substantial payment on the. new equipment. And the new cars, by their sniarter appearance, are making a fine advertisement for us. "We have eliminated costly breakdowns. And what is more we have pro- tected ourselves against the higher prices that, are sure to corne within the next few months. 1 cali that straight-thinking9 and, wise-buying!1 May we suggest that you look at, your car in the same light? Oheck'up'on what your car is costing. Then find out what these new cars cost to run. Invesigate the possibiity of early price increases witk the rising cost of, manufacture. And remember :-You need flot have the money to purchase a new car outright. Reputable dealers arrange the financing through this company. And mucli of the cost of such purchase and financing will be defrayed by the saving your new car wiIl bring you. Tlèese dealers are prepared to serve yo ur best i nterest. by handling their turne paymnent contracts through a sound,, local /lnaacing. company. NORTH SHORE D)EALERS Chevrolet-North Shore Chev. -sales, 611 Main Street, Winette, 111. Chevrolt-Wm. Ruehi Co., 134 N. Znd St., Highland Park, III. Chrysler-Plymouth- Deibler Motor Corp., 22 N. First St., Highlanid Park De Soto-Peacook Auto Sales, 562 Lincoln Aven~ue, Winnetka, 111. Dodge-New Trier Motor Sales, 664 Center St., Winnetka, 111. Ford-Ace Motor Sales, 43S Main St., Wilmette, III. Hudson- TerraPlare-flanson Motors, 557 Chestnut St., Winnetka., Ill. Capital and Surplus $4WUUU Stfandard Rates on Standard Cars Through Standard Dealers Buy now at a lower price and a higher trade-in value! Pay in installiments with. cheaper inflated dollars!

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