Crush. Addet tribute was expressed J lu the words of the presdc1nt, vj]-S. George Il. Beatidin when she spoi:e of Mfrs. Crush, aii activeneniber of the club for niany years and once: its president, as "a-perfect cxaùiple of Cliristian' CatholJc wNomnanhood". Tri- g bute, too, xvas , i the v .îg.poein * written for the club by Nlrs. Harry .N\cDermott, "In N.Memnoriani". E'venlts to corne ahsorbed mutcli of *the atnounicenlent time precedinig the program,., MÈs. Frank 1_. Barker called attention to the bridge tea on April 10, forjtlie eighteen nle%%1 l mr- bers, which %vill begie by the b)oard at Shawn'ee Country cù> r. WVilliam D. Ieary, social clairinian. aninouniced 'that members areù, to bring their own box l.uncheoni t0 th e annual meetingýy, the club 'servn- co.- fee,-and that she is now taking re- servations for the springlUniceý1î at Sýhawne on Tucsdayý, May 1. Sweethearts' night on Fridiy, A:pril 13, is an evening meeting of the' file arts departmient, Mrs. . FraiuK- X. Thale annouinced,,to wlîich rnembers, *are asked to bring their hiusbands.' A.garderi class, starting probably the second Tuesdayý in April, Is another activity ofber department in charge of M.ýrs.. Charles Norman, and which will be, cliHa.xedl with a tour of \Vil- mette gardens. A plea for, clothing for a fanîily the plilanthropy department' is aid- ing. wvas made,; for boys' suits fo-r ages 11, 10, or 9; for housedresse;; and Mrs. Patrick Joyce. Marie Fisher Pérkins was accorded a very cordial reception upon her re- turn to the club for another clever prografi arranged by Mrs: Charles Broad. Ecept ionally good was her, read- ing. of "Dinner àt Eigh t' . whll-ch slà chose, she remarked, solely for thé laughs it -offers, a laugh in nearly ev-1 ery . lne. Her interpretation w,-ag spontaneousý, clear,ý and diverting, a~ deftlyl she dlrew ber character pic». tures, differe*ttiatiing *the-'personality i iii eacl Of the va ried assortrnent with ..finesse, with the ability of ail actress. dlaims, ýwere the green embleus (ckii the cakes which were served %vithlI coffce from a 'tea table with a bowti of acacia, yellow j onquils, and %%-hit, narcîssus, and green candles. ExhibitsPictiares Among the north shore artists in- vited to enter the annual exhibit of the ýEvanston Woman's club this week was Miss Susan Northamn of 731 Tenith street, Wilmette.. She en- tered two water colors. .Mrs. Franik Wenter. Jr-, 1204 Ash- land avenue. entertained ber lidge club (mi Tuesday. I~ ~ '%NS- So Smart -For Easter Mounted .on, shallow, .rounded crowns .. dipping toward one eye, thoen sweeping upward in the new windblown curve. Trimmed with nestling flowers and bows. In smooth or, rough ,straw. Otiaurs $2.95 to $15 Sherman and Church-BVANSTON GET READY. for those' beautiiful1 days aheaàd.. w HETH-ER if is driving N A DDITIO0N to m'aking your motor car, playng your glasses .xactly as your golf or any ot her sport-go.od *yesigbt is most important. *doctor ordered +hem, Uhle- rnann willI fit you comfort.ably FOR QUALITY LAUNDIRY ANI) DRY CLEANiNG CALL' ARD, «W«mmký«rlk"M ww UHLEMANN OPTICAL COMPANY EVANSTON .610 CkurchSt Esiablishod 1907 ARE AT YOUR CHICAG O' Chicago, Evanston, Oak Pari, Defroif, 10440. Mediso., AppIf..