Has Record Number ofr-CIapters Present The thirty-eighth state.con ifer- ence of the Daughters1 of the Aniierican .Revoltion is-now past, with the greatest ituniber of c hapters ever rep resented at an Illinois confereiice. The Womnan's club -pf Evanston ivas. a. most -attractive place to hold the meeting and luncheon.s. The platform was transformed, in- .oaý veritable flower gardeni with stately woodwardiaferns and pa lmà as a background, tail standards of spring flowers and pussy willows, and boxes of snap-dragons,. jonqu ils, calendula. and stock encircling-.i- The setting was complete as the pages brought in ýthe national. emr blein, the Illinois State fla',an h D. A. R. colors.aganth One of the most important issuei tander discussion was the creation of a natural state park on the Wabash river where Lincoln, at 21, frtset foot on Illinois soul. A miniature- model of the ,proposed site by Nellie V. Walker, scuiptor, showing the Lincoln Mernorial bridge spanning the river, formed the cent- ter-piece on the spcaker's table at the banquet, which was attended by nearly four hundred. Miss. Irma Clow, harpist, entertained. Frank L. Ford of Waukegan presented an il- lustrated lecture oh scenes in Azneii- can history. Mrs. Francis S. Grahami regent of the Glencoe chapter an,& chair- mnan of flowers and décorations, in presenting the state regent with a Check for $25, for this- fund from the four hostess .chapters, laid, «"In lieu of ýthe bouquets of flowers usuatly presente d you -and the- natio:nal officers at this time in appreciat ion of your work throughout the state and nation, the four hostess chaptersf have decided to present a check for Thte regroit. of thte Skokir Val- ley chapter of the Daughiers oftIi,' Anmrricaii Revolt ions, M rs. CiarIcý S. Jackson, iwas its luncheon hostes e Motdav of tieis wc. Mrs. Jackson U.W a - Me of the' regents of tte, hostess cha/'Iers tb h 1e Ilni tt tôif crence jusl eidej'. Mont. Carlo -Party The Chi'cago Kappa Kappa Gamma. Alumnae association announces a -Monte Carlo party to be given at the Wilmette Woman's club Saturday night, April 29. Proceeds are for the delegates to the convention at Yellowstone Park. "Plan to corne. WVatch 'for further announcement," the chapter urges. Mrs. Charles Gilbert Davis, 615 Laurel avenue, will be,.hostess to. In;embers of Spoke 2. of the Pre s*by-. terian churcli on Tuesday, March .27, for dessert luncheon and se witig>. Evaniston hospital as, we 1re fiowers f rom the conference, placed iii the wards. Meet Here Sunday Miss Mary DeMarco of WVilînette will entertain the Delta Epsilon iIota club Sunday at her home. This group was organized to aid the Divine Word Fathers,' missionaries .the world over. Miss Antoinette Richter of Chicago is. president; Miss Doroiliv Xiller of Chicago, vice-pùesidett- Miss Lor- raine Huncke of Highland Park, sec- retary; Miss Louise'Stu ri, treasurer. Other memnbers are the Mis s Euîa.lia Barker, Elsa belle Fitzpatrick, Gertrude I3Baumnan, aIl of XVilmette, Miss Frances Manion of Lake Fore- est. * Miss Mary, Elizabeth O'Connell1 of Highland Park and, the Misses1 L4ouise Behrendt and Mary Kathleen Hutmacher of Chicago. Camp Osoha .Girls and Mothers Plan Reno The fourteenth animal reunion for Camp Osoha irls and their mothers will be held at the Shawnee Country cub, Saturday, Mlarc.h 24. A spls partyý will precede, the luncheon. The program. of toasts will be Iollowedý by motion pictures ef *Camp. Osoha., MIany .out of town girls arepln ning . to attend.pln Arrangements for the reunion are under the direction of Miss Flora jean White, Woodlaxid avenue, WAin- netka, chairman .of the arrangements coanmittee. Hostesses will be Mrs. Fred S. White and . Mrs. James C. Wilson. Camp Osoha is located at Trout lake in northern Wisconsin" and. is directed by Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert Snaddon. of; Madison. For Wom.ne of Rotary The North Shore group of the 'Women of the Rotary club of Chi- al the. cago wiIl hold a regular meeting. to be .Monday, March 26. at 10 o'cloclç at Shawnee Country club. Co-hoste;ses d deîe- will be Mfrs. Clarence H. Meistert Social ,nd Mrs. Frank H*' Seubold of Wil-1 s, Mrs. mette, and Mrs. James P. Haynes oft 'Shore Evanston. Alil members are requestedi a'm oi to bring in their Red Cross sewing ýharles coinPleted. Officers for Woman's ClIub By VERA McDERMIOD Mrs. Frederic O. Ebeling, Mrs. George H. Red.ding, Mrs.. Arthur J.. Dixon,- Mrs. Ralph T. Huif,. and Mrs. ýC. P. Berg ar .e m "enbers of 'the. comnmittee which, wiIl nominate new offi- cers to be voted u pon by nin- bers of the' Woman's club of. XXilmette atits annual. meeting in ApriL The committ 'eewas comipleted eit a n election held on Wednesday. afternoon of last, The program on M .\ardih 14 À-as given by Isabel Clime of Keniilwýorthi, soprano, and Hikoju Yanagida, young Japanese lecturer h showed ex- quisite colored stereopticQ*n pictures of. ".Japanese Homes and Gardens." Miss, Cimeý has one of the loveliest conice rt1 voices, I have ever heard.. Its ricli eet tone- is comhined with purity, and definiteness, and she sings the variou's ranges, f rom 'the highest to the lowest, with the greatest ease. Among the nxost, charming of lier two groups of songs were "Surely the Time for Ma king Songs Has Corne" by Rogers, and "Mountains" by Ras- bach. MissClime may. welI be termed ,one of "Chicago's singers of menit," for gracious personality and intelli- -etce accompany hier lovely and care.- fully trained Nvoice. For ýan encor e at the conclusion: of bier programi she was requested to sing 'Trhe Jast Rose Mr. Yanagida's lecture was. most informative. He gave -interesting bits of japanese folklore and custeoms as well as a description of the country. Did you know that Japan is a coun- try of Pille trees; that tiw cherry trees for which Japan 'is so noted do flot bear fruit, and that afternoon tea (or the tea .ceremony) originated. in the fourteenth century for the pur- Pose of worshiping or paying tribute to niature? Rock ogarclens wrin ex e.pages having ie chapter was Devotjonal services were conducted by Mrs. Van Leer and Mrs. KimbeIL The .21.I roses were later taken to the sbown to be an important new work for the Daughters. Death by care- less drivers of automobiles has been great. Measures to bring a bill be- fore the legislature demancjing a drivers license would. materially de- crease such a catastrophe. K. G In ArtExibit Miss Mabel Wheelock and. Miss Jane, Jphnson of Wilmette are two of the Wilmette artists who are representedin the artexhibit at tbe Evanston Woman's club which op- ened this week. A dinner for Delta Gamma fathersr and mothers was held on Wednesday, with, a program of the Moira Marion- ettes in Southern Syncopations. given by Margot Cuter, one of the mm bers of the active chapter m. a adeas