Mo nd m 2-Trousser SU UTS und TOPCO AT'S We beieve, the largest, finest. selection, offered north of Chicago--to suburban men and young men. Ths group et $35 represents every new style, every new fabrc and every1 new. color- and. includes clothes by makers who are famous throughout America for teiloring n quality. SHIRTS are more colorful thon ever-but in such plees- ing tones and patterns that we feel thôt mon wiliItae.ta, them as a ducir does to weier. Priced from $5 to $~ 9 NECKWEAR thaf's new and hendsome k aen Easter noces-. sity and our séection 'for spririg goos the round frorm plains to patterns' in the greatest variety ever. $ HATI the. style famous Lytton bots. ore in spe nd shades for mon end young men. '0u ,tsfanding value for Spring and Easter. tih* newest $3-50 SHOES in wing tlp, strailght tip, ultra smart or coniserva- tive styles--~ Ail brand now for spçrng. $445 Bakor brown calfslcins and grains. $ LYTTON Hi SUITS ANO TOPCOATS have a- decided campus ar-h* suits t2 trouser) wî ther sporty styles and'rough, and smooth fa brics-ti topcoats in handsorne balmacaan and- polo $ styles. Sizes 33 to 37. See one on him. 22 the LYTTON JR. 2-KNICICIR SWITS With 2 pairs "plus 4" knickers-mn practically any.fabrco styl e prefers. Sizes 7 lt1 $2 HENUtYC. LYTTON &SONS Orrington and, Churc&-EVANSTON. Open, Tuesday, Tlaursday and Saturday Rvesigs MARCH 2, 934 1' $35 r