western u*i UIIversLV iiy ana as nIIconilluIIti siderable experience in power plant Bleser's nearly mnade a cleani sweep) and clectrical work. He was selected of their three games with the Tailors. from a list of sevcnity applicatits., winning the first ganie, 862 to 829, Mr. Thiel, a plumber by trade, lias Iosing the second by only two pins~ been working on CWA projects ii 885 to 883, and copping the t hird cas- Kenilworth -for the past two montîîs, ily,' 989 to 756. and wheni the job) opening at the Close Encountera water plant occurred he accepted ail '1'Tle .record for close miatches for offer teo 611 the výacancy. the evening, however, went to Edel- Clenent- C. Ley continuies as slip- weîss and the :Kenilworth market. erintendent of the water plant. Edelweiss wvon the firs.t gamie by onlv one pin, 916 te 915. The second ganie BRIDGE ýCLUB HOSTESS, WCft teo Edelweiss, 884 to 867. Theni Mrs. XaeIMtinc Stitll, 1309 Chest-, the market ianaged to "shà(de" its îîut avenue. was hostess to her bridge o1)lolelt, by two points in the final' club for ilncheon, at the Georgianl game, 931 to 929. botel' Friday o>f lasi week,- after which Villiain Teichert. of the C. anîd R. one of the iembers. Vrs. Howard Oit Mcin had high garne for the elve- Pitts, entertaiined the *group at the ning, 245. His team ltest two out, of meeting of hIle Evanston I)raîna leaguc. three, games to the Bungalow taverni.§ whichi was. held at the hom-fe ef Mus. The tavern won the first match bv C harles \\7eidnlin in Evanstoît x points. 824 te 818, and the second, ______________________887 to 841. The C. and R. hovq tool I Mrs. Chester lricsnaî ie ag the third ganie, 858 te 812. ter, Jean. of 1220 Locust road. lef t Hatdden Hall Wn âtodav, on a two weeks' \-isit %vith Mrs. Hadden hall. whiclî hiad beeyî tietl VWilliam Waller of Baâls street. Ch]j- \wifh the Kenilworth mnarket for third cago. at Palm Beach, Fla. place:, shoved the latter teain into fourti>j place by taking twvo-ont of I)orr;iice Nygaard. 1336 CGregory trefoi appBoirs 'li avetne, \\Ill arrive Saturday to spend scrsýee 3 o88, 88to 990 anld his ks spring vacation from Crin.- 929 toe897. THE A Cappella c, nell wvith hus famnily. Bleser's had the. highest three gainieTWesleyan uniiiverS] total for, the e.veniing, 2734. Vdelweis's direction of Dean At wvas ,second wîth 2729 and Kenilworth brook, will present a »J m~~~~~narkethird with 2713. rd iusc W ie Team Standings *rd risc Wd Foloý-ing-re the teain standings:; '\farci, 28. ai 8 ocki( THE OLD TIME TAILOR W. 1- ,-- i. mettePas Ieh Nash Suite Madeé to Order Wilniette Tailiçs .. 42 24 .61 S18Sfl aud $2290 ,Edelwelýs .. ..38 28 .864 clhurcli. 'l'îe neancil Low Prices oni Repatring Hadden bal,.. 37 29 S 5 3. d.urng Mardi J<eililworth market 3 66.30 .8617aî wmt-iemm 17GR NLA AV. Rapp Brothers (Winnetka) 3.7) ',1i.855 ý licliis (oi Ill'te ie Plese's..............294,4 choirs o4 tlic cotntrP/N l -94Bimneglow tavern, 26, 40 .830 eand. R. 011 Men......21 ý45 .840 esvaî ninît (.,\-l uer tlle Cc Mrs. Elliott V.. Youngrg 49csin yîm Th WOF Eýashingion avenue. wvil entertain at.<nslvee a family luncheon Saturday'in honor nx A UTO REPAI iof Miss Eloise Foirhrichl of Park Ridge, follows: TVINCthe fiancée of Mrs. Yotingberg's son," rcs,îîly>i IG NTI O BATERIS-,Living (bd l' Ellitt . Yongbrg.Alla Trinita 1207WASF IN TON VE.Gloria Patri ( mmqCo.u- Adoranius Te.... <UfAn - 3 2 4 2CO)M I INDIAN JTRAIL Tenebrae faetae ,sunt-. 1 L1*4 E Iu d-% qArrx. IQ AUTO P 1951 Binson Avenue . > ,n ranaton [ING CO. > SIDE-A Iftollae.h GAI GREelea 051 ot i de try Ad] GgEeneaf OI outPoisons anîdr ______________heart s0 you s]i At Leading Drug -o-- C. C. Carnahan, 700 Central avenue,ý onl returned Tuesday from a deep sea fish- 19st , ing trip at Éoca Grande, Fia. He htwas acco mpanied by C. C. Mitchell, v.) and, was gon e littieovýer two, weeks. chir of Iinois itv. under the ,rthun E. W~est-. prograni of sa- esdav - cvening. )ck ini the WTViI.. odit l.piscopal iieteeCi woiil I in tbis groulp. table universitv V.The 1Ilhnois chioir is heard l iInla Broad- eprograin.for Ring wîll- he as . $pirî ")f 1hlàg' Palestrina *Palestr'ina