way. Marjorje Sniythe, daughter o f M and Mrs. William H. Smythe of 14 Kenilworth avenue, Kenilworth, bel, a reumnn ffriends with whom sh went abroad last'summer, entertainini themf at tea Sunday. OrderYour EaSter Eggs. NowI Fruit and Nut KANDY KUPUOARDý: M2 Sp.nish Court ')Nà Mn, et WiImette 5423 ~r .~.'s~ we' ai ea as e iTne nrst week of services is exc- 13ars , hingecnst serv i easoar clusively for the married folk, both Kenilworth, which went through an 13 yars haing ervd i Teas ad mn ad wmen.Fro ettheold-fasbioned election fight last year, California befecongtChcomeanwme. rm the outsete will have nothing of the sort this ýr. about a year ago. response. was -nost generous, necessitat- spring, at least so far as its board of 43 Native Mexicali talent will preýent ing improvised seats that reacbed eveil trustee positions are concerned. The Id a musical program., notesrcu i.n ediefrcniae %lsmd e Thursdav evening, March 22,: Prof. nTo he misntary fni hng leadjne for canddther s un id igW. W.. Sweet of the University of Th-isinre are Fa«thers of the ngh as.Teda,9ad.heeisoly, g Chicago, Divin ity s b o, wl p a M ost P r co s B od th R v. J n ont ticket in the field, on '.The Methodist Enterprise in-.B. Zeller; of Cleveland ' Ohio, and the The Kenilworth Citizens' Advisory World 1ife." Dr. Sweetis one of *e-v. Leo J. Vogt, of St. Charles Sen- comniittee, organized as, a step in bring- America's foremost authorities in. the inary, Carthagena, Ohio. The latter is ing about' and maintaining..barmony in study of vYarious, den0jniintýional the brother of ]Edward Vogt. a Well- 'the Village's political affairs andcm groups and their contributions to known resident.of.Wil.met.te. jposed of representatives of ail of modern life. 'K enl orbs clubs a d ci c an s- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. . . t h e m i s s i o n a r i e s , " r e d s a s t a t e - c a1r o p , b ao i at e d t h e o l CUiRD SCARLET FEVER metbyte evJ.ANuanps lowingý men to fill the three positions NonwsaltËvtom of the' parish, "have. won for them- th Ke'orhbir o ute' one scrtfver. cases were selves the reputation of being fearless onfhl -loth-ord-o tute reported in Wilmette in the week sp9se fteGse das h whiçh become-vacanit this sprig redig ah1,acording to the sanctity and.. purity of. the home andSIiCSit reod fthe Wilmette Health de- familv l..ife, .insisting on th e i g fai-, Herman G. Seely, 700 Kentro. partmei.t.ý There weré, however, iy stî da f hita oit: Pote Fx 2 awc od eight inew cases of measles, three i newh Richaf-hrsia're ox 26Wrwc ýod caeso wooig ouhan tejustice for ail, incl.uding the common ichad C. Jobnston, 321 Nfelrü.e same number of- mumps. oknmnsrgtt a just *wage~- vne ____________one adequate to support a. fainily: in, Mm.. Fox and Mr,, Johnston are iii- sistence on frequent and daily Com ejcunets whose terris. expire thi-, M rs. V. A. Smih,1309 Chestnutmuon s.a cmopae pmhspigan M.eeywsn iati avenue, entertained lier bridge* club a:,t mno sýa cnropae prs pig n r el a oia lun_é1heon Fridav at the Georgiai hotel phenofinenon.": to take the place of Walter A. Knoop. in Evanston. Next week, beginning SudaMarc h WhOse terri also expires. Mr. Knoo-p 0- 18, the services will be for the single was asked by the cornmittee to be a Isobel Zimnmerman, 219 Sixtil street, men andi women. "It is expected," ican'didate for reelection but hie declined. is returning Marchi 30, f rom Ohio Father Neumann continues, "-that the The committee also nominated Wen- WeslçYan, to spend er spring vacation. church will be packed to capacity . a-% idell H. Clarkc, 711 Kent road, for re- the missionaries have almeady by 'their! élect ion as Village clerk. I V 1 Neiw le the Uime t. aPpearance last Sunday won the coi,-, Elect for One Y..,. WhMite te ilai 7057W*1haveta fidence and ffection of the, young peÔ- As announiced in W!LmE<ET IFE la'sî Igbè'erBmeN Il..... ,. bey*I1 pie by their advocacv and championing week, the clerk and the thmee truistees to14, plainm and sUver. u..ae of modern Youth's furidamiental in.- will be elected for one year instead Ila P.&Ah a _ #B M-il teffrity. .." CR E A TNO Loveliness for -You' This stfâf of expert b e a uicians is à source of satisfac- lion for women on the north shore * Loveineaa Mde Lovetter ing lor tne holding of elections in the otItI yeams only. Thus next year Kenil- wvoth will elect an entire new, board- Since there is no fight for'thetm- tee positions, interest in 'the Kenil1- worth e-lection this year iwill c'enter' on the iquor question. The -village, like other. communities on the forth shore. will decide wbetber or neot the sale of alcholic liquors *at retail within its lirnits is to be permitteti, HEAR CHOIR PROGRAM 41,u cignin ga (AdV.ý A datgbter was born Febmuary 21, to Mr. and Mrs Samuel Comily of Greenwich, Cotn., êt the Baptist bospi- tal ini New York. They bave named theïr daugbter, wbo: is. their th ird child, Con-ý stance. Mrs. Comlybi the former Helen Cresap of Xenilwortah. il