Crab Meetaix*S os. tic Frai. for Sad 2 ns23 NOOCICS Ideor Fiue pg Noodi.. WlI lb.'5 V'rnefar Cider çrLbotte 10< CAKEGcRrNNANs each 2l< Orange Cream Iced Angel Food 'Penny Dandy' "huEUI lb. 19C Pmr Chocoate Devi's Food Cookiee PAUL SCHULZE-Old Fauhloned 1%,huierC@kiest l 6.25C. 1? est* &at., Sam i PotatoeoWs L 10iba. 33c Cants àncy Calf. Bunch SC SPINACH T=m 3 nb. 19< Have a 4.pud al deivered to your Quality Foods SPINACH 2 No. 2 tins 31< ,Be&and idm7 3RNo 131c OrapefruüietJuice2 . 229, Bl. ue L&be ormge pekoe l. t i2c COFFEE 1-1b. tin 33C C).B. G. 3 Ibs. forSi.oo Central anid TWIf h A ' c 5hon5s N510h-514