ruwusg ail uelore il; astrologers, they permitted that arch *Hrtbg, evaIatngIavag ast wlatfortune-teller of flàlsey-Stuart - the if pleases; OId Counselor - to advise people to L Jiving a lfie that 'is shIort, beautifIIl, invest in Insil stocks, with more dis- das.zling; astrôus cônsequences than ever followed Capable of caasing either joy or sorrow;' the suggestion of any star-gazer," G,-bnq life' or déa th/i at wll. w~rites Mr. Dawson. "White rulin.g -4piot.yppois.1 Henderson, 'Duncan, and 'Shuler off the -- air for personal attacks and 'controversy Suùddem B3reaa Promzis thev permt Father CoughMin, who in- Sprint WMi Arrie Vtes'as much controversy per sentencei It. was unmistakable. as. the most bumptious'lawyer." Yes, on the afternoon ofMarch 12, 'NIr. Dawsoni'-, article is %vell writ- the chili, bitter winds somehow be- teti and informative. He-is flot aga 1inst carne breezes with a lift, a drifta' censorship but lie would like tO see a softness- and, a tang of promise. Radio Commission composed of "men Little did it matter that the grounid- dfistinguishied for their integritv. open hog had sneezed wvheil he poked, bis mindednjess ani independence. from' snout timidlv into the February gusts. the piressure of special interests." He Groundhogs, frustrations, f r a y e d believes that thiereal devil we have to hoppes and bitter disappointments contend with is îlot the deVIl of inde- can't keep the human race from cency. p)rofatiti. and radicalism. but cluigto promises. the (levil of despotic coutrol. '*Rather Prophets who audit the future and than succumb to such domination,: thrust icicles,- snowstorms batitwouId be l)etter to huri ail of our waves and miscellaneous weathersiii- ibroadcasting apparatuis into the deel to neativ classified cohirnns, mav bc1 blu1e sea." he writes lu conclusion., But a promise. transèends statistics! anld we do flot have to bu3T a vehicle jLogan-Howard tag for our bopes. That tang oft pT.A promise carnies us swiftly forward to P .A the perfect day of our dreams. Thiuk of t-nlo charge for beuding th rhe Parent-Teacher association world to our dreams! lias always been a most useful and Perhaps prehistonic man experi-ivaluable element lu American life. enced the same lift wben a bitter But it has now become an indispens- wind suddenly turned kiud and play- ible element. From every point of fully tossed bis snarled hair about view-school, child, teacher, parent-- on his rock-like pate long before the the work done by the P. T. A. is in-, kaleidoscop' twe ut le th centurylvaluable, essential to this country,", -brem-ed amazing complexities and These are the words of Dorothy Can-. contrasts; babies crooned to sleep ini field Fisher, well-known author, and penthouses while future matesý make parent education advisor of the Ver- love in subways. mont Congress of Parents and Sparks for strauge poetries are Teachers. generated by modern frictions and Lest this seen too high praise for~ uinbelievablY swift collisions of ideas our organlizatioti, here is an excerpt The heat and, the fire bring the after- j fromi the National by-Iaws of the mnath he the mind weaves troubled> SNational Congress of Parents and tapestries -of moods .compounded jTahrsoTefbct f hso- douhts, despairs. and, gropings. Ur- ganization1 are: gelcies, failiug of, realization give P'irst, To promote child welfare in rise to sorrov.s-aud we have~ the home, school, church. .and com~munity: "blues" that becomne overtoues for To raise the standards of home I«fe: To etiergetic ja7zz orchestras even during secure adequate Iaws for the care and * protection of cblidren. 0o -Mrs. L. E. Mitten, 159 F uller lanei* Winnetka. Will entertain at a f oursome, l or. lunchieon)i and.bridge this Friday. Miss. Gertrude Michelet of 1028 jSheridan,.spending a f ew. es4 lu Pal. each, Fia. TrHEATRfl Op.m DaiIy ai 1830 ShowisCo.xthus.u.4<12 Mum t 'AS I Mar. 16-17 cmETs1 ry of thse West Thursl. Oafly, Marck I Ais. 111d1.King Cartoon "PALS"-R-K-O-Nows F&L. Sa*., Marck 16-17, Mr.Drsl,-Uioa.I Barrymore in St. us r' :IMPORETANT i: Doors Open Saturday Q Corne Early! ISgatrday (< Ouly) _______-I R. W,. N. nmade for babies in needy families. The Adolescent Study group will Dorothy jane Orr, daughter of thé hear an interestipig talk by Dr. Carey Omrs, 225 Woodbine avenue, îs Beatrice Hawkins, at the next mecet- retmnig Mrch31,fro Ogntz toig, ini the music room of the Howard spend ' ber spring vacaion at ber school at -1:15 o'clock., Thursday., home. . March .22. "If 1 Wore Pr..".leDunne "Flyiag Down t. Rio" ..>D.Del Rio "Galent Lady" .. ... Ana Harding "Ma&ndalay".. .......Key Francis ..None".. ......... Ann. Sen "Moulin Rouge". oa.Seei Madge Ém !ý éfMis$ the FstCh*per of The New Serial Rti Tn Tin. Jr in &&TIseWols IDg"9 Ais. Chaptuir I1 of Sat. Maia.. OnIy hil Sua to Fr1.., March 1 Odm t 18-23