to operate during the coming season on a cash basis. Furtherxnore. the district liaý, since D)ecember 9, 1933, retired ail its out- standing anticipation w a rra n ts, amounting to $19,999.49. Everv foru' of operating cost. it is explained. bas been reduced to the minimum, wber- ever possible and, a reduction in the tax levy is. anticipated. The ffa-\ini Ievy. it is, explained, mav he only fouir milis.. Rteview Year'a Work Avas amount_ of work w as ac- complishied by the district d uring the1 1ast year, as sb.own hy the annual report of Superintendent A. H. Meier.. who, further explains that "it is our plnto continue the coming season as! ve liave in the past." The total oper atn g expense of the district last year was $18.749.72. ex ienedluthe following f'nds: Office supplies and expense, $2-1I 05428: -field supplies and expense., $328.0 field, salaries and wgs f $12245.52, contingencies, such as byonds, compensation isrne etc.. q94.76 and legal expense,' $666.66. In a sumnxary of the year's wnrk, Sutperin ten dent Mirsays: Complète Vat Drainage Dutring the past season the district; bas completed 8M358 feet, of new, drainage ditch, anid bas. cleaned out and regraded 5,450 feet of old ditches. Most of this work was located in Niles township just west of Evans- ton and 'in Northfield township just west of Glencoe and Winnetka. Prac- tically ail of the work was done by labor which was furnished by 'the Illinois Emergey Relief Commission .a r.dthe Civil'-Wo>rks. Administration. :'A, total ràinfaîl of 8.47-iuches dur- ing May and June, most ýof whch, fell during the, ast two weeks of May and the first week of june, re- sulted in an infestation of mosquitoes. This infestation 'lasted for three r -weeks. During the remainder of the not .at ail nuinerous. Aedes vexaiis [ was again the most abundaut spe- cies. 94.55 per cent of the total catch FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY. SENSTIONAL SVNSON OLDFIELD. TIRES ZPriolPries LOOK AT THESE SAVINOS a i 4.50-11, 4.75-19 5.00-19 5.15-1 5.500.19 REG. PRICE 6.50 6.90 7.40 8.35 9.10 9.70 SAL.E PRICE $4.34 4.55 4 .83 '. 5 q,18 6.37 6.79 YOU-13AVE s1.86 1,95 1.07 12.2 2.50 2.73 2.91 ______________ M ______________ per cet to this urer. iThe thrnienmiberg, UA the Board of Trustees are: Arthur Stringer, Evanston and Marvin E. Nevins, Glencoe. .The field%, work, is supe rvised -by A. H.i Meier, of Evanston,,superin- tendent. Central Avi Main Streeu WEST WINNETICA lm00WSlow I8ad Phone WInmmtka 2048 HUBBARD WOODS LIaOen Avenue, South of Gage Street. Th'ouse Wimm.tha 74 Sm ýlÉ -r- -rl-