Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Mar 1934, p. 56

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* o Lynam's Texacos dropped out ofthe three-way tie for leacing place in the North Shore league's basket- bail race last Friday night wbenl Huif Boilers sent thein down to a 27 to 17 defeat. This loss puts5 the Iynam boys in Mith place in the ,league standings owing, te a peculiarity in the' team standingscaused by the play-offs in the first round tie for firs't place. Greenileaf Cab company of Evanston has three victories and- no. defeats. to, its record and is in leading place. However, Huf Boilers, wbo also have no defeats to mar their record but, have only two'victories. to their credit, %must be content with. second place, technically speaking, for the time be- ing. Tied for third place, are Hof- mann Floristsand the C. Y. 0. quin- tet.: each.of whicb bas won two*gaines and lost one and following theni, put there after Priday nigbs defeat, are Lyniam Texacos who, bave one game won and one game lost on their rc This tie between Hoffmann Florists and tbe C. Y. O. teat» is furnisbing the' thrills for tomorrow evening's games, Friday, March 16. Botb teams are eager for the points awarded the third place winners and the contest between the two for sole ownersbip to, that position will mnake excitement for the spectators. Tbey mieet at 7 O"lock. Cayr-Leen Beauty Saloners tbrew a scare into the Greenleaf Cal> coni- pany's quintet last Friday evening by leading the scoring 14 to 11, at the end of the baif and holding theni 17 to 16 at the end of the third quarter. Hlow-. ever, the Greenleaf boys camie through witb a 21 to 10 victory duiring the fourth quarter. North. Shore league gaines will be continued througb tbe spring ývaca- tion, the- only aeivity sppnsored by the Receation board to mieet that week. Ping-Pong FJUDÂY. 3IAltCII16 7 1).ni. - Men'.s basketbaII.. Nortil Shore league. C. Y. 0. vs. Hofinanns. Howard gymnaeluni. 8 p. mi. Men's basketball. North Shore league. klimf Boliers vs. Don Bax- ter cpmpany. HioNva d gymna.siunýi. 9. pM. Men's, ba.s-ketbali l. Nortb. Shore. league. .Lynam *Texacoi- vs. Snith's Stars. Howa.rd gynîinar-illn. SATUEDAT, 3IARCH 17 ' à. nm. Girls!' basketball pi'actice. ts ania ktefling tou'rnaient vil1 be held at Washington park. *There are four events for tbe kiting enthusiasts and only two rules to ob- serve, Glen W. Gathercoal, recreatiori assistant in charge ;of the meet, has announced. The mIles are that the kite înust fly in orifrr-to-be'in the run- ning and it must be constr'ucted by. the contestant efiteri.ng hiii the, events. Stolp gymuaSium. The four events which offer prizes - are the largest kite, the smallest kite MO~DY. IARH ~the strongest pulling kite,, and the 7p. ni. 'bens basýketball. 13- league., 100-yard dasb with the kite. Frter Stn.ý . Frni'v. Hornei. Ito .. .1nai information regarditig the regulations 7 -30, p. n». Boxing and rtln for! governiing 'building: the kites and men. 1Howard gYnîinasiuiii.1 instructions may be had.by communi'- 7 :30 p. m*. Mens volleyba 11. Fipai games. %Howard P. T. A. . v., apti-sQts. cating- with, Mr. Gathercoal at the Howard gyrnnasiunî. Recreation board. 7 :30 p. mi. Meni's vo1keiybalI. Final games. Mthodists ve. Hoffiiinii Flor- ists. Howard gyninasiurn. 8 P. . men's basketba l. "B.- eague. I Wlnbergs vs. Wilmnette (ofeinr.Lau tnig Stolp gymniuni.- egeS'ni games. Seddon vs. Y. P. C. kIowrd j gymnasium. NORTH SHIORE LEAGUE 9 p. mi. Men's basketball. "B** league. W-01 Lost Pct. Hoffnmann Florists vs.. Y. -i,. c. stolp Greenleaf Cab Company 3 0 1 .000, gynminastun. .,0 9 A ifa TUiesDAY, MAILCH 20 cal3 p.alnm. Tidnntaitio.hseond 7a :t0ap.ni.nTgdnual indo',Shyon- third, fourth grades. H-owariid gyninas- lu n. WEDIiESDAY, I -CH 21' 7 P. nm. Men's basketball. "A"' lentgue. State bank vs. St. Francis'. Howard gymnasluni. 7 p. mi. Men's basketball. -C"' league. Ail Stars vs. St. Francis'. Stoilp gyni- nasiunm. 8 1). m. Meii*î basketball. "A" league. C. S. vs. Hoffmiann Florlst>. llo-ward gynînastuni. 8, p. ni. Men's basketball. "C leagute. Terriers vs.- Ha Chas. Stolp gy-nînasi i ii. 9 p. in. Men's basketball. "A"'league. Wilnîiette Batteryvs Methodiset. H-ow~- ard gyminasibin. P. p.n. Men's basketball. "C league. T-wisters, vs. Willies. StoIp gynînasiuni. Thnrsday, >Iarch .22 i p. ni. Girls' basketball. "B- leatgue. XýYZ vs. Weinies. Howard gymnasiunî. .8 p. nm. Woinen's, gynînasium vas Hloward gyninasiuin. t 0 %pri1 Hoffrnann Florests C.Y. 0. Lynani Texacos Smuith',, Stars Cayr-Leen Don Baxter Co. I I i 2 3 4 4661 .667 .500 "A" BASKETBALL LEAGUE State Bankc C. S. Hoffmiann Fhorlsts St. Francis Wilinette Battery Mthodist Won Lest 9 3 6 6 S7. Pct .750 .750 M50 .417~ .33,1 .250. "B"BASETBLLLEAGU1E Sýt. Francis -ornets Wilmette Confectiolnery Hoffmann Florists Y.P. C. w~Von Loýt, 10 2 6 6ý .2 10 "C"'. ASKETBALL LEAGUE Won L,st AI] Stars il 0O rwisters 8 2 St. Francis 8 2 wille . 3 7 rerriers . 3 8 la Chas 2 s ýrIckets .1 1 l'et. .832 .750 .500 .417 .332, .167 pet. TVhe, fi.rst of the annual physical trai.ning demonstrations to be pre- sented by the pupils of the Wilmette public schools will take-place Tuesday evening, Mfarcb .20, at tbe Howard school gyiniasîiii, at 7 :30, o'clock. ýTli first demonstrat ion is being givein by the pupils of the second.' third, atud foturth grades, while othiers will' le given during the following week.1by the fifth and sixtb grades and the seveîith and eigbtb grades, respec- tively. The fifth and Éixtb grade denionstration will l>e held ýTuesday. IMarch 27. and the seventh and eighth grade onie will he bield Tbursday, Mfarch 29. Ali of themn are.ta. beheld at the Howard school gymnasiumf. Invitations are. being sent to the parents of the lower grade. children this, week. A, small charge wvill be made for spectators at. this year's denionstration. receipts froni which wvill be used, to help' defray costs of field day tnedals for the children. The program for the 'second,~ third,. fouirth grade denionstration follows - Folk Daiice-iads. and Lassies- Central !second gradies Folk Dances- Oat.,-Peae,,Beans .Laurel second grade Looby Loo- Highel'est tIret n second grades3 ane..ý...... .....Logansecond- grade Rbythnic ball .bounclng Fanrier and the Punipkins Run for, Y<nar'Supper Folk ýDance ... . Hol4Ward second grade: KinderIPolka Dlddle, Diddle,- Dumpllng' Folk Dance- Central and Laurel third grade,. Danlsh Dance of Greeting Jolly le the' Miller Games........Central thîrd gra de Three Deep Cat a.nd Rat Squirrel ln the Tree Folk Dance .. Howard third gradeo' A H-unting We -WlIl Go Carrousel Folk Dance-.Swedlsh clap *lane-,. Logan fourth gradé FormilLesàon, ..Centra1. fo.u rth:grade Folik Dance - Norwegian. Mouintaîn Marçh...... ... Howard fou rth grade Relays- Hlghcrest third. fourth and fiftIh grades Dunibbell relay Dumnbbell Straddltà relay Driving the PIE to Market Folk Dance-Captain Jenks- Central fiôurth grade-, aliber wil! tiveiy, at the StOlp school gynxnasiuni. ped the Indians, 43 to 27, and thie even ing the class 'w1i.i1 dernons trate and less The change in, schedule is due to the Twjrps won by forfeit from the In- marching tactics and formiaI gymnas- )znamient fact the H{oward gymnasium will be dian ill Indians. Members of the tic drills and the two basketball teams retît class. lin use' for the school physical training Twirps, a new team, are Fred Work- of the league il] give. exhibition bas- Cnrlbe as:orginally schédult ArtCHi 5 .of the reret,on progrmthÎl at thei avenue. iay be m n officej

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