Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Mar 1934, p. 54

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-J- 'rom Sale of 8A Nervspaper We sold Our first issue of the 8A Scratch Pad, tander-the new staff management, at the Dad's Night pro. gram held by .t h e P a rent- r'eachers' associationWe sol thirty p a - pers that iiight at a> nickel each. Theai riin- twenty- four cop- ies were sold to the school children. We could. bave used twenty'-five ýmoré papers. We, had no overbead, 'as G. T. Hellmuth paid for the stencils, and was kind enôugh to have his stenographers type most of our sten- cils. Ouzr net profit was $2.10. Wé hope to do as well next time.-Bob Lonergan,. Howard 8A. Invite Students to Join' Public School Orchestra The Wiimette Public school or- chestra is getting along fine, but we mill always like to bave some more people join us. Any kind of instru- ment except the Piano we'd be glad to have corne in,. We bave only seven niembers from Stolp school and al the rest are from Howard schooi, so we would welcome more from the east side of town too. We are work-, ing on our spring concert music iioNw. -Marcia Smith. Howard 8A. CROWDSEES DOGS FIGUT Some cbiidren -.%ere playing'-4- 8-10W and o thers were pl'aying. base- ball when ail of a sudden a ioud "rrr- rrrrrrr-rr" was 4eard. Everybod& looked. They saw two dogs fighting. On a recent Tuesday the teachers of Howard school had a card party sponsored by Miss Loag. 'the school librarian. Contract bridge was play- ced in the. kindergarten and auction bridge in -the library. The money is. to, be used to, buy books for the Teachers' Reading club.- Refresb- ments were served at the close of the program, and itpredtbeaey enjyaleafternoon. The credit for thParty ail goes to Miss Loagwiho has proved berseif to bc a very worthy librarian and hostess.-Doris Paterson, Howard RA. SewingGlass Prepares. for Sprig Ï11Dres Show The eighth grade girls this se-: mester are sewîng instead of cooking. Ail thé girls are making dresseýs. They like sewing very. much. These dresses will be part of the exhibit'in -the spring. We usually bhave:a fashion show for the P. T. A. in thé spring to disÏplay wliat the girls did during the year.. We bave sewing the first two periods every Monday morning.-. Harriet Kýrchne-r, Howard SA. Boys 'and Girls of 8A Busy Making Puppetsý 9'The SA class is making puppets -Miss Flaskered gave us the idea. The boys make the figures i manual training and when they are finisbed doing that, the girls will make tbe 1heads and dress the puppets. We i ad a taffi appie. sale, and from, the money fràm it, we hope to get a puppet stage. - Patricia Helimuth, Howard 8A. Hloward 8A Leading in Maffhematies Race The seventh and eigbth grade pupils aàre having a race in mnathematics to- see wbicb roomn can check off the drills on time.ý Betty Gep)pert i5 In charge of the checking, so takc tiieni to ber instead of to Mrs. Jones. It happens 8A is in the Iead and w'e plan to stay there-Elizabeti1 Ehlredge. Howard 8A. 41. The parents arc b ei ng invited to corne. and, see it. Boys f roin both schools will partici- pate in the exhibi- tioÔn. TJhere wilI be *nany eVents such as basketbail and volîcybal games, dashes and pull- ups.--Gordon Nevins, ,Howard 8A. Stolp NewspaerHas Interesgting .Features March 2, our school paper came out. It is enitirely a school project This montb's issue was very inâterest- ing with jokes, interviews and mnis- cellaneou 1s itemsi. The cover was 'typ- icai of Marcb and was drawn by. Cherry Sue Orr in Miss Wyman's room. As this paper was so interest- ing, 1 amn sure everyone will want one next month.-Marilyn Stube, Stolp 2B. Pupils Take Tests in Grammar, Aritbmetic The two eighth grades of Howard school have recentiy taken .two gram-. mar and two aritbmetic tests, ail of which were given by M-r. Todcl and were taken i the Howard assemblv. Aithough somé of these tests were easy some were not quite as cas.- FreeIand Stecker, Howasd SA.' ]Former Howard Pupils Cast for "Penrod" Play Two former pupils of the Howard scbool were in the play, "Penrod," given by the freshman-sophlomQre class of New Trier Higb school. They were Elsie Jane, Edge and, Martin. Kresge. 1 think this play wvaç very interestingy and weil donie.-tRosaiie Ca rien, Howard 8A Jane Pen berthy New President On Wednesday, March 7, the coun- cillors announced the élection re- turns and the new officers for the senio6r assemibly. They are as follows: preç ,ident,. Jane Penbethy,, vice-president, Dick Penberthy; secretary, Harry Seifert The samne treasurer, Bob DeVin'nyý, is beiniç kept, as he knows aIl tbe fi-ý nancial affairs of the assemnbly. Te!routgoing fiesaepeiet Bert~~~ Son;ic-resIdent, Donald Huthin; screary Doris Paterson. I'm sure 'we alilappreciated :the good work they did.-Frances WVeber. Howard 8B. Seventh, Eighth Grades at Stol>6 Taking Exams During. the week of March 4 to Il. Stolp seventh and eighth grades have been takiig a number of tests. The eighth grade started out with a read-' ing test in social science. During the rest of the week we had five or six more tests,. These included four grain- muar tests .-. capitalization, language u sage,, grammnar and punctuation. There are also two arithmetic tests. AIl of theni are ôf importance. We are looking forward to at least one or two next iveek.-Charles Gregoy Stoip 2c. 1. gr' Scarlet Fever Casuses Delay of Cade Games T7he basketball gairies which thé girls were to play with Stolp last week. were called off on account of the scarlet fever epidemic. -This news %vas -disappaýointed to the girls who.. were, On the teams, as we had prac- ticed hard hop ing toý triumnph'oiver ýStolp. We hope, that this scarlet fever will-clear up and then we wiii be able to plla,-Wilma Knoop,.How- ard 8B. MAKE NOTEBOOK COVERS Io me ttaat everybody ini th yard cornes over to Watch us. it is a good idea because it kg boys and girls out of the Donald Specht, Howard SA. i net>'-siý,c. Isn't it a coiri Jamne Henderson, Howard DAY CL ASH WITH. HIGHCREST ma had The Wiimette peewees' tearn had ix. Her onie more game with the Hfighcrest She is school. The game was plaved Satur- ýnce.?-',day, March 1.-Gien Samuelson, Hloward 8A. uRIPk iswo Winkle.'? be given in ý spring vacat ard 8A. is piaywiliIprouuably >ward auditorium after n.-B»b Berold, How- uý m 1r I

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