Ail the forms and identities of real Life are spiritual and are reflections of God, i'ncluded in God. They could flot continue to exist as effects,* de-. tached or isolated frotn their life- giv ing cause, an y more than a. sun- beam could be a sunbeamn detaçhe d fromthe suni. Many -believe the life and soulof man to be in the unintel- ligent physical body. Dr. Mayo states that, he bas taken the body al apart and Put it toÉether again but has found no trace, of man's soul therein., Good reason:. it is flot there. Man is really in Mnd, tbe opposite of -mat-el ter, because be is really an idea or manifestation of- Mind and as such must be within .Mind, his only Life and substance. Says the Bible, *'The Lord possessed me in the beginning ofý bis way." Manbelongs to God. lie is Mind's eternal possession. As -the digit six belongs to and is the prinici-1 ple of mathernatics, so man1's real life is an individual expression of Mmlid, and is mentally in Mind. The effect belongs to, and is always with- ini, the cause. Man~s individual life blends with the universal Lif e, Truth, and Love which is God. If religion is of benefit to us God' muîst be a preserit God. If God is etéernal, *God is now. Mortals forget sometimes that whatever is eternally i true is the fact now. 'Moses liad no! thought of God as a future power. H5e perceived God's nature to be: 1 AM, not ÉrWiii be. Jesus thougbt ; from the basis of what is divinely and' eternally true. Alvays. hie used the present tense wben hie told- of God: and man's soriship with Him. A poet bas written. "Withln ThY cireling power 1 stand On every side 1 find Thine hand.; Awake, as1eep, at honme, abroad, 1 arn surrounded stili by (3od." Employment and Sùpply: Employvient involves activlty, and ac- tlvity la a producet of thought. Ail in-, vention, communication. transportation,. com~merce, requit fromn thought-action.! There seenis tu tbe a wrong sense of mnental activity which nroduces humai on Miss unl avenue, 'a- sewingc March 1 Ci iiworua, cuue at luncheon OOODYEAR TIRE SALE YOU may neyer h ave another. opportunity sucli as, this to effeet a real s av*ng on tires. Tae .acivantage of ,the ses- sational values offéed in tis, E:Ï Effective Through Usftwia atch]LIl ~. ra &ui VeAmpioyer sm3 displaced wth confidence for Our services. Our usel recognized and desired 'v It galned no recognition, %eu xnay er formei m ideas -11LY ILv V W.Aa an Ol SHAWNEEB SERVICE GARAGE 515 4TH BT., WIL. 636 COMM4UAisTY AUTrO SEVICE 1025 WILMEITE AVE., WUL. 534t U s15 iDsE AViE., WIL. o4se * SHUMO81K6-M3»71