Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Mar 1934, p. 50

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Cor0don club in the Fine Arts building. The glee club will also sing in Mac- Leish hall of the First Baptist cburch, Evanston, on April'6 The glee club is coming especially for -these parties. Denison. alumni. number more than one* hundred on tbe nortb shore. Many students fromn thisarea now at Denison will be borne, for the spring vacation and plan to attend these parties. North shore nmen and wonien now at the uni- versity at Granville, O., iniclude the following: Taylor Wilson, Dorothy Conway, Jean Lindstrom, Margaret Lindstroni, Claudia Melberger, Virginia .Snyder, of E'vanston;'Thomas Alison, Ross Blaylock, Harvey Klunder, Edward Meier, Ralph Morris, William Morris, Paul Williams, Constance Addenbrooke, Eleno Potter, of Wilmette; Janet Chatten, Louise Wagner, Jean Weber, of Winnetka. Omfcers of the recently orgamized North Shore Alumni chapter are: Henry J. Skipp, president; Thomas Mason, vice-president; Mrs. John W. Amos,: secretary; Mrs. Wesley, Bow-, man, treasurer. Chicago district officers'are: Paul Clissold, Cbicago, presidènt; Henry 'J. Skipp, Evanston, vice-presi- dent; Miss Harriet Mons, Kenîlwortb,, secretary, and Thomas Parks of Chii- cago, treasurer. Denison, more than one hundred years olcI, is located ini the famous Lick- ing His region 30 miles east of Col- umbus, 0. It was founded- by New Englanders froni the Berkshire His of Massachusetts. IN PIANO RECITAL Tbe following puipils of Edith Ray1 Y(oung played on a piano program for Miss Helen Curtis at the Chicago- Musi-z cal college last Saturdaxy afternoon:i Margaret Boyle, of Winnetkaand Mari- anne Strauch, Olive Dahncke, Doloresc Dressel, Hennietta Hayson, Raymiond Ambler, Doris Trego, and Frances Dahncke of Wilmette. 0o- Wlllaminé Oelenîch of 1201 Green- wood avenue, who attends St. Mary's academy of Notre Dame, will return March 23, for lier spring vacation. 0o- Jack Cole of 322 Kenilworth ave- nue, Kenilworth, entertained a group, ofboysFnidaY at a slumber party. e lur Mu llial wci àq;aulqu- The March issue of the Diocese has New Trier, which has been an "on *the following article, "The Boy Scout CALIFORt4IA TO NEW YORK and off"~ tean this' year, had an "off" eMovement," written by Henry Fowl-- Sea Scouts of Ship 7 are to see night and lost to Deerfield, 27 to 19, er, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ » pedetothNorhSoere fim ofte2-hour record-breaking on Wednesday, Deerfield was elim- council : on qalty ars of a transport plane f rom Cali inated by Libertyville, and 'Evanston,, "0nlyon ultmak the boy fornia to New York. Parents and after holding a 24 to, 7 lead at one who wail be a successful man when he .friends of Sea Scouts will view these, point in. the game, folded up, and 'ha.s. grown a few inches ,anda'few films which were highly praised when lostý to Maine Township, Righ'school, years. That is character. By succ ess shqwn recently* at a. meeting of the the eventual tourna"ment winners, in we do flot mean accumulating mony Wilmette Rotary. club. tesm-ias an etLbry We mean the ability to. look back, and DRUM AND BUGLE ville in the finals, 32 to 29.- trulysay, 41 bave b.een.-bappy, but Bruce :Ellison, head of the drum D& a nForni neyer at tbe expense of ýothers; I 'and bugle corps, directed the class. Clarence D hl, guartd, wobsbe hiave helpeci those u u around me to for drumers Thursdayr night. Nov- playing consiàtently good baill for greater happin,'ess .tban they could ices with the sticks decWae the class New Trier this year, was the. olily bave bad without me.' was.extremely interesting. AIl boys player.on bis team up,,to bis usual "The component parts of 'character' interested are.being invited to attend. form in the Deerfield battie. Besicles are: bonesty of purpose; desire to, be the meeting tonight (Tbuirsday) at. bandling his guardingjob capably be useful .; assumption of . ind.ividual the Wilmette Baptist church. Tbe Èonitributed to New Trier's point to- responsibillty; alertness to'opportun- cl.àss is open to ail], whether or flot tal' witb two field goals and a free ity; faitb in a Divine Creator. they are interested in Sea Sco uting. throw for five points. "Duke" Scott, "The boy who meets these five Sticks, wiill be furnished. center, and .jack Si.nding, forward, specificationis bas character. Fie vill COURT. 0F AWARDS were not bitting the, basket. Scott ie' a sucess "in life. AIl five must The WVilmette, District court. ofrnanaged to get five points and Sinld- be, practicall'ycreated, for if they awards will be heid April 8. Many ing tbree, but tbeir ýplaying wvas ýnot exist at ail in, the boy, they are in but Sea, Scouts are ready for advance- up'to par. Flynin, who bas been, the a« rudimentary formn. Tbey are being ment, it is announced. The seamian star on the ligbtweight team of New created every day by thouglitfîil par- ranks include.: apprentice, ordinary, Trier in tbe se'ason just ciosing, was. ents, conscientious teachers, interest- and able. The quartermnaster rank used in the tournament game, and ed employers and devoted. workers is the, highest, and there are îiow his performancewas cotnmendable. in lthe boys' field. only three hundred in the ýUnited L.ad Slips Away "Sco.uting gives the boy a good States. New, Trier led at the end of, the gang to. belong to;. one that teaches BOAT BUILDING frtqatrý5t.2 uDef.i bimi o be prepared at ail times, to be TeSaSot ldeog rb went ahead in the second quarter and of service to others and to learn 1y lems in boat building to keep themn was leading, 16to 10, at the haif. doing any worthwhiie work; be 's. led aIl busy. Construction of snipe ciass cThs e twenNeTier asdtee .ir- by un selfish meni who devote time sop swi ne a.I sa-fec hssao.Tefrtgiea iroluntarily in a great number of nounced that two or three more fibnld Park was wonTh fleerfginei. activities.. erews wiillbe ognzdadohrHgln akwswnb eril. "A million boys are'now enrolied in boats built. oraie adotr New Trier, on its home court, hiad the Boy Scout movement in this ~ _________ little clificulty whipping the, Lake country. It sbould, be mnultiplied sev- county boys. Then Deerfield copped eral times and can be when. more mien Behrens to Head tbe honors for the season by elimin- give tbemiseives 'unseifisbly of their ArePrs Cubw Trier from the tour- tinie to heip tbe boys imbibe the last- A e rs lb ingingredients of character. Througb Ray Behrens, assistant scoutmaster, scout.ing we are a fourfold, influence Troop 48,« Lake Forest, was elected, ENGAGED for good: 1. We are beiping the boys. editor-in-chief at the reorganization Mr and Mrs. John W.Brhet 2.ý We aàre assuring finer men. 3. We meeting helci rece.ntiy at tbe Area 30 Greenleaf avenue, Wilinette, an- are making better the period in which Scout office by the North> Shore Area no'unce. the engagement. of their we Iive, and 4. We are, guaranteeing Council Press club., Frank. Stecker,ý daughter, Ethel,: to Fred- H. Whit- botb the present and future, of out Troop 1, was elected editorý for the: weil, son of' Mr. and Mrs.osp cuty"Wilmette district. Other district Whitweli, of Winnetka. Mi ýsserh wiIl e chsen son. h oeft is a senior at Northwestern A nersn IVii Diect district editor wiil collect news from. university wbere she is a member of A ndrso Wil Diect scribes andc forward it to the area Alpha Omicron Pi sorority. Mr. Handicraft for G'ouncil office in time for publication in vani-1 Whiteweii alsn attende'd Nr*-hw..tê by DM. josepn's Roman, Catnolic /J" 1iSilanic avenue, Wilinette, to 785 A treasure bunt, a bean supper and church, will represent the North Wiliow road, Winnetka. The P. F. a camp fire program featured. the Shore Area council in the sectional Keilers have' purchased their home. meeting enjoyed by more than sixty- first aid meet at the new Cleveland -- five anembers of the Paul Bunyan school, Niles' Center, this Saturday Mrs. John Fitzgerald, 711 Cunming& club at the Caban in the Woods. on afternoon. The winner of the meet avenue, Kçbilworth,,is home again after Saturday afternoon and. evening, wiil compete Friday, March 23, at the an, operation at the Franklin Boulevard March 10. University ofý Chicago. . hospital.

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