Mrs. Otto Geppert,1 music chair- ruie, have the entire daiy. A sI<ele-, man, is arranging a short musical ton staf will be on baud, however, prograi and Mlrs. John P.' Hoesîl,. s- to handie necessary business. cial chairman, with the assistance of The, ie-day week for office em-' her comniiittee. wilI make the social ployes was authorized by the manage- hour an attractive part. of, the pro- ment of the company in response tô gramn. requests presented by the erperesent- Mfrs. Lowell D. Snorf, president of ativesof employée groups in the Clii- the association, bas recentiv returned cago, Detroit, St. Louis., and Quincv froin the South'and.will presidt. offices. The new schedule represents onlv A board meeting will be lie( Il-& a re-arrangément of working houtrsý thé P, 'r.A. eo*om of the Kiiiuergar.- as office employes concerned m-ere al- ten buildinig Tuesday. IMarcli 20. at ready working the forty-bour week 12:45 o'clock. It is imiportait. that prescribed by the, cil. code.- ail be prompt.. Directors 'of the company arc of. the opinion that general adoption ini Mrs. M. C. Rosseno of> 718 Ninth industry and trade of a five-day street. reienitlr gave a tea for n!oth- week schedule for office emfplov,,ées ers; IfrS. Julian and iss Scott.1 will aid'recover%. teachers, cif the sixth grade. :WiII Present Drama, The final of the second seinester's iT eM nofG lle dancing program. is being made, int o "T eM no aic a gala event lw the chairman, Mrs. Thie MIan of Galile." a sacred Paul Lang and ber committee. Thisdri-a i n three acts - wil1 be presente(l wiI be held at the Woinî's clb this bv Frederic Hagen with a cast of Friday. It wiIt be a betiti-ful part vprfe'sional play'ers Sund~ay eveni1ng. and guests tnay be inivited b)N calling M Pr1archý 18, at 7:30 o'clock at the Sec- the conmmttee. ond Presbyterian church of Evanston,. Hininan avenue and Main street.ý Hom, interested are vo iin the This draina, written by Joséphine radio prograins? Are youi answering, Fairchild bas been given, with great, any of the inquiries put out as to the success in many churches in the Chi- kinds of programis to which both cago area recentlv. There will be no, yourself and %-our child listen-? Thle admission charge. A free Nvill offer- pulic inust determine that which i5 iflg will be received. most desired. Your co-cperation is __ needed. The flrst Thirsday in April at 1:30. 'clock., and the first Friclay in April at 10 O'CIOCk will mark the' final lec- tures bv Dr. Katharine Wright ini thej Central school before the Sttd%- classes.. Better put the date iii yonr calendar. Mr.Geôrge -Quinilanl. -chairinian, icitertaiiied lie'r at.lunchieon anid bridge li Tuesdayv, Marc >13. SprograiR. The mothers and fat.hers of chil. dren in the. varions roomis again showcd their great interest in school %velfare by chaperoning and enter- taining after the sleigh rides bv the several rooms. The niovie chairman and the par- ents %visli to express. deep gratitude for the effort put forth by our movie, mnt to bring good pictulres for show- .ing, locally, esýpecia1Ilv on holidays.àand *week-ends. W~e do deplore places in or near us which tend -te degrade cildren or groivnups. t Thje firsi match ii 1'Pid h in q-Ptoîîc.r-hililit<,î t»be id.tnM crz. JIarc) , *ai 8:30 o'iclac(k in flhe Iliiiinelka ilj te bm ple, 708 lm stre'. Il iiikinnl, 1will fiind IilgaCoî,dy of Il'iliietti, (iriihi'., Minois sta/c ifl/' chamPijn, Pi/teil ainsl Robert ka/dille -of has/n orOh shore'chanjî- pio. » oIwi;<bs a/m >oî<vof Il 'neia<le fty. semi-inalis i iii flic Il'estgcru iiiipioiisliip toirinaîni epi, ziîlengage kojwbî' i-MKiiley fviiii fou snyesand doubles champion. hvg- Te tilts, will he the hest tqont. flthee bTe winners %%ill tiien play a thiree out (f five gamne matchl to <le"er- mine the winncr ni the exhibitioni event. A three nt of five doubles miatc'h, %vifb Condy and' Prouty arrayed against Ratcliffeand lMcKiniev, vil çomplùice the exhihition. STUNT NIGHT AT MART Stunts of niany kinds i li make jovous the opening nlighit at the an- nutal spring mart of the. W'oinanls Club of .ýIVilmette Wednesday. About ten acts.with music, botb instrumiental an(1 vocal, dancing, a cornic skUt, reading, and an acrobatie stunt wvill be included. in amateur night. Sehool Proees foi ths II )1e.. gi l'uoniN.tlh.westerti Proeed-frm tisstelarPin-PO19universitv, and adults are participat- evenit %vill go t() the Protestant \\ôî)nen's ing. Servic clu of Chiicagfe. an, organiza/;-, tion approve(l by the Chlicago) Associa- tionJ fCmmreThsluhs Jane Lundalil of 224 Raleighi r, a*I -Car ti*eit%-five dpendnt .henili %lod th. ho, attends \Vellesh'v car tent-fve epndet blîre wlr'will net retnirn hoie fo-r lier sprîii arc ~aitaied i pîvae hmes tlu~vacation but ivill take the colle-ge tour givîng tliem a normal home life. t emd.Ifrbohr elet who attends \Vlliaiis, returns the hOU BAE SLE r.,t week ini April. The fifth diiion o-f the Wiit. O-t F' 0 . Friday and Saturday, Only Floor On Davis'1 AINSTON Wilmetfe I100 Greei i