in G Mînor by Schuber t, Sonat ain A landi. by Pizzetti, and a Sonata in G Major,1 The radio artists, Miss Verna Fink opus 30, No. 3 by Beethoven. The and W"allet Bowerman, gave two num- Schubert Sonatina was the least inter- bers, accompantied by Mrs. Alice Fink. esting toI me. lUs melodies lacked the Out own trio, comprised of Mrs. C. B. swvetness and originality of most of bis Ccrn r. .H et nd Mrs. work. The Sonatina had four m0vé* Orville Jones, accomipanied by Mrs. ments, the first vaguely reminiscent of V. E. I-endrickson, s ang several -selec- one of the. Impromptus. The Allegro ions. Moderato, gay and hiimorous of, the folk-song type, brought -the work to an Th wasndmn omtees e 'Pzet' a oet itst workiingdiligently with its arrange- The îzzttî~va mor tofll tate.ments for the buffet dinner to be given Here the artists showed to much greater St. Pàtrick's day,. March 17, at. 6:30 advantage, with. their variety of tonle'ock i* the Wilmette Masonic-temple. adperfection of ensemble. The firt.I andTemestso wrttei n was originally planned to have the moveentdinnlerý at St. Augustine's Club house1 trange eerie harmonies, lhad a pathetic btte ubrofrsrvtoshas1 wandering melody carried by the violin ncsiae agrqatrtecm against a turbulent. ever restless accom- miittee states. pantimenit in the piano. The second part, Prayer for the, Innocent, brought a Followitig diinner bridge and ailagranis chanlge to simpler harmony, and a more silbs)ae. r.'omi .Deo poignant theme. The Soniata concluded chairman, will be the hostes. with aý delîghtfully gay and whirnsicat movemnent. appropriately tinmd Vivo e ahbove all deeply expressive witliout be- Fresco. îîg lheavyN. After heartY applause the tw(> artists The conce rt carne to. a delightful con- returned, to play, the. Beethoven Sontata. clusion with the slow mnovement from Here at, last wvas what 'I had corne to iantiter of Beethoven's Sonatas in~ G, hear: perfec t rhythmic accord. smnooth opus 96. During one of the pauses cards and beautiful mixture 'of, tone. and a for resubscriptions were passed out. If sense of suret ess and miastery iii hoth next vear's concerts are nearly as good the artists' plaving. 'l'is Sonata is as the four that have just finishied, no Beethoven at is best; serene, gay, and )ne cati afford to miss them. it won't twist-lt bas 4 bias gores it's pure dye 811k it fits beau- ul it hals a shadowepnel, if's 47" hm ength., SiZ es3 to 44 only 2 I f QUALITY LAUNDRY AND DRY CLBANING CALLý HOWARD s6~4 o9au~*~¶~.a £W#tlm rý-ï£à'